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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: hold your ground

You see the Black Queen launch a missile right for you, well shit. You stop with your attacking and use You FURTHEST DISC as a shield to stop the missile from hitting you. It works, but you're blown back by the mere force of the impact. You lay on the ground, for a moment, before attempting to get back on your feet.
King: Full assault

The King rapid-fires photon blasts in Afrien's general direction

Queen: Recoil

The Queen's mech staggers back from the attack, but quickly recovers. It proceeds to unload all machine guns at Deust while walking towards Duke.

@Midnight Phantom @Nawmoo
Amanda: Fire away

She giggled and began firing Freezing Arrows at the Queen and Exploding Arrows at the King while reading their minds. This was fun!


Shadow: Strife

Shadow attacked the King, wanting nothing to do with the Queen at the moment.

Duke: Abscond

You cannot abscond because you must stick to your part of the plan. You can however keep your distance to be able to do your part. You call back your FURTHEST DISC and hop on. You begin soaring across Skaia, trying to stay out of the Queen's reach.

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Afrien : Get Hit

You essentially get pimp slapped into the ground, and promptly bounced back into the air from the impact speed.



Deust : Underpass

You fly under the Mech, getting its Machine Guns to fire at itself for a moment, before blasting away.

Theo looked at the King then at the Mech, which to pick, Theo flung herself at the mech her running soon turning into flying at full speed. With her axe ready she swung full force at the mech hoping to hit hard enough to damage a few systems. Meanwhile kersin begun to examine the situation, the mech would be a problem with its long ranged attacks, whilst the king would be hard to beat at this size. The mech should be dealt with first he decided then zig zaging towards the mech to prevent him getting hit.
Duke: Defend

Holding onto your FURTHEST DISC, you use it as a shield once more. As the missiles hit, it send you hurtling rapidly in mid air. Your situation was comparable to a coin being flipped.

Duke: Recover

You collide with the ground, disc first, and start skidding. You take control of this situation and use this momentum to launch yourself back into the sky(ai). You get your bearings back and get back into the game. You start charging up your FURTHEST DISC for another attack.

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Aura: Get angry

YEAH, THAT WAS DEFINITELY HAPPENING!!! You tense, then launch off of the ground towards the King. You smash your VOLCOMET into his face, possibly causing a bit of the acidic substance splash into his face. You weren't sure, in the blur that the mace head left in its wake. Maybe, if this got out of hand, you could calm him down... But those were rational thoughts, and right now... YOU WERE NOT BEING RATIONAL!!!

Theo nearly avoided the flamethrower but in the midst of her high speed flying crashed into the ground, scraping her knees arms and face. She got up feeling angrier than when she started. That was the problem with her most of the time, you make her mad, shes gonna try harder to kill you, even if "harder" is the same amount of force as last time. Theo began flying at top speed again despite the pain in her limbs, she was going to try her hardest no matter what. Kersin had narrowly avoided the fire by holding to one side of his zig zag then continuing after the flames had stopped. He swiftly slammed his staff into the mech then spinning it to get the momentum for his second hit.
Queen: Evacuate

The Queen's mech begins breaking down. She activates the escape pod and exits the mech as it topples to the ground.

Queen: Attack

The escape pod suddenly opens up on the sides, revealing two miniguns. They rev up and start firing at Deust.
Duke: Examine situation

As you float on your FURTHEST DISC, which is still charging, you watch as something odd happens. You find this action of hes as indiscriminate for her. Seems as though the Black Queen's getting desperate, she's firing-off her arsenal at random. This may be the perfect time to strike.

Duke: FIRE!

Now fully charged, you unleash a beam of dark majjyk upon the Black Queen's mech suit once more.

Aura: Get angrier.

You do, almost unable to hear Ken's words. But with his words, you are able to stop yourself from going overboard.

"Yeah. Sorry, I got a little... Reckless."

You recover, and stare the King down.

"We need a technique..."

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