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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Enter Furthest Ring

Heading into the void, you grow further and further away from the meteors. You've reached a point where you can only see silhouettes of large creatures and bright colorful bubbles filled with various environments floating about. Some of them looked familiar, as if they were constructed from your memories. You hear the faint whispers of the colossal beings, as you move forward. If you had to spend a fortnight here, you'd assume that you would go mad from all the murmuring. No doubt, you've entered the Furthest Ring.

Duke: Find Oglogoth

You begin to search around the void, riding around on your FURTHEST DISC, looking for Oglogoth. You were sure that if you found him, he could give you more information on what you had to do to acquire the treasure that he'd spoke of. You still weren't sure if he personally had it or if it was being kept in some kind of tomb, but you were sure that he would tell you.
???: Greet

You notice a mortal flying around. You go say hi to him.

"He̸y, ̛t͟he̡re,͞ ̀mort̶al͘! ͠N҉ot́ of̷t͞e̛n̸ ̡t̴ha̧t͏ ̀w̵e ͝see̡ y͘ơu͢ ̛li̸ttle̡ gu͝y͏s͡ ̷flyiņ'͢ ąr̶ou͞n̨d҉ heré!̶"

Duke: Converse with Outer God

(I bet, can't imagine anyone coming all the way out here out of regular circumstances. I'm Duke Solomon, by the way, Mage of Void.)

"I̸'m͟ Fluthlu,̛ P҉atrici̸a̷n̨ ͘of́ M͜isery.̡ Or̶, at҉ ̷l̸east̡,̛ ҉t͞hát's ҉w͢hàt ͞t̛h̷at͟ ̢b͞ook y͟ou͜'v́e͡ go҉t ҉calls m͢e."

Amanda continued to fly at full speed to her land, sighing with relief when she had it in her sights. She landed outside her house and ran in, running to the kitchen where the cat food was along with a food and water bowl. She put them into her Sylladex before running to her old cats room. She looked at the empty litter box and sighed. It's been so long since she's had a cat. She added that and the litter next to it to her Sylladex before running to her room. She got the codes for each item and smiled. Good, now she was ready for Rosalie's arrival.
(Indeed I am, he's been providing me with valuable information throughout my session and I require his assistance once more. He's told me of a treasure that my friends and I can use to stop these other players that have entered our session, but he would only allow us to get it if we beat the black monarchs. We've done so and I've returned to claim this treasure.)

"Yóu'͠re͘ l͜o͘oki̡n' for ̨th͏e ́T͠rȩás҉u͏r͜e͞,͢ ̴hu͏h? W̷ell̵, lem̷m͝e ͡go̴ ǵe̴t̨ ͜Oggie̷. H̢e ͏k̴n̵o͜w̵ mor̶e̢ ̶ab͞o̶u͢t ̴it̷ t̀han ̶I d͡o͜.́"

You fly away, searching for Oglogoth.

Duke: Wait

You sit down, crisscrossed, on your FURTHEST DISC and patiently wait for Fluthlu to return with Oglogoth.
Oglogoth: Be summoned

Fluthlu flies up to you and tells you that the Mage is here. Excellent. You fly over with Fluthlu to him.


Duke: Converse with Oglogoth

(Nice to see you too, Oglogoth. Listen, we've finally beaten the Black King and the Black Queen. We also beat this Noir guy, but I think that's irrelevant. Any who, the deed has been done.)

"All male Trolls must slay a Lerna at the age of 8 Sweeps, or roughly 18 years to a Human. It is our coming of age test, where we choose our title. Drinking a chalice of its blood is the ascension to adulthood."

"You have to fashion your own armor and weapons from things you find in the wild for a week, and slay the Lerna. Drinking its blood causes a stimulus in our eyes which makes our Irises turn to the color of our blood. Then you have become a man. Of course, I would just appearify the armor and weapon, as we don't have a whole ton of time."


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