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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Do it

You reluctantly raise your VOLCOMET, then close your eyes. You swing downwards, hearing a smashing sounds that you presumed was the King's skull. Oh god...
"We... won..."

???: Warp in

You hear someone transportalize in. You turn around and see a somewhat tall Dersite run over to where the Queen once stood. He picks up the Queen's severed arm and stares at it.

"You... Killed her..."
The Dersite slips the ring off of the Queen's lifeless hand, then turns to face Afrien. He notices the King's lifeless body.

"You killed the King, too..."
Amanda: Dodge

Amanda dodged his attack and narrowed her eyes. Jack Noir? Oh wonderful. She concentrated on his thoughts as one of her Fraymotifs activated.

Mens' Moderato

She saw it slightly flash. Weird. If she remembered correctly, she would be able to read his moves now....please let this work or else that shopkeeper was going to be dead.

Amanda: Laugh manically

This was awesome! She just moved to the left and shot a Freeze Arrow to freeze his feet to the ground so he couldn't move. This would be easy! She laughed as she glared at Jack Noir while smirking. What was he going to do now?



Shadow: Watch

She watched as they fought. Yes, she could stand, but she was still light headed. She wouldn't admit to that though. It would only worry the others...
Amanda just grabs his hand and flips him onto his back. She then takes an exploding arrow from her quiver and aims it at his face. "This was fun, but it's time this ended, don't ya think?" She asked with a sweet smile before firing her arrow.

Jack: Dodge

Jack narrowly dodges the arrow, which fails to explode somehow. He raises both arms and fires dual photon blasts at Amanda.


Fox: Sigh

That was a close one. That nearly ended him. Good thing you gave him that luck when you did.

Amanda: Be taken aback

It...it didn't explode...? But why? They were all supposed to....oh no.

"Hey you stupid Hex Society! It's no fair to help!" She screamed up at the sky before firing lightning arrows all around him after managing to dodge most of his shots. She did get hit in the leg and side, but she could deal with it for now. She couldn't feel it right now anyways. The adrenaline was numbing her senses right at the moment.

Amanda smiles and sends another few flying, adding another exploding and freezing arrow so even the stupid Hex Society can't tell which is which. And all of them were heading toward him and any direction he could go.

Jack: Endure

Jack curls up into a ball and takes the attacks. He uncurls, arrows stuck all over his body.



He lunges at Amanda, body still wracked with electricity, and tries to grab her.

She just moved aside and hits him across the back of his neck hitting where she believed was a pressure point....if black chess people had pressure points.... She had to take her hand back quickly though, since she could feel the electricity flowing through him. Yikes. Did she go overboard?

Nope! No pressure points! She backs away and ends up tripping. Shit! She looked around for something to use, honestly starting to panic when she couldn't find anything. Then she reaches back and pulls out her last exploding arrow. Even if the Hex Society did make it so it wouldn't explode, he'd still get hit. She took the arrow and stabbed him, though it was rather blindly. She didn't know where she hit.


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