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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"I wanna say as ready as I'll ever be, but I can't. I'm too excited!"

You swing your crazy lava lamp weapon, smiling.


"As you can see, they are almost to the throne room. Do we just waaaaait?"

You face the others, glancing at the projection again a few times.
Shadow nodded and gripped her weapon tighter. This was going to be difficult and terrifying, but she had to make sure everyone else was safe....


"Yeah! Let's blow some shit up!" Amanda giggled, bouncing on her feet. This was going to be so fun!

Aura: Stare at Amanda

You stare at her silently, fists clenching.

"... Excuse me?"

You continue glaring, awaiting an answer. BEFORE THE THRONE ROOM?! UNACCEPTABLE!
You glance at Ken, but know that he's going to win. You sigh, wondering what was up with you today. Then Amanda replied, and tried to ignore the sudden urge to slap her.

"Forget about it. You just sorta..."

You scowl.

Afrien : Spin Glaive

You do some cool ass bowstaff tricks with your glaive.

"I am ready to take these guys out."

Deust : Prepare

You prepare yourself physically and mentally for this 'final' battle.

"Let's finish this."

Amanda: Skip in

Amanda, being in a rather good, despite Aura, skipped in behind Ken with a bright smile on her face. And, to see the King's reaction, she waved to him, her smile brightening.


Shadow: Follow

Shadow walked in behind Ken, holding her weapon close. She wanted to turn back, but she didn't want to leave them and, if all fails, let them destroy Prospit. That would be awful.....well, besides Amanda's weird cheerfulness to see the King.....

Afrien : Worry

Everyone's lifespans are at 0, for a variety of reasons. This will be one hell of a fight to evade death. Now then, where the hell is the Queen? You put your Glaive out in front of Ken and walk to the front of the group.

"Hey exalted bulgesucker, where is your Player 2!?"

Shadow watched Afrien with worry. Was he trying to get himself killed? But, to make sure that nothing bad happened to the others, she wrapped the wind around each and every one of them....no matter how exhausting it already felt. She kept her face void of how she felt and looked between the King and Afrien, wondering what would happen.


Amanda playfully pouted as the King basically glared at her. She was only trying to be nice! So, as if to try again, she waved again with a bigger and brighter smile.

Duke: Prepare for STRIFE!

You raise your FURTHEST DISC above your head, dark energy seeping out as it moves. You ready yourself to beat this blackie with some good ol' black magic...Somehow, that sounded racist to you, but you're kinda black too so you guess it's okay. However, he's a different species, maybe you're being a spiciest. This brings up the question of what he even is. You guess you could ask, but you can't talk so you would probably have to take a rain check on that. Perhaps you can write it down on paper or something, maybe even in chalk.

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