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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda manages, in her blind panic, to stab Jack in the chest. He stumbles back, clutching at the wound.

Charlotte: Jump in

You cast a binding spell, holding Jack in place. You run over to Amanda.

"Are you okay?"

Amanda let out a breath as she sat back. She was never doing that again. "Yeah. Fine." She said, laying down. Yeah, she knew he wasn't dead yet, but she was tired. "Do what you want with him. I'm done." She breathed out.

Charlotte: Finish it

You point Heaven's Order at Jack.

"Invocant magicam iudicium percutere hostis.

Divina luce spei purificat malum!

Ray of Hope!"

A ray of light shoots from the staff's tip and strikes Jack. He falls back, the ring slipping off of his finger. Ken picks up the ring and Captchalogues it. Jack lies on the ground, unmoving.

@ShadowHuntress @Midnight Phantom
"Please tell me we're done. Please. No more life or death situations for a while, okay? And you can tell those jerky Hex Society clowns I don't want to deal with any of their bullshit for the next couple of days." She said before groaning. Her leg and side were killing her, but Shadow looked like she was ready to pass out again, so she wasn't asking her for help.

"I'm down for some R&R."


Afrien : Grab Deust

Deust seemed to be okay, but passed out from... Spore Loss? Yeah, spore loss. You sling him over your shoulder and walk over to Shadow.

Afrien : Grab Scepter

You walk over tho the Black Kings SHATTERED SCEPTER, and add it to your Sylladex.

Afrien : Grab Shadow

You pick up the female troll, as you noticed her swaying about.

"You definitely need some rest."

Duke: Celebrate

Yes, hell freakin' yes. You guys actually managed to beat these guys, both the monarchs and this one crazy asshole. All and all, been a pretty good day...this calls for a celebratory winner's dance.

Shadow grumbled but didn't say anything. If she did, she didn't know what Afrien might do.

@Midnight Phantom


Amanda grumbled before standing up. She didn't want to walk. But she did anyways, so she followed everyone, yawning as she basically cursed Jack Noir. She was in so much pain. Fuck him. Fuck the Hex Society. Fuck everything!
Ken: Level up

Congratulations! You've earned an achievement badge!

An array of badges fills your mind. You browse through them and decide on UNIVERSAL SPECIBUS. This will allow you to use any weapon!

Charlotte: Level up

Congratulations! You've earned an achievement badge!

An array of badges fills your mind. You immediately decide on POLYMORPH. This will allow you to shapeshift for short periods.
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"Down the hall, second door on the right, then take a left."

"Thanks Chryom."

Afrien : Carry

You follow Chryom's instructions and find a small room. It has a human 'bed', but it should suffice in place of a Recuperacoon. You set Shadow down in the bed and tuck her in.

"I'll be back in a bit."

"Thank you Afrien. I'm sorry I'm so much trouble." She said as she stiffed a yawn. "Good night." She said as she closed her eyes, soon falling asleep.

@Midnight Phantom

Shadow: Sleep

She looked around and frowned. No. Not this again. She opened the door to see her lusus, and she was overjoyed...but also scared. Not this again....
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Afrien : Return

You wander back into the Throne Room and plop down at a seat, taking the SHATTERED SCEPTER from your Sylladex. It could prove as some powerful mixing material.

"I never thought I would see you enter the Red Quadrants. You really are becoming a man."

"Shut the fuck up you stupid doll."

"You should take the coming of age test soon."

"I can't. Alternia is gone, and the Lerna with it."

"Actually, I had a conversation with Goldsprite, and there may be a way for us to get the Lernas into the game. And on top of that, this game is not over. You still need to complete a big step. Ken, you will want to hear this too."

"Apparently beating the Black King is not the end of the game. You must also use the process of Ectobiology to breed a being called the Genesis Frog. Only then can you achieve victory in your session."

"Using a variety of wonderous machines, you can create a gelatinous slime of something else that has or will exist. Using that slime, you can create a clone of that specimen. Of course, if summoning that creature would not create a Time Paradox, it will be summoned directly. Whatever you create will be born as in infant, but through usage of my King's powers, you could age it thoroughly. By these means you must create the Genesis Frog, which wins the game."

"Oh, right! Alisprite!"

You summon Alisprite from her pendant.

"It has been some time, Ken. You have grown very powerful."

"Thank you, Alisprite. I need your guidance again.

"Mmm... Yes, I sense that the Dersite rulers have been defeated. You are ready to delve into ectobiology. First, you must travel to the Veil, between Derse and the Furthest Ring. On a meteor there resides a laboratory containing everything required for ectobiology."

"Well, that's our destination, then."

You turn to the others.

"Anyone wanna take a little field trip?"

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @Nawmoo @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami

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