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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Talk

Since there was nothing else to do and you hadn't done it in a while, you start chatting with Ken.

"So what are we gonna do after we beat this game? What will even happen?"
"Ok, lets do this." theo said whilst fighting the urge to say challenge accepted like the meme lord she was, well meme lord is a bit excessive, meme nobleman would be more appropriate.
"Well... From what I can gather, we'll become the gods of a new universe. If my theory is correct, then the Hex are the ones who created our universe. If that's the case, then we apparently get a base in the Veil through which we can watch over all."



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H'azztre generates five dream bubbles, one for each of you. You fly over to one and let Charlotte climb into it.

"Good luck, Duke. I'll see you back outside."

She smiles at you before jumping into the bubble. You fly over to another bubble and go inside.

@Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami
Theo fly's over to one of the dream bubbles and looks back before entering 'Like a sane person would right?' she asked herself rhetorically, wondering what her fear would even be.
Chrien : Enter Bubble

You fly into the dream bubble, and it suddenly splits in two.

Afrien : Be Chained Up

You awake bound to a Torturers Board. A Subjuggulator grins wickedly across the room, holding a myriad of torturing tools. You would scream, if your mouth wasn't gagged.

Chryom : Be In Court

You sit handcuffed before the rest of the Royal Court.

"Chryom Araeus, you have betrayed the Alternian Government. What have you say in your defense?"


You realize that you are incapable of speech, and cannot defend yourself in court.
Aura: Whoa

"That sounds... Pretty awesome. So we all get to stay together... That's relieving."

You smile. That actually improved your mood, despite your hate towards the Hexes.
Shadow: Enter Bubble

Shadow entered the last bubble whilst taking a rather deep breath. She wasn't a fan of these bubbles.

Shadow: Be surrounded by darkness

Shadow looked around but couldn't see a thing. It was so dark in here....what was going on? She started walking forward...or what she though was forward....hoping she would come across something.
"Mmmmm... I don't get to play with Jadebloods often... This should be fun!"

Afrien : Panic

You Subjuggulator strides over to you with pliers in hand.

"Lets see... Oh! I know!"

He sets the pliers around you left thumb...


Your thumb is twisted and torn right off, before being tossed in a bucket.


Your screams cannot be heard from behind the rag.

Chryom : Guilty Verdict

"Nothing to say? I'm sorry to do this old friend. I trusted you,"

The Empress pulls a lever, and you awake tied to a stake. A small flame burns beneath you.
"Yeah. All of us, living together in peace... That's definitely worth fighting for."



Charlotte: Face your fears

You find yourself lying on the floor in a familiar bedroom. Looking around, you see a familiar face smiling at you.

"'Morning, Char."


Ellie's face turns to one of confusion and worry.

"Huh? You okay, Char?"

"T-This is a dream... You're... You can't be here..."

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"I-I entered the game... And a meteor hit you, right here, and..."

Ellie grabs your shoulders.

"Charlotte, calm down! You just had a nightmare. I'm fine."

You hug Ellie, and she hugs you back.

"That was the worst dream..."

"It's okay, Char. Everything's okay now."
Duke: Face your fears

You're floating outside a house you don't recognize. Looking around, you see many similar houses. You float inside through an open window and see someone very familiar typing on his computer.


You land next to Ken and tap his shoulder, but he doesn't react. You wave your hand in front of his face, but he looks right through it.

Is he ignoring me?!

You grab Ken and try to shake him, but you can't budge him.

Wait... This must be the nightmare.

You look at the computer's clock and go pale.


12:30 PM

The day everything went to hell.
Shadow: Wander around

Shadow kept going forward, looking for any source of light that she could follow. She didn't understand why she was in the dark; she wasn't afraid of it. So, she just kept walking, becoming somewhat bored until she heard what sounded like mumbling.

Shadow: Go closer

Finding some hope in that, she turned toward where the noise was coming from. She noticed that as she walked, it got lighter and brighter. This, she figured, was a good thing. As she got closer, the mumbling became words, and as she came to understand what they were saying, she stopped.

Shadow: Be Devastated

The voices were those of her teammates and who she believed to be her friends. They were talking about leaving her and finishing this themselves. They were...going to abandon her? She was...she was of no use to them...she was only holding them back? She couldn't bring herself to go toward them or to run away. It was like when she was abandoned by her lusus all over again. She couldn't do anything....
Kanaya: Message

You can't message Shadow because she's in a dream bubble. Time for Plan B.

Kanaya: Sleep


Kanaya: Enter dream bubble

You enter Shadow's dream bubble, with some difficulty.


Shadow jumped and turned to see another troll. "Uh...hello? I'm sorry if I...if I might know you...but I've never seen you...seen you before." She said with a shaky voice. The first person she sees in this god awful place and it's someone she doesn't know...mor might and have forgotten...oh, if that's the case, she'd feel awful.

Shadow blushed from embarrassment and messed with her hands. "I'm...I'm sorry...it is nice to...nice to meet you....Ms. Kanaya...but...if you don't mind me asking...why are you here? This is....a dream bubble made....made by the King of the...of the HorrorTerrors....I should...I should be alone...." She said, looking around now with worry. She wouldn't get in trouble for this...would she?

"......I know, but....." She looked at the direction the voices were coming from. "I shouldn't be....be here....I've been fighting this...this fear for as long as...long as I could remember....and I guess I haven't gotten over the...over the fear yet..."

Shadow blinked as she looked at Kanaya. She hadn't thought of herself being strong. Just the opposite really. But...she just had to go forward, toward the voices...right? But...what if this nightmare made her confront them? She didn't have the courage for that. "I just...have to go that...that way, right?" She asked, glancing between Kanaya and the direction where the voices were.

Shadow tensed as she took a breath. She...she could do this....no she couldn't. What if they just tossed her aside? What if she was left all alone again? She debated on whether she should just turn back and run....but what would the others say?

Shadow: Go Forward

Shadow took another breath before going toward the voices. The light got brighter and the voices got louder. She shut her eyes against the light but she kept going, stopping only when she figured there was no stopping where she was going, and it was dark again. Should she...should she open her eyes?

Shadow hesitantly opened her eyes and looked around. It...it was dark again...fear and panic took over her body and she began to shake. She...she was alone...she looked around before she calmed down. She...she was used to this. She could handle this. She had been alone before....


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