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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)



@electroShogun @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami @MoltenLightning @ShadowHuntress

Afrien : CHRYOM!

You blast into the ruins of the castle, searching for your Ancestor.

"Chryom! Chryom! Where are you!?"

"Over... Here..."

You find the giant doll half crushed and torn apart from the wreckage of Duke's tower.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck..."

"It's... Alright... My soul... Will return to yours..."

The doll suddenly goes limp, and you are filled with energy.

'Having my own body was so nice while it lasted.'

'Don't worry, we'll get you a new one. Maybe even a flesh body.'
Aura: Go

You glance at your Bracetop and start storming off. You make your way towards the town square, trying not to smash a building down in the process. Finally arriving, you stop and cross your arms.

'Fudging fudgers can go fudge themselves when I fudging get back to fudge them over...'

'*Yawn* What'd I miss?'

'Nothin' but FUDGERS.'
You grab his hand, clutching it softly.

"Yeah. I'm just angry at his dirty tricks. How did his friend even know where he was..?"

You sigh. You didn't expect them to play by the rules, but it was unbelievable that you had chances of beating them. You could still feel the electricity shocking you... It was now something that might get you angry if told about again...

"Great. One of them has luck on their side. The other has bombs that can capture people. And another can do stuff with minds. I wonder what else they have in store for us!"

You throw your arms into the air as emphasis.
Shadow flew to the town square, her mind whirling. Why would they destroy their base....and someone's home for the longest time? She couldn't even begin to imagine what monster would do that on purpose....and they might have prevented it if they hadn't sent so many....she landed in the square and set Faust down so he could roam around. Now what do they do?
TA: wiithout the trea2ure you cant

TA: he2 liike vrii2ka

TA: ha2 all the luck

TA: but the trea2ure 2hould be able two stop hiim

TA: iive done re2earch iintwo iit wiith help from a friiend

TA: the trea2ure giive2 diifferent power2 iin diifferent 2iituatiion2

TA: iit giive2 whoever touche2 iit whatever power ii2 mo2t needed

Shadow blinked at that. It sure sounded like a complex treasure. And it was something she definitely didn't want to handle herself. She was pretty sure that either Ken, Afrien, or Duke would handle it since they seemed more in control of their powers in general. But really, it might only be Duke since he's the one getting it. She looked around and sighed. This was much bigger than she had expected when she had joined the game.


Amanda sat on a meteor, laying back with her arms under her head. Rosalie had fallen asleep a little while ago but she didn't mind. She was still miffed about Aura and her tantrums. Why did everyone cherish someone who was a ticking time bomb? It didn't make sense to her. Why put the effort into being nice and calm and collected when dealing with her? Didn't they see that would only delay the inevitable? She groaned as her scars continued to sting. It was useless to think about. She just had to wait until she herself calmed down before she did anything she might regret.
Charlotte: Arrive

You arrive at the town square and spot Ken. You run over to him and hug him, tears streaming down your face.

"I don't like this game anymore, Ken... I wanna go home..."

Ken hugs you back, rubbing the back of your head.

"Be strong, Charlotte. We have to win this game. It's the only way out."
Duke: Philosophize

What is truly even leveling up now? The ascension to god tier makes you feel as though levels no longer have meaning. Would you truly level up or would you just fill the void of being the highest level by collecting achievements like a completionist trying to get any possible reward out of a game? Even though the possible task of collecting them all may keep you occupied, you did not feel as thou-

Duke: Level up

Oh...ummm, okay. You leveled up...wha? Any who, you're now confronted with a wide selection of various achievement badges. They all look so tempting, but you remember what Duest suggested earlier. Clearly, that would be the most logical choice.

Duke: Select achievement badge

You select the Third E-Ooooh, Alchemist's Soul! Fuck that other shit, you claim the Alchemist's Soul Achievement Badge. Aw sweet, mini alchemiter for alchemizing on the go. Clearly, the perfect choice.
"A's S...? Alchemist's Soul? So you got the pocket alchemiter?"

"Can't you just make a new pair of glasses now? Then you can talk with us?"

"Good idea, Char. Duke, you should do that kinda soon."

*...1 moment*

Duke: Do the thing

Already having the punched cards, you alchemized an new pair of COSMIC SPECS. You equip them and start to feel semi-normal again. You still cant speak, but at least you got your shades back.

Duke: Post Memo

QA: Better?

QA: ...

QA: Before you answer, that was a rhetorical question.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom

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