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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Suppress

You tackle the person to the ground, then try and lock his arms behind him. You hold your fist at the ready to his head, ready to knock him out.
"We Would like to acquire our friend back if you may," kersin said threateningly " Hand him over peacefully and we will make your death quick."
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Chelon: Be the other guy...

...You are now the other guy. You're Kapapasprite, the sprite of Chelon that was prototyped with his dead lusus. Your player has given you an explosive device and told you to venture off to a very specific place, before ruffly shewing you away. You are not one to complain, you always help him with no questions asked.

Kapapasprite: Reach point B

You fly into LONAR's atmosphere, stopping at the massive sky tower that was most certainly erected for the soul-use of it's player. That is where you needed to be, but before you could reach it, you're stopped by an apparition that seems to be the fusion of botanical and mechanical objects.

Kapapasprite: Converse

Palesprite: Excuse me, fell0w sprite, but 1 c0uldn't help but n0t1ce y0u dr0pp1ng by w1th that part1cular dev1ce 0f y0urs.

Kapapasprite: And?

Palesprite: 1t's just that 1'm n0t sure wh0 y0u are 0r where yu0 came fr0m, n0r am 1 certa1n 1f 1t w0uld be safe t0 all0w y0u t0 br1ng s0meth1ng l1k-

Kapapasprite: Say, how many times you've been prototyped?

Palesprite: Tw1ce, my f1rst pr0t0typ1ng was w1th the pet space r0ver 0f Duke S0l0m0n that was called Pal and the se-

Kapapasprite: Prototype with Palesprite

You lunge into Palesprite, prototyping yourself with him. There's a flash of light, before settling down to reveal your new form. You have become...um...pretty odd to look at. Your body flashes between a pale green and a tan. You've kept your shell, along with gaining a large mechanical arm, a robotic eye and...wheels? Um, yeah, you have wheels now instead of a ghostly tail. They kind of seem useless, given the fact that you can still fly around. You also have vegetation sprouting upon random parts of your body, most prominently on the back of your head...You feel weird.

Kapalesprite^2: Continue where Kapapasprite left off

You head to the top of Duke's sky tower and proceed with your master's plan. Holding the TC-BOMBSHELL, you start analyzing it. You take not of the device's intended purpose, which is to be compatible with a transportalizer. You then start taking notes on it's radius, volume, color, what the fuck are you doing? You know exactly what it is, you don't need to-...Wait, this must be happening because of that other guy. Because of him, you're over analyzing shit that you clearly already know.

Kapalesprite^2: Ignore urge to analyze

You try your best to resist examining stuff and proceed with the next phase. You go inside the top floor of the sky tower, place the TC-BOMBSHELL down on the floor, and wait for further instructions. So far, you've none what you've been told to do, all you can do now is be patient and hopefully not get caught up with examining things.

Kapalesprite^2: Start eating yourself

You began peeling off some of the vegetation that's sprouting out on your body and slowly nibbled away at it...Wait what, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!? Why are you eating yourself? CUT IT OUT!

*Spit sound*

Gees, this prototyping is starting to get on your nerve.

Kapalesprite^2: Be the other guy...

...You are now the other guy. You're Chelon Znappe, no introductions needed. Feeling that it was time to go, you stood up and waddled onto the transportalizer.

Chelon: Transportalize

You are transportalize from HQ over to the current location of the TC-BOMBSHELL that you've given to Kapapasprite. You emerge, from the explosion of the TC-BOMBSHELL, only to behold that Kapapasprite has really changed.

Chelon: Converse

Chelon: Doooo I even wanna know?

Kapalesprite^2: I've prototyped myself with the Mage of Void's sprite.

Chelon: Uuuum, okay, are you still....you?

Kapalesprite^2: I believe so, at least I feel in control.

Chelon: Ooooh...Does it hurt?

Kapalesprite^2: No, but I'm suffering from his sprite's certain attributes.

Chelon: Bummer.

Kapalesprite^2: Indeed, least I don't have his god-awful usage of ones and zeros.

Chelon: Kay, gueeeess that's a relief...sort of.

Kapalesprite^2: Indeed.

Chelon: Proceed with plan

You start making your way down the tower, taking control of any consort you find. You surprisingly find a bunch of mechanical domesticated fowls just wondering about in the tower, more so that they were still animals. You find it kind of strange that the human let all these consorts live in his abode, but you don't mind the extra hands. You slowly march down the stairs, followed by your new legion of mindless robot chickens.

Chelon: Reach bottom

You finally made it to ground level, along with an army of consorts currently at your beck and call.

Chelon: Give the gifts that keep on giving

You start handing out GA-BOMBSHELLS to the consorts, one by one. The mindlessly start placing them around the tower, more so in the front. Before you went any further with your plan, you told Kapapa-erm, Kapalesprite to head back. He complies and starts to float away. With the bombs set up all around the tower, you pull out a TC-BOMBSHELL and a GA-BOMBSHELL. You wait for the right moment to take out two birds with one stone...Well more like two headquarters with a shit-ton of bombs, but you think the reference still holds up. Unlike this tower will, in a few moments...Which is abooooooooo...
Ken: Barrier

You create a small bubble barrier around the Light player. He tries to stand up, but hits his head on the top of the bubble, falling back onto the ground.

"Ow! You motherf-"

He takes a deep breath and composes himself. He retrieves the card from his Sylladex and holds it up.

"This is what you seek, yes?"

"Yes. There is a tiny gap at the base of the bubble. Slide it underneath."

He slides the card beneath the bubble.


@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @Kurai Okami
Chelon: It's time

You chuck both of the bombs, the TC-BOMBSHELL directly at your feet and the GA-BOMBSHELL towards the the line-up. You're transportalized back to your home base while a series of explosions go off around Duke's tower like dominoes. Robot chicken go flying one explosion after the other. With the Base destroyed, the tower started to lean. It was going down and at an alarming rate.
Aura: Go

You tackle him again in case he tries to run, staring him dead in the eyes.

"Don't move a muscle!"


Hummingbird: Be distracted

You are very distracted from trying to memorize your Whip's patterns. Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, RED. Yeah, you think you've got them down.
Shadow's eyes widen as she picks up Faust. She really hoped she didn't leave anything important behind. She flew out and followed Charlotte, looking up at the tower. She couldn't help but wonder where Afrien was.

You fall down a few inches, still holding the tower. You cant hold on much longer.


You fall a bit further.


@Kurai Okami
"All right, we want answers. Who are you?"

"I am Fox."

"No, your real name."

"I renounced my old name when I formed this group. Fox is the only name I claim as my own."

You stare sternly at Fox. He sighs.

"...Mortimer Harland."

"Now, then... What do you want with us?"

"I can't tell you that."

You glance at Aura.

"Do you really think you're in a position to refuse, Morty?"

He remains silent.

"'Persuade' him, Aura."

Theo swiftly exits through a window, creating minor scratches on her arms and a few on her legs "IM OUT." theo yelled at afrien accounting herself so he did not need to.

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