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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Shadow blinked as she looked around. She saw the King and really nothing else. Was she the first one out....? Should she....should she say something? Oh, but she can't understand him anyways without Duke ...so awkward silence it is.

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Charlotte: Message

"I'd better message Ken and have him pick me up."

"All right."

You open up your laptop and pull up Pesterchum. Ken's offline. Great. Well, you'll message him when he comes online.

Charlotte: Check time

You look at the time and date on your laptop.


12:30 PM

You feel like this has some significance, but can't quite put your finger on it...
Duke: Examine situation

You cannot interact with anything. You cannot be seen, you cannot be felt, you cannot be heard...okay, well that last one didn't really change anything, but shit was still bad. Today was the day that your friends started to play Sburb, the same day the the world would end. You were basically an observer about to watch one of the most devastating events known to mankind. You were about to see Armageddon, a shower of meteors were about to barrage the world destroying all it's known inhabitants and all you could do was watch. That's all you really could do, just float there and watch. You where essentially a ghost in this world...


You took to the sky, not particularly interested in see the destruction of Earth up close, and waited for the show to start. You glanced down at Ken's house to see that Sburb shenanigans were taking place. You assumed that Ken must have still wanted to play the game, but since you didn't exist in this world, Ken must have had someone else become his server user. You watched as whoever did was making odd placement choices with the equipment, most notably placing the Alchemiter on the roof of all places. You became pissed when they started to ruin the interior of the house, did they have no sense for living room functioning? THIS WAS MADNESS! WHOEVER WAS DOING THIS WAS A MONSTER TO FURNITURE AND DESERVED TO DIE! Speaking of which, you noticed that the first stone was being cast right at Ken's house. You watched as Ken tried his best to enter the medium, but it was all too late. Ken had been obliterated by the collision with the meteor. Damn...If only he had someone be his server user who believed in the importance of home feng shui.

It was not long after, before the first meteor's friends arrived. What you had been prophesying for several years was finally unraveling before your very eyes. Meteor after meteor falling from the sky leaving nothing but devastation in it's tracks. It was doomsday for every living thing on Earth, no one was safe from it's onslaught...Except for you. You did not exist, you could not physically be harmed from this catastrophic event. All you could do was watch as meteors struck one by one...You weren't sure how to feel about this moment. You floated there over a sea of hellfire, think of what you were actually feeling at this moment. You expected this to happen in the first place, you shouldn't feel bad about it, you knew that the world was going to end like this. If you knew it was going to happen, why should you feel bad? You couldn't interact with anything nor did you even exist, there was no way you could have prevented this. You couldn't be held accountable for this, you couldn't have done anything. You couldn't have done anything, you couldn't have, you just couldn't...you couldn't...
Duke: Be confused

You hear someone speaking to you, yet you cannot see anyone around. To the best of your knowledge, you are the only thing that is left in this god-forsaken world. You hear this voice speak of you as though you've given hope. You're a bit spectacle on that part, yet you find comfort in the voice's words.

Duke: Wake Up

You pop out of your dream bubble, victorious. You have faced your fear, without a scratch...Man, you feel weird. You float around and see that Shadow also was triumphant over her nightmare.

Duke: Converse

QA: Sup?

Charlotte: Feel an earthquake

The ground lurches suddenly. You grab onto the doorframe to stay upright.

"What on earth was that?!"

"An earthquake?"

"Let's check the news."

Ellie turns on the TV and turns it to the news channel. You sit silently, awaiting an explanation for the tremor.
QA: Successful would be an odd choice of words, for my challenge

QA: I'd would say it was more like...

QA: I was tolerant.

QA: ...

QA: Yeah, that sounds more correct.

Afrien : Get Tortured

You struggle against the table, gasping for air. The Subjuggulator had torn off all your fingers and toes, and shredded the Eye off of your shirt.

"You have lost your status, so its not like you need that anyways!"

The psychopath proceeds pull a lever, suspending your torture table in the air vertically. He sits in a newly arisen chair, with a large mounted Crossbow. The Bolt lights on fire as he pulls the trigger, and the flaming arrow strikes you in the stomach. A flurry of attacks fly from the weapon, but you still hold on.

Chryom : Get Executed

The small flame beneath you steadily grows, flames engulfing your legs. You wince in pain as the fire rises about your body, and notice the Empress. She is holding a plasma rifle, trained on your head.
News: Report

"This is a breaking news report. Reports have come in that a meteor has struck and destroyed a house. Eyewitnesses state that there was a teenage boy in the house at the time of impact. We now bring you to our on-the-scene reporter."

The scene changes to a reporter standing in front of a smoking crater.

"Oh my God, Char... Isn't that..."

You go pale. Sitting on the ground in front of the crater is a smoldering poster. You recognize the poster, and the signature on it. "TO CHARLOTTE, FROM JB".

"Th-That's... My house... Just like in my dream...!"
QA: It was my greatest fear, flashing right before my very eyes.

QA: But I couldn't do anything about it.

QA: I just kind of watched all unfold before me as an observer.

Afrien : Get Ready

The flames of the crossbow bolts had scorched your skin and burned off your shirt, but also your gag. An Axe Head the size of your body drops from the ceiling, and begins moving slowly by a chain. The blade starts moving quicker, plunging forwards to cut you in half down the middle.


"What was that, signless scum!?"

"Heheh... Alright! Kill me! I don't give a fuck!"

The weapon flies through the air, less than in inch away from your body.

Chryom : Accept It

The fires engulfing your body had burned away your gag, and you look up at the Empress.

"I'm not really sure what I did to forsake you, but you have my apologies m'lady."

"Your apologies have no meaning anymore."

The plasma rifle screeches as a laser blasts through the air, straight towards your head. You give an honest smile, and the laser makes contact with a loose strand of hair.

Chrien : Wake Up

Your dream bubbles merge once more, and you awake before the King once more.

Afrien : Take Control

You override the controls of your body once more, shoving Chryom back down into your soul. You fly over to Shadow, and place a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?"


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