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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

QA: Saw the effects and just couldn't help myself.

QA: Besides, I've become alright with being a mute mage.

QA: Now, about the treasure, we may have a problem.

QA: Apparently, the Outer God's Lord doesn't think we're up to snuff.

QA: He basically said no and for us to go suck it.

QA: I've asked a pal of mine to see if we could meet with him about this dilemma.

QA: After which, I got bombarded by that time troll and you know the rest.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
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CA: I cant even Look at them

CA: Their life Forces are Insane

CA: But maybe If I spend more Time around them

CA: I can get used To the crazy Readings

CA: So I will go with You

QA: Very well.

QA: However, if anyone start to try holding hands, I'm out.

QA: I'm serious, I don't need my Horrorterror Homies seeing that.

QA: Speaking of which, no weird troll love stuff.

QA: More so serious on that than anything else.

QA: Keep it to yourselves and out of my sight, alright?

@Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress
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Duke: Converse with Oglogoth

(You know what, fuck it, they're coming. They want to get so involved, might as well let them. Maybe after seeing you guys in person, the'll think next time before trying to tag along.)

Duke: Converse with team

QA: Fine, whatever!

QA: We can all go see the scary-ass giant tentacle monsters together.

QA: We'll be called Team Tentacle Lovers.

QA: We can go on crazy adventures with them, maybe even get selfies.

QA: We would be the best team ever know by mankind.

QA: Everyone "down" with that, does that sound "hip" with everyone?

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress

"O̢h,̵ ca̢l̡m͟ ̴d̨owǹ, ͝Oggie͟.̵ ͞There͡'s ͟á s̀p͏el̶l in ̴t̶he̷ ͏G̷r̕i̛mo҉i҉re ҉tha͠ţ'͏l̸l̕ p͢ro͡t͢e͠ct '͠em,̴ ain't̕ ͟t͟h̛ere?"͜


O͡H.͢.. Y͢ES,̢ ̕T҉HE̢RE ̷I͘S͝. ̢I... F͡ÓR̨G͏OT.

CA: Apparently I hit a Nerve

CA: Sorry that I am trying to Keep you from Getting Captured by those Hexagonal Monday to Friday chicken lickers

CA: Oh my God

CA: Did Chryom just sensor It that Much

CA: I hate Having another Person in my Soul

QA: And I hate groupies, but whatever.

QA: We can go, just behave yourselves in front of the Outer Gods.

QA: They're GODS first and friends second.

QA: Treat it as though you were going over to your grandmother's house.

QA: Don't touch anything.

QA: Don't taste anything.

QA: Don't do anything that involves contact with them.

QA: Be polite.

QA: Dress nice.

QA: Do these things and we should be okay.

@Midnight Phantom
SW: .....

SW: I feel like a wriggler asking this,

SW: but what's a grandmother?

SW: Also,

SW: why do you sound like

SW: a lusus Duke?

She couldn't help but giggle as she thought of Duke like a lusus. It was kind of funny.

QA: ...

QA: *sigh*

QA: I see that there's more difference in cultures popping up.

QA: All things aside, just be good and we should be good.

QA: ...

QA: Also, I don't sound like a Lusus...

QA: Whatever that is.

QA: I can't even make sounds.

Shadow only giggled as she picked up Faust, who had began to rub against her leg. She forgot he was as ignorant to troll culture as she was about human culture. She didn't mind waiting, though. It gave her some time to make sure Faust wouldn't get in any trouble.
ES: Im gonna go shopping for equipment

ES: This sword is cool and all but I wanna have a backup weapon

ES: Just in case

You head over to the blacksmith and start browsing.


Charlotte: Ponder

You think about a certain word Duke mentioned.

"Horrorterror... Where have I heard that word before...?"


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