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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Nothing I couldn't handle. Faced it with a grin. Anyways, no affection before the Horrorterrors. Urk- Gotta go. Chryom is taking over again..."

Chryom : Take Over

You repossess Afrien and give Shadow a reassuring pat on the shoulder, before pulling away.

Charlotte: Cry

You choke back tears. Ellie looks at you sympatheitcally, then looks out the window and screams.


"We have to get out of here, Char!"

"What? Why?!"

"There's no time! RUN!"

You and Ellie run out the back door, and you get a glimpse of what she saw: a meteor bearing do on you. As you run, Ellie trips. You stop and turn around.


"Forget about me! RUN!"



Hesitantly, you continue running. You look back just in time to see the meteor strike, sealing Ellie's fate. The shockwave lifts you off of your feet, sending you flying into the air. You cover your eyes and await your landing...


...but you don't land. You open your eyes and look around. You're back in the Furthest Ring. You spot Duke and fly over to him.

"Duke! You're okay!"

Theo awoke in a cage, she instantly got up and looked around. There was lava below her, eh burning to death ain't that bad. In fact it was preferred rather than freezing to death. Theo suddenly heard someone yell her name "THEO, HELP! " It was aura, theo looked over to where aura and the rest of the gang was suspended over the lava being slowly lowered down. "D*MN IT, I CANT DO ANYTHING!" she yelled "THAT'S NOT THE POINT JUST SAVE US!" ken yelled. Theo begun trying to pry the bars open, with how small the bars were they were extremely resilient. ' D*MN IT D*MN IT D*MN IT, WHAT DO I DO!!!' she stressed to herself, she was stuck in here and her friends were gonna die! Probably her after as well! 'ok, breathe, calm' she though eyes beginning to fill with tears, what could she do? She quickly surveyed the cage and noticed a place where the bars slightly duplicated, the sign of a hidden door! She tried to pry open the door pulling and pushing like a madman, but to no avail.

Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to poke her head through the bars, she saw what resembled a tiny key hole. "
THEO IF YOU DON'T FUCKING SAVE US I'M GOING TO HAUNT YOUR ASS!" Afrien yelled "I'M WORKING ON IT YOU *SSHOLE!" she pulled a bobby pin out of her hair, although she didn't like to even BRUSH her hair on a regular basis she always kept bobby pins in case soda theifing went wrong and she got locked out of the house. She quickly picked the lock and escaped the cage, flying fast toward the others she had almost reached them. She closed her eyes expecting to glomp the entire group, instead she opened her eyes and saw the others, alive and well. her vision clouded as her eyes welled up with tears, 'helplessness' she thought 'the greatest fear I can overcome'
Aura: Imagine

You try to imagine a world with peace, where you were a god. It... Doesn't work. But it's a nice thought.

Aura: Imagine something else

You imagine... Something else. A fear you have before you beat the game. Something you're afraid you'll do...




You picture the Skaia battlefield with its large expanse of chess ground. In front of you, however, is a massacre. Bodies lie all around, all killed in different ways. And a figure stood over them all. Smiling. The silhouette vibrated as if laugh, though no sound came out. It was smearing some of the blood on their face. Ken's blood. Their gaze crept to you, and you were so stuck in fear you didn't really understand what it was...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5bbeee3e_AuraStandingGodTierFEAR.png.d4c5bc23bb559c147023a0ccab694840.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5bbeee3e_AuraStandingGodTierFEAR.png.d4c5bc23bb559c147023a0ccab694840.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

You took a step back. Then another. They continued staring at you...


You accidentally shouted this out loud.



  • Aura Standing God Tier FEAR.png
    Aura Standing God Tier FEAR.png
    24.6 KB · Views: 14
Aura: Be fine


"Just... A day d-dream..."

You probably looked mentally scarred, as you couldn't stop from shaking and your breathing was quickening. You couldn't face that fear. It was too much, seeing everyone around dead... Then that.... That THING just kept staring and smiling at you... And worse yet, you knew that thing was YOU. Killing everyone, because of your anger. In specific, you were afraid that was telling of the future...
You wish you could show him what you saw, but that would only increase his worries and fear. Instead, you ask him something.

"What are you... Afraid of Ken?"

You think for a moment.

"Well, I'm afraid of bees. Always have been. But... Ever since I met everyone, I've been afraid... of losing them. Especially you, Aura."

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Y̱͉̻̣̗̼̟̼͓̼͞͠Ǫ̴̻͕̺̖̝̝̜̦̳͔̥͉͢͡ͅͅͅƯ̧͈̺͉̘̰͎̯̮̥̹̟͙̤̩͔͙͓̕͘͢ ҉̰̥̰̝̙̠͈̦̻̯̙͚̥̮̝̻̳H͝͏̻̻̥̫̗̝̖͖̫͓̲͉̜͚̲͍͇̬̭A̷̷̖̙͍̳͍͚̜̹͓̩͇͎̦ͅͅV̶̧҉̲̳̮̻̲̟̮͍͚͓̦̲̳͕̜̝͘͢ͅͅE̵̛͙̯̩̜̯̬̤̣͖̻̖̩͟ ̴̝̳̟̞̞̫͎̖͚̺̪̹̙͘Ą̴̺̱̣̺̘̖̳͈̪̣̣̘̼͠͠͝L̴͠҉̺̮̺̝̭̭͎̥̟͍͖̝̭̟̝̪͚͉̺́Ļ̷̵̣̹̬̠̲̩̳̯̜̟̙̣͢͠ ̨͜͜҉̘̳̻͎̯̯̹̙̫̮̜̲̤̺͍̩ͅͅC̢̳͙͚͖̪͕̘̘̹͍̩͈̗̀͢͠͡ͅͅO̼̬̥̲̟̘͔̫̖̦̟̦̗̟̠͜͡M̶̻̹͖̻̕Ṕ̵̢̤̣̯͔̪͔̝̟͙͉̣̀͞Ḽ̡̛̮̙̭̣͚̜̖͓̘͎̪̻̖̤͚͝E̷̕͜͟҉͇͔̦̞͉͓T̶͈̠͕͍̥̻̝͓͚̼̦̗͕̹͕̘͘ͅȨ̕͏̛͚̹͎̼̣͙̤͓͉̘̯̣̠̣D͏͏͏̸͈͙͕̜̼̱̖̻̺̥̕ͅ ̵͔̲̥̞̼̝̳̭̹̩̭͚͢͞ͅY̴̨̗̟̱͍̦͚͕͖̩͇͚̣͘͝Ó̡͕͎̳̞̦̩̫̣͖͘ͅU̷̫̲͕̝̝͖͔̳͙̥̣͕̣Ŗ̷̥̫̟͙̣̞̥̥͙̳̞̀͢ͅ ͏̗͓̺̲̼̼̟̖͓̳̀͟͞͞Ț̵̰̠̯̯̱͞R̸͔̦͚̣̦̺̱̕͟͝͠I̡͙͉̙̭͈͘A̸̲̦͍͚̱͠Ļ̶̴̶̟͙̺̥ͅS̴̶͚̲̳ͅͅ.̼̰̹͉͚͕́͡ ̷͙͓͖̞̜N̨͝҉̣͚̪̮͎̞͇̟̗̪̹O̡̧̼͓̻̙̮̗̩̦̺̖͖̻̮̘̲͇̕W̕͞͠҉̞̩̳̜̩̙͉̥͚̹͈̀,҉͕̖̠̞́́́ ̷͏̢̯͚̹̟̮̣͕͓̟̭̩̰̪̝̦̻͜ͅI̧͕̞̜̲̫͈͠ ̶̪̼̠͉̬͜W̷̨̲̰͍̤̜͇̹̮̥̪̠͉̖̺̝͜͞ͅͅI̧͉̳̺̺̠̫̟͓Ḽ̷̲͎͈͔̞̫͖̞̬̳̻̥̮̦͔͡͞L̸̡̯̙̗͈̟̲̝̩͙̘͖͚͕͙̘̹̟͠ ̷̀͞҉̞̠̜̰J͟͏͙̲̳̺̹̗̼̖̹̣͎̟͕̕͜͡Ư̠̠͎̦̮̲̙̙̯̣̮͚̙̲̫Ḑ̷̧̛̹͉̮̬̦͕̫̲̳͔̖G̸̫̣͕͉͇͍̮̼̲̜͔͈̻͈̭͖̲̫̮͡È̸̛̱̜̲͓̣̳̝͈̪̭̬̬͍͚ͅ ̡̘̹͎̞̘͍̭͢Y̵̨̲̘͈̰̝̼̗̬̠͝͠Ó҉̴̯̳̫͕̖̥̳̦̗̯̺̪̺̼͈̘̀ͅU̷̬̖̞̼̱͢͝.̵͉͔̠̮̤̖̼͔̙̙̖̱͚̫̲̺͟ͅ

@Nawmoo @Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami

You wait for the Lord of the Outer Gods to decide if you're up to snuff for the treasure. You are not sure that he would really decide on, but he hoped that he was pleased enough with your guy's results to the point where he would gladly give the thumbs up. Well I guess in this case it would be the tentacles up or something.
A̵̗͍͉͞F͔̥͕̘͖̗̀R̪̫͕̩̟̯̲͜͜ͅI҉̲͈̭̭̯̱̤́̕E̝̳͉̥͘N͟͏̞͎̪ ̨͔̟̞̘ͅA̮̞̦͇̝̘̺͠͡R͚A̵̖͚̬̘̟E͏͙̯͚͢U̴̪͇͕̠̝͡S̨͔͖͇͈ ̷̖̼͜F̴̛̤̜͚̘̯́A̶̛̞̻̜̣̮̥͓̼̘͟C̷̷̛̙̪͔E̛͠҉͓̖̪̺D҉҉̟̰̰̘͚̤ ̠̻̖̞̺Ṭ̼̞͎́͢͢Ò͓̙̤͝ͅR̫̦̕T͕̣̩̖̙U̶̡̩͔̹̬R̡̛̝̼̘͘É͙͚̙͉ ̸̬̭͓̥̙̪̬̀W̡͇̜͖͢I̡͓̗̟̝͍̮̤̠̜T͎͡H̷̛̫̮̮͉̟̖̭̣͙ ̵̮̪̲͡D̢̖̝̮̱́̕I̴͚͙G͜͡҉̖͔̙̼͇̲͉Ń̖̘͉̗͇̥̼̮I̝͇̼͖̭̦͞Ṭ̛̙͈͉ͅY̟̝̥̯͚̘͘.͖͈ ̨͚̞̬̲T͉͓̫̦̝͎̼̥H̡̛͍̩͈̘̞̪̱͇͝Ȩ̶͔̟̗̟̜̖̭ ̸̮̦̟͕́̕S̢҉͍̞̳̜̦Ơ̡̢̘̰̩̣̗̗Ṳ̢̨̦͚͖̯̭̬̪͓L̞̞̲̜̼̮̙͔ ̢̦̗̮̭̱̣̘Ṭ̵̩̕ͅH͕͖̠̙͉̤̼̳͟͝Á͖̝͍̫ͅT̷͓̼ ̰̥͕̯̜̳͝R̹͖͚̫̬È̷͉̥S̶̢̨͍̥̣̙I̴̡̜D͇̳̀E͔͕̫͈̙̜͞͞ͅS͏҉͙̫̦͞ ̧̱͍̻̥̝̤̺͈́W̱̫̮͠ͅI̧̗͚̮T̤͍͙̤H̼̠̳͠I̮͚͢͠ͅN̷̢͇͔̼͙͈̻ ̷̛҉̬͕H̸͙̼̺̼̬̖̠̕Ḭ̷̱͕̜̱̮͓̜ͅS͈̥̪͍̫̮ͅ,̙͎̕͠ ̶̩̲̘̳̤̖̗ͅ

C̢̯̻̮̠͇̗̘͎H̶̪̗́Ŕ̲͖͎̼͖͖́Y̷̢͖̟̺̱͝ͅǪ̙͉̲̣͚Ḿ̵̱̮͡ ̢̱͇͡A̧̻͢R̛̘̙͔̜̼͇̳A͏̢̜̖̭̞̰̭͈͢ͅĘ̞̝̟͓͇̗̲̭͈͢͠Ų͎̝͚̤̳͇S̛̜͎͓͈͚̀͟,̨͇͚͚̼̳̥͚̻̕ͅ ̣̦̫̝͔L̢̝̜̞̬͚̯̪̮͟I͏̨̻K̼͉͎̀͡E̷̼̙̟̙̩̺W҉͍͈͇̖͡I̷̸͏͖S͏̵͎̖͍̞̙̤̟͝Ȩ̵̦͉̺̣͖̤͍̻͟ ̹̺͍͔̯͞F̵̢̮͚A̡̪̣̱̳̙͎̺͇ͅC̶̵̹̳̭̠̟͎ͅE̥̠̥̳̥͞D͏͇̤͚͕͕̟̩͈̲͘ ҉͙B̷̡̫E̴̞͖͙̝̖͇͜T̶̨̛͔̳̙̖̲̱̭̗Ŗ̸̣̰A̸̻̺̘͚̖̼͘͢Y͙͎͖̞̥̹̙̦A͕̘̬̻̟̘͎̫̕L̶̛͉̝̹ ̀҉̲̯̩͎͖A͚Ń̬͕̦͘D͉̹ ̧̬́Ę̳̼̼͙͙X̞̭̥̜͝E̸̹͉̟̞̟̼͙C҉̜̠͔U̫̩̮̱̰T҉̤͎͕I̯̜̙͍̜͟O̭̱̗̱̥͚͟N̲̝̯̖͙͔̘͝ ̨̗͙͇̦̞̫̘W̵̹̜̮͇͞I̴̢͚͔͕̰̳͔̺Ṯ̲H̸̹̠̩̩̱͓̻ͅ ͡҉̯̺̜̼̰̫S̵̢̖͕͖̬̗̜͠I̗͚̤M͖͍͉̻̼̖̯̝͠I̳̰͇̙͎̣̙͎Ļ҉̫̜A̵͈͜R̘̦ ̛͍́DIGNITY.

@Nawmoo @Midnight Phantom
W͇̟̪͚̤̱͇͖͝ͅI͙͉̙͓̮͎T͇̞͖͍͈̕H̸̷͇͈͎̱͔̗̩͖̲̀ ̻̗͉̮̘̭̪T̸͖̙́͞H̜̞͟Ę̵̗͖̫͖͈̰͠ ̙A̢̧̻̼̫̹̱̥ͅS̺̝͇͈̝Ṣ̴͇̤́͘I̡͓̩̺̱͞S͏͚̠T҉̴͇͙͎̬A̳̝̥͍Ṇ̸̵̨̟͉͚̞C̢̫̥͓̖̕͘E̪̞ ̭̖̣̜͓̖̪͎̣O҉͎͍̤͖F͟҉͚̞̮̪͇̙̖ ̣̯̳̱̰͍̞͍͝Ạ̮̥̯̟̟̲͈̝͠͝N͏̙͚̝̣͇̹ ̭͎̱͓̲̕A̝͍̰̣̘̙L̼͎̰͖̥̘͞L̴̞̻̬͚͟͞Y̡̺̩͍̤̲̠̱,̴̖̭̣͝͝ ̛̦̳̙̜̭͈̳̦S̹͟H͍̦͎͇̺̣̰͢͝͡A̖͙̞͡D̶̙̲͉̙̝̦͢O̦̙̺̝̠̦͕ͅW̴҉̜͙ ̛̪̘̬M̺̤̝̟̯A̸͎L̥̹͖̬̕R̠͈̖̜̝͖I̝̙̦̪̯̦ͅA̟̥͖̞̹̩̖̜͟ ̷̼̲͎̠͙C̴̢̻̬̹̳̦͞O̶̢̻Ǹ̵̪̪̹Q̷̶̨͓͔̪̹̮̥U̴͚̘͕͍E͙͝R̲̗͔ͅḚ͇̘̫̕͘D̵̮̥̱̦͔͞ͅ ̦́H̶̻͎̻E҉̮R̨̭̤̮̱ ̭͔̝̦͘F͈̞̠̳̘̪̠͘͞ͅȨ̵̙͙͔͖̠̫͘A̶̢͉͉̙͕͡R̴̘̮̱͠ ̳̹͇͇̝̳̝͜͠O҉̨̹̻̣̥F҉̢̳̙̝̮͇̦ ̭̰̳͓̝͢B͢͢͞ͅE̹Í̼̘̰̺̲̬̞̗͜N̼̤̱̳͔̘̘͜͞G̸̨̟͠ ̳̠̱͖̥̯͈͜͜W̱̠͚Ó̴̟̠̻͙͘R͡҉̗̠͈̠̩̪̼̠̺T̘̹͔̩͕̕ͅH̢̟͍̳̠͉̘͝L̦̗̱͍Ȩ̴͓̹̘̀Ş̷͍̯̲̲̮̱͢S̨̳̞̣͞͞.̭͕̟́


T̨̢̰̗̱̟̼̞Ḫ̨̜͎̭Ȩ̷̵̺̬̝̹͍̰Ó͏̧̣̗̝͉̱̲ ̪͙F͍̩̪̹̱͙̭O͔̦X͈͟L͍̩̭̟̻̕Y̴̺͉̞̟̕̕N҉̘̦ ̠̹̹͎̯͎͕͙̀͝R̬̠͙͍E͖M͖̤͙͠Ą̣̳̗̗̺͕̹͢ͅI̩̣̳̯̳͈ͅN͏̛̟̣͍͕̮̱E̫͝D҉̼̘͎̯͞ ̷̨̻͈̻̣͜R̯̯̹̱͔É̵̹̣̮S̶̪̗̥͘O̶̙̖̫͉͙͎U̫̪̰͎͜Ŕ̴̢̰C̶̮̙͕̫̪̳͜ͅE̛̟̠͙͕̯̳̣̠F̕҉̰͇͕̞̘͠U̖̟̩̮̫͈̦͈͟ͅL̴͖̟̥̞̬͈͖̀́ͅ ̵̧̯̭͉̩̳̠̫͚͖͞I͖̗̗͘͝ͅN̟̻̰ ̴̫̻͓̲̜̞̰͡͠ͅṬ͍̣̦̱̗H̙͓̝̰͞È̶̩̠̬̩̣̰͈͍͝ ̨̪͎̭͓͡F͉̙̥͖ͅĄ̜̠̲̹͠C̶̨̻͔͞E̘̥̣͇̮͕͠ ̦̩͍̭͖̤̞̱͙͢O͎̞̲̬F̧̝̖̱̙̣ ̡̭̬̟̮͍͓̫͘͞H̨̠͎̮̥̦E̷̪̯͎̘̠̱̙Ĺ̥͔̬̝͠P̶͙̻̥̼̰L̰̜̼̭̣̲͚̼̀E̙̱͝S͍̹̲̱̘̟̙̞͟S̭̪̳̲̀͞N͎͓̗͝ͅE̴̮̕S͏̸̨̤̠͍͎͈̞̳̟̯S̩̭͚̭.͈

@Kurai Okami

C͎̝Ḩ̣͓̲̣̼̬̞A̹̠͇͈͙̭̘R͎̝̳͔̥̯͙͝Ḽ̰͠O͏͚̲͢T̴͘͏̼̜̹̞̩͉̬͈̻Ṯ͇͍͔͡E͖̮͠ ̡̜̳͉Ṱ͍H͏͈̭̲̙͇͖͟O͉͍̹̖̮̭͖̯͝M̶͕̝̪͉̺P̵͏͓̱͚̞̲̦S̶̢̖̕O̷̮̩͈̖̼N̢̫̝͉̤̣͈ͅͅ ͢҉̗̼W҉̻̖̜̜͍̱̳̥̟I̢̬͕͈̝͜͜T̛͓̘̳̗̝̬̻͘ͅṆ̣̞̦͉͙̹̫ͅE͝͏͇̙Ś̞̩̺͉͓̜̗͢͝S͓͓̯̯̲͇͍E̸͖̺͖͓̦̫͓̹D҉̫͈ ̵̖̻̀T͚̘͝H̶̡͔̳E̶̛̞͙̪̤̕ ̪̤̰͍̱͚̥͖̮͘D̸̵̟̮̞͠E҉̪̙̞͉̼̝̤͙Ą̲̼̞̣̻͕͕̲T̨̧͏̻̗ͅH͕̹̱̼͎͓̘͍͘͘ ̶͖̞̗̀O͘͏͍̱͍F҉̪͈̫̩̖̟̮͢ ̡̠̼̺͎̦̟͔̜͈͢͞H̬͔͍E̴͉R̢̹̩̤ ̡͔̦̳̥͞C̹̙̼͍̺L̻͉̲̟̥̞͝O̧͖̮̗̩̝̖̙S̼E̺͕̭̰̰̳̤S̸̳͇͉͚͇̀Ṯ̬͕͙͓ ̹̖͇̖F͏̙̪͖̣̺̙̬̙R̢̫͇I͏҉̶̪̭̹E̷̸̟̹Ņ̜̻̼̮̺̯͡D̻͍̥͖͚.̘̳̞͉̲̙̫͖͔.̼͚̹͢.̴̨̮̱̯͍̞͔ ̛̱̗̘̟̖̭B͞͠͏͉̳U͏͉̻͖̝̫͡T̛̬͕̞̩̬̥̫̞́ ͕͈͚̱̺͉̜R͕͓̞̙̘̰͇̮͠Ẹ̙̥͘F̢̦̘Ų͖̲̳̭͓͝S̮̼͞E͏͇̙͍̣̞̥̩D̷͖͖ ̵̣̮͕̳̣ͅͅṬ̶̸̳̗́O̳͇̮̬̫̜̘̹ ̴̢̪̺͕̬̗͍̤͓̝G̢̣̝̲̬̼̺͝Ì̫͈͕͇̘̙̹̼̕͜V͎͔ͅE̸̠̩̗̰͟ ҉̫̹͚̩̳̣̹I̪̺͡Ņ̣̫̲̮̭̳͟ͅ ̭̙̯̝T̹̖̩̼̠̤̫̣͘͜Ọ̶͢͜ͅ ͈̞̹͉̣̠̣͠ͅḌ̷̢̛͉̳͕̪E̷̻̞͔̺̞̠̖̼̭Ş̛̞̪͚̳͖P̛̻̙͚̜̣͎̗͓͠A̲̥̼̱̙͎͟I̻͕̘̺R̷̰̪̜̬͚͉̳̭͡.̶̧̤̙̟̦͘

A̡҉̣̣̠͖̣N̴͎̯͢D́͏̮͍̥̕ ̙̙̞̖̱͎͢D̵̢̺̟̞̫̠̻U̴̫K̵̹̦̗̲̘͔É̛͓ ̢͙̤̳̣͈̕S̴̲͇̬͈͚̱̙̹̕Ò̶͓̙͍̗͢L̸̀ͅO̺̝͢M̲ͅO̸̪̹͕N̨̲͇͔̻.̶̣̩̜͚͖͕͚.͍̗͍̦̰̱͠.̞͚̣ͅ


̶̢̺̖̱̥̙̱Ỳ͈̫͔͘O̸̢̡͖̲U̷̪̩͡͞ ̷̞̤̤͍̝Ṟ̯̺̜̕E̛͕͉̗̙̺͙͉̘͠F̲̩̝̫̣͎͇Ụ̵̜͈̪͔̙͓͇͝ͅS̶̞̞͕̠̣̼̞Ę̷̫͍̰͔͡D̢͖̻̙͎̻̹͖ ̡̮̤Ṯ̴͔̫̥͈͘Ơ̧͔͈͍̰ ̜͚̥̣͕̖̀͠ͅD҉̧̲̣͎̰̜̀W̶̨̟͇̹Ḛ͟͞L̶̯̪̳̤͡Ļ̛̩̠́ ̖̻͎͙̖͜O̰͜͝͝N̷̶̯̥̳̙̳̜̝ ̢̨͕̝T͉̱̩̠̻͎̠̕͜H̵̨̦̪̤͎̱ͅE̥̣̻͔͎̪͎̰̼͠ ̵̤͓͈̙̼̥͞ͅͅW̧̘͚̣̠̘̳͡H̢̛̻̣̞̩̱͇͡Á̷̘͈̙͕T̟̩͕͕̭͝-̡̛̭͖̲͈͜C̵͙͖͔̦͈̥̙̫̯O̫͔̻̼Ư͚̗͉̘͍̯̠͜͝L̴̛̹̗͇̹̼̳D͉͈̩̙̺̯͍̠͜͠ͅ-҉̡̥̥͖̹̕Ḩ̢̼̫̞Ą͖̤͎̘V̨̼́ͅE̸͎̣̻͈͔̗̺͢ͅ-͢͏̴̺͔B̳͚̯͈̟̳͇̲E͉̦͙̟̙̟͜͠E҉̛̮͎͔N̷̴̳͎̺̩̩͚,͏̫̲͍̬̭̯̹ ͢͏͈̳͓͇͔̦̣̗A̪͓͇̳͉͍̬̠N͍̺͍̮͚̹̪Ḑ̜̹ ̬̥̤̘̭̦͚͟R̴̥̜͢͜E̥̯̼M̡̘̯͕̥̲̜̞Ȩ҉̵̣͚͖̥̫͍M̙̰͝B͈͎̖̫͘Ḛ̝͙̱̭̭̥̀̀Ŕ͍̠́͟E̲͉D̤̱̖͠ ҉͔̭͔̮̟̟̟W̴̤̩͜͡H̴̲̼̥̜͓̝̘̀A̱͕̘̲͕͡͡ͅT҉̭ ̛̳͚̘̪͓̟̺̱́̀T̷͍͙̣̮R̩̩͎̦̫̫̺͝Ų͔͕̞̳͕̭̘͉L͖̞̦̰͓̺͝͝ͅY̲̩̥̼͈͜͠ ̶́҉̘̮͉̺̩̥O̟̼̦͇͔̭͕̪C̡͚͇͞ͅC̭̱̮̕͝U͉͇̻̯̤̘̤͘͜R̡̯̞̫̦̠̮R̦̘̹̲̳̲͖̰̼E͚̩͚̤̦̣̕͟ͅD̴̡̩͎̦́.̴̳̜͇̙͚͎ͅ

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Shadow flinched as he said what happened. She rubbed her arm and looked away. She was the only one who needed help....she sighed and looked back up at him. This was going to end really badly or really well....she hoped she hadn't screwed them over with her inability to face her own fears....

F̬̩O̩̬̝Ṛ̦̞̫̮ ҉̻̤͍̜̫͈̭M̵̯̳̥̕͠E̢̧̘R̢̧͎͖É̛̳̹̺͇̬͇̀ ̵͙͓̹̮̤̩̤̣͓M̢̖̹̥̱̘O͔̖̦͙̭̖̫̩͜ͅR͉̜̀T̢̟̤̫̺̗A̷͈͔͍̖L͔̭̫̮̼̣̱̞Ś̴̟̕,̳̱̬̼̘̣͜͟ ̷͉̤̦̣̀Y̧̱͕̻O̵̹͇̗̤͚͕̞̩U͏̩̜̝̱͈̤͖͡ ̮̻̀H̶̙́A̠͔̠̺̪͕̳̹V̗̕E̶͕̙ ̳̻͍͔͠E̸̝̲̟̻̗̫̥̰͟X̙̘̺̣̘͡C̩̟̳͍̪̗E҉҉̣̪̬P̨̫̳̗̞͈̣T̪͘I̤͎̮͘͞Ơ̰̮̰N͓̳͢͢͝A̰͘ͅL̜̙̦̜ ̳͚̯͍̪̖̣͚S͏҉͖̫͡T̢̖̰͎̗͍R̤͉̳̻̹̝͘͞͝E̩̝͕̯̦̜̱̳N҉̷̹̲̺̻̞̘̝̻G̮̘͙̱̱̼̘͜͢T̞͕̤̭̥H̵͉̬̭̮̰̠͖̮̕.̞͍̱̝͢ ̠̠̰̦Y̥O͏̘̙̮̀Ų̡͇̦͓̫̘͍̗̗R̨̛̛͖̱̺̮͓̪̳ ͓̱̹͔̰͟S̥̻̭͠Ṭ̣͘͢͡R̯̞͇E͞҉̰̠̙͈͈͓N̵͚̭̮͞G̞̩͕͇͈T͏͎̮̫̥͚͠H̵̷͉͉̫̤̝͔͞ ̷̷̫̳̣̬͜C̡͎̱̮̥̰͖̗͇̭͠O̵̪̥̦̤͖̻̻͝M̧̥̳̲̜͙̀E̕҉̛̱͚̤̗S̪̪͎͍̬͖͉̦͘ ̨̹͈̭̹̟͖̫͚F̷̨̳̼̝͎R̻̗̜̗̮̙ͅƠ͉̱͚͕M̨̝̜̦͔̱̗̟̯ ̴̶̦͞D̰̜̫͡I̛͚̭̬̭͠F̢̡͈̦͚̻͎́F̨̨҉͈̺͈̹̺͕E͚̼̩̠̲̳͘͢R̶͖͚͖̯̜̞̥͔E҉͙̠̝͡N̼͓̪̱̗͎̭̻͉̕T̸͉̥͔͙̯̲͈ ̛̬̪̖͕̠̯̯͚͝Ş͇͉̘͓̩͠O̗͜U̯̭̠̫͟Ŕ̙̱͈͜C͎̘̞͙͍̙̦̠͞ͅE̡͏̗̜̭͎͓̞͚̱͇S̶̱̣̥͙̱͢.͓͚̲̫͇̬͢ͅ ̙̩͚͉̀̕̕D̯͓̬͍͉͍̼͢͟E̬͈̝̥̰̼͞T͙̮͢Ȩ͍͔̲̩̼̰͔̘̀R̨̼͇͠M̘̻̭͓̮̜͙͘͜͡ͅͅI̸̸̭̱͚̪͕̘̕Ņ̛̭͉̠̗̫͇́A̢҉̘̞͎̻͎T̸̨̪͎͖̬̱͕̜I̙̪̫̻O̤͙͔͙̱͢N̟͕͟,̻͉̤̘͞ͅ ͟͏̪̪K͜͏̳̻̫N̦̘͎̺̤̱͕̤̕͘͠O͖̩͕͍̮̤̗ͅW̹̻̼̞͙̳L̶̛̬̳̗̤̜̤E̶͍͕͔̤͝ͅḒ͎͇̰̻̰̕͜͡G͔̗̳̺̀͘E̢̡̛͓̟̗̝͔̞͔̩,̙̘̲̱̫͔͙͟͡ ͏̫͕̺R̝̟̫̠̰E҉̥̣̗̺̻̹̤̱S̴͓͇̖͕͙͍̲͍̕ͅO͍̦͍̤͎Ú̧͖̞͙̻̩͞Ṛ͇̬̤̩̲̝̲C̢̞E̡̢̤̜̮̤̻F̢͎̟̣Ư͓̟̕L̤͓͟N̡̨͚͚̰̳͉̬̻E̷͔̼̙̰̥͢Ś̵͖̺̗͕̙̦S̛͙̤͔͖̱͔̣̠,̸̸̨̱̘ ͔̘̲͎̬̜W̯̬̣͠I̭̩̟͔̝͖̮ͅͅL͙͇͟L̡͓̗̥̮͈̟͕͙̰P̶̫̭̠͓̩̫̲͢͡ͅO͔̭̹̺̺͍̼͢ͅW̦͙̫E͎̖͟͜R̝̭̭͖͇͇̤͟͢,̰͘͜͞ ̞͚̹͚̪̥͇̥͢A͓͍͙̝Ṋ̨̨̲̻̬̣̘̝D҉̷̜͔ ̴̼̲F͚̟̙̱̭͝R͈͙̬̭̘͓͍͚ͅĮ͓͙̼̲̖̜̖̠̀E̶̡̦͚̠͙̰̻̭͉N͚̦̳̼̪̯͘Ḍ̬̥S̷̢̪͈̬̲͓͇H̛̦̮͈̜̬͙̦̩ͅI̡̡̡͉̙͉̳̹̟̻̬P͜҉̸̭͇.̴̰̖͍͈̘̯͜


͏̧͇̳̖̥̼̩͍F̛̳̗̘̗̯̺̘O̩̫͔̱̜̰̮̹͠R̶̟͈͉͙̤̪̰͜ ̸͏̷̖̠̺̼̭̳̩̯T̯̺̮̬H̖̯̞̣̲̫̖͓͠E̶͉͓̳̠ͅS̖̝͖͓̮̰͔͞E͓͜͟ ̸̫̱̭̙̱̰̳͞R̡̟̯̼̙̙̥ͅE͕̬̠̦Ą̭̙̦̱̭͡S̹͎̬͟ͅO̰̪̪̖͖̟̬ͅǸ̢̪̖͚̤̪͈̮̀S͖̬̬̫̬̜͚,̯̼͚́͟ ̛̥̻͈̀͡I͙̰͖͙͙̼ ͏̤̪̥̜̝̘H̶̙̯ͅA͍͖͓V̶̫̪͓̳̭̻͚͡E̻̥͞ ̴̪̪D̶̮̤E҉͇̺̻C͚̗̠̹̹͠Į͏͏̰͇͓͇̰͍̙D͘͏͍̩̘E̜̮͔͇̱̲̗̦̯͠D͚̜̖̰̹͙̜͜͟͝ ̠̹̤̗T҉͏̗O̼̜̱̭̱͖͕̜̰ ̜͚̹̜͖̝̜̦̱͡G̝̝̗̟͟R̢̰͍͖̻͈͙̠Ạ̼͓̰̟́Ņ̝̟̖T̵͚͇͘͞ ̺̩̼̗͜Y̦̝̥̠̜̭̞̫͘O̧̪̙͚U̫̞ ͈̬̘͇̀͝͡T͏҉̫̼̠Ḩ̨̱̟͔̟̫̩̼̟E̴̼̻͇̘̮͍̯̼̜ ͍̭̳̬͍̪͈͇T̻̲̯͓̲̥̤͕R͜҉̟͕̺̭E̢͚͈͈A̢̹͎͇̲͙̲̖̖͢S̤͕͕̤͟͢͞U̜̳͍͘Ŗ̣͇͕͓̠̩͍É͖͈̱̝̬͙͎͎͝.̧̡͉͍̩͡

@Nawmoo @ShadowHuntress @Midnight Phantom @Kurai Okami
Duke: Telepathically converse with Lord of the Horrorterrors

(Thank you, my lord, we would be honored for you to share your knowledge with us.)

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