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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Get a little frustrated.

You do, but stay quiet. Then you face Ken, eye barely twitching as you keep your anger in.

"Let's get this over with, then."

You look over at the Trasportalizer, fire blazing in your eyes. YOU WERE GOING TO FUDGE THAT KING.

You shout violently, arms and legs tensing.
Duke: Examine Skaia

Hm, so this is Skaia...Neat. It kind of reminds you of an old painting from like the 50's or 70's, but you can't recall it's name.
Aura: Feel it

You can't, because you were getting a little to angry. You were trembling, feeling a mix of emotions swirl in your chest.
"So this is the center of the Incisphere. This is where we shall battle the Black Royals."

"This is a fight to the death. One slip up can lead to our demise. We must be cautious. That being said..."

You clear your throat and shout to the King.

"Where the hell is the Queen!?"

Afrien : Strife

You spread your wings once again and blast towards the King, eyes radiating with rage. To fly in a straight path, to reach him as fast as possible.

Deust : Strife

You float upwards, and blast towards the Queen, zig-zagging about.

King: Attack

The King opens his draconic mouth and launches a fireball at Afrien.

Queen: Engage

The Queen's mech begins firing several machine guns across its body at Deust.
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Afrien : Fraymotif


You get swallowed by a green glow, and take the fireball head on. Any damage it caused was immediately healed, and you continue to blast towards the King.

Deust : Bullet Time

You speed yourself up, circling out of the bullets paths faster than they can move.

Duke: Regret more

Well...shit. Wait, why the fuck didn't you think of building a mech suit? Would have made stuff WAY more easier, probably wouldn't have had all those problems in the beginning if you were wearing one. God, you now are just caught up just thinking off all the thinks that would've been done better.

Duke: Snap out of it

You stop looming on that thought as the Black King starts to morph. He seems to be taking on several attributes of stuff you guys prototyped your kernelsprite's with.


Still having your FURTHEST DISC out, you hop on and start getting some distance between the to monster monarchs. You jump off as soon as you got some good distance between you and the rulers, got to stick with the plan and give support from afar. You decide that you should start doing your part and begin attacking. You metaphorically flip a coin and decide to assault the queen. Ladies first, they say. Your FURTHEST DISC starts to resonate with dark aura, before unleashing beams of black majjyk upon the Black Queen's mech suit.

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King: Change tactics

The King raises his left arm, palm out. A photon blast fires from a glowing blue spot on his palm at Afrien.

Queen: Bombs away

The Queen launches homing missiles at Deust and Duke.
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Deust : Double Time

You open up a time bubble around Afrien, giving him a speed advantage.

Afrien : Barrel Roll

You spin out of the way of the blast, cackling at the King.

Deust : Fraymotif


You fly at even greater speeds and stop right in front of the Queen's Mech-face, awaiting the missiles...



Deust : Dodge!

You fly straight up, as the missiles hit the Queen's Mech head-on.


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