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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

She looked up at her and wiped her tears away. "My....my name...." This was shocking. No one had asked her name before. "It....it's Kaitlynn Myers" She said, her voice quiet. It felt weird saying her name aloud.

"Um....well....honestly I don't know I know our time player likes to sleep and hates doing anything really and our light player is way too obsessed with himself I didn't really get to know them because....well....they didn't respect Francisca and Melissa saying they weren't real" She said with a sad frown. She sounded pathetic, she knew that, but it was the truth. "And Fox doesn't like talking about his weaknesses around us because I'm pretty sure he didn't trust us either" She added, flinching as Melissa and Francisca yelled at her to stop. They didn't know if this would get her in trouble or not, but she didn't think so.

"Thank you miss....I'm sorry I don't know your name But thank you" She said with a smile before turning to Hummingbird. "Hey I know you can't remember me but I need you to talk some sense into Fox He won't listen to us and he's demanding you come back I need you to tell him that you don't want part in our operation anymore so that he won't chase after you anymore You could stay here with these incredibly nice people who are sure to take better care of you instead of being trapped under him" She said with a worried and panicked expression. She kept winding their threads, though. She needed this to work.

@electroShogun @MoltenLightning
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Fox: ...

You listen to Wolf's conversation. Was she just lying to gain the troll's favor? Or did she actually mean what she said? Either way, she'll play her part. Even if you have to do it yourself.
Sophie: Respond

"I... I don't know... I'm so confused right now. I really want to trust you, but... None of what you just said makes sense! I can't just go around trusting random people. Even if I feel like I know you... Somehow."

You look incredibly distraught. Something was hinting that you knew this girl, but it was almost as if you didn't want to remember. But that was only a small sensation, so you tried ignoring it.

Aura: Stay

You stay next to Ken, vowing to never leave his side again.
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"Yeah....you do know me.....we didn't exactly get along......but I need you to help me He's gone mad.....madder than usual He's trying to kill all of us and I don't know why" She said, her eyes showing her fear. She kept winding their threads together as she talked. This couldn't take much longer.

"Mad? Who's going mad?"

You were becoming quite concerned. You weren't sure whether it was for the girl, or for this growing suspicion in your gut. Something was up, and you really didn't think you wanted to know WHAT.
Chelon: Distrust

You couldn't help but notice the lack of members around the base. It just seems to be Morty and you. You hear him give out commands, but you ignore them. Doesn't seem to matter, given that he takes it back, but you still don't acknowledge the order. You've been questioning a few things, mostly loyalty. You feel that there's a lack of it, in your group or what's left of it. From where it stems from is obvious, but you question when your gonna be smacked with some of it.
Chelon: Converse

Your most dubious leader has started conversation with you. Grudgingly, you speak to him.

Chelon: Yeah, Iiii think that would have been mo' effective, two members ago. Four, iiiif this current assault goes south.

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"Listen... I know things aren't going well right now. But, let's be honest. None of them were especially helpful. I mean, Wolf was never really on board with this in the first place, Iguana and Bird just caused problems for us, and Vulture... never did anything."

"The one who has claimed himself our leader Says Melissa He only got that position because he controls everyone's luck Says Francisca And now he's sending us on suicide missions Like sending me back here to get you to.....to convince you to come back I....I don't want you to come back It's safer here than it is there but.....he won't listen to me.....to anyone And I.....I'm afraid....." Kaitlynn began crying, no longer to hold them back. She really was afraid of Fox. Afraid of what would happen if he ever found she wasn't useful. Would he just get rid of her? Or send her on yet another suicide mission? She didn't know, but she wanted to stay on his good side as long as it seemed like he would win. It was all she could do to survive. "He can be certain that we all die if we don't listen to what he says I....I don't want to die....And I hate being unable to do anything while he wears his god tier outfit" She added, looking down with her eyes closed and her fists clenched.



Amanda looked around a few more times before nodding. "I guess that would be best. I mean, no one else seemed to have reported seeing her, so.....I guess that mean she either left or something.....though something about that feels wrong." She says, looking at him with a frown.

Chelon: Truuuue, but they stiiiill were out mates and I find it hard to have a "society" with only two mates.

Chelon: Get defensive

Your tone changes, become more slightly hostile in a somewhat gloomy way. You're not sure if there's even a word for that.

Chelon: ...Uuuunless that's what ya want.

Chelon: Rise

You slowly get up from your seat.

Amanda landed next to him before continuing to look around. She still felt uneasy.....and that terrified her. She kept her shaking hands hidden as she listened to them. No one else had seen her either. This could be bad.....and she didn't like not knowing what was going on. It truly terrified her. "She has to be here somewhere though, right? Or else the rest of them would have come back by now."

"You are correct..."

"Then, where could she be?"

"Who's not here?"

"Gamzee, Vriska, and Terezi are still out."

"Any of them might have found her."

"We should split up and find them. Amanda, Eridan, Sollux, come with me to find Terezi. Everyone else, split up on your own to find the other two."

Amanda nodded and looked at them. Where could they be? If she remembered correctly, Terezi got partners with Sophie....oh no. "Uh....if what I think is right, we had better find her fast....." She said with a scowl as she started to fly up. That girl couldn't possibly have been after her, could she?

Chelon: Amuse

Chelon: Yeeeeah, probably, but how long will it be till "The two of us" becomes one of us? By the cuuuurrent rate of how you've been actively sending our teammates to da slaughterhouse, I don't assume that it'd take long. Whaaaat'd you say, a couple minutes from now?

Chelon: Be the other guy...

...You are now the other guy.

Kapalesprite^2: Examine

You've been just chilling in the corner of Chelon's bedroom, examining some of his preserved pets. You found it entertaining, even though you wish that you'd just stop examining things. However, something has changed. You feel the mood has shifted in some way.

Kapalesprite^2: Explore

You head out of Chelon's bedroom an towards the meeting room. You quietly enter, making sure that you aren't seen (Which is odd cause he's a living Green-&-Tan light show), to see that some shenanigans have ensued...You take this moment and examine what's going on. It doesn't take you long to figure out that there's been a termination of teammates and that Chelon felt threaten by this realization.
"Damn it, Chelon, don't do this! I wouldn't send anyone to their deaths on purpose! These players are just too powerful for them to handle! But the two of us... We're so much better than them. We can destroy them."


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