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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

CT: Very well

Equius: Message Charlotte

CT: I have a visual on Amanda

CT: She is okay

CT: She has told me that she will not kill herself

CT: You can go home

EL: where is she?!

EL: i need to see her!

CT: She has told me she needs time to think

CT: I will watch over her

CT: Go home, Charlotte

EL: okay...

Charlotte flies off, looking worried. You message Amanda again.

CT: Charlotte has left

CT: But I will be watching you

CT: To ensure that no harm comes to you

She clicked her tongue in frustration before sighing. It was the best she was getting, she supposed. She turned her glovetop back off and leaned against the tree. Why did they care? It felt weird...
Amanda just sighed as she flipped upside down, hanging from the branch by her knees. She didn't know what to do, and that was rare for her. She was always able to see all the options and think about what was best. Why couldn't she do it? Had she...had she become so dependant on them?
CA: That would be Annoying

CA: Do you Have any more Advice

CA: Wait fuck

CA: I just Realized a Great source of Advice

CA: Trollian memos Work through the Time Space continuum

CA: I could Ask my Future Self what to Do

CA: Thanks


CURRENT clairvoyantAries -CCA- RIGHT NOW opened a memo on board TEAM AFRIEN

CCA: Hey Future Me

CCA: I Just remembered that This feature Exists

CCA: Give me Advice on The Black King

FUTURE clairvoyantAries -FCA- 0:28:00 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.

FCA: Oh fuck Yeah this Memo

FCA: Uhh

FCA: Yeah

FCA: Deust says That telling you Too much info will Cause a Paradox

FCA: So I will tell You what I

FCA: Told You

FCA: Fuck time Is confusing

FCA: Anyways

FCA: The Black Queen has some Serious firepower With her

FCA: Be on The lookout For that Shit

CCA: I will

FCA: Dont let Shadow Die

FCA: If you Lose the Healer you are Fucked

FCA: Take the Hit for her

FCA: It will Turn out Fine

CCA: Got it

FCA: And make Sure to Keep Away from Fire

CCA: Thanks Future Me

FCA: No Problem past Me

CCA closed memo.
Duke: Have inquiry

You've been thinking about it and it finally came to your attention, this is technically like "The final boss battle" for you guys. If the Hex Society wasn't around, you'd say you were close to beating the game. This idea resonates within the confines of your noggin...Y-you are close to beating Sburb...

Duke: Get pumped

If you could physically manifest your aura, it would be burning ever so brightly around you. You look back at what you were an what you've become. You started out as nothing more than a stoic spaceman, now you're a magnificent mute mage. Even though you've been silenced, you feel more human than you ever have. You are SO ready to win this game that you can just taste the victory.
Afrien : Get Up

Sitting around has gotten boring, so you decide to wander the castle a bit.

Afrien : Explore

You wander through the halls of the castle, looking around for something to do. That is, before a roof tile caves in and hits you between the eyes, making your Think pan ring loudly.


Your scream resounds through the whole castle, reaching the Throne Room in a matter of seconds.

"Sounds like that hurt."
Aura: Continue

You take one more step forward, much to the dismay of Lyssa.

"Aura, seriously. Just stop!"

You turn to face her, getting angry.

"No! You are preventing me from doing something important, like you always do! Sabotage!!"

She starts getting steamed too.


She stopped, knowing that would have drawn the line.

"I'm just trying to help you."

You stare at her rebelliously, then feel yourself getting sleepy.

"I think Ken is trying to wake you up, Aura. I might not be around when you sleep again, but-"

Her voice was cut off as you finally awoke.

Aura: Wake up

You do just that, blinking a few times as the light returned to your eyes. You notice Ken is shaking, and slaps you.

"Whoa, hey, whats wrong?"


Hummingbird: Sigh

Thank god Lyssa did that. But unfortunately, Aura didn't seem very convinced. You would not allow her to sleep. Or at least TRY, since these morons can't seem to do anything right...
Duke: Get going

This is it, the boss battle you've been waiting for. You're ready for this confrontation. However, there's one more thing you have to get off your chest. It's something you just want to get off your chest, before you go. You hop on your FURTHEST DISC and start zooming out of Deust's place. You head back to your house and head towards the top of it.

Duke: Message Palesprite

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began pestering Palesprite --

QA: Hey, Palesp-...Pal, do you have a moment?

Palesprite: Emerge from pendant

Palesprite: S0meth1ng wr0ng?

Duke: Continue messaging Palesprite

QA: Okay, so this maybe the end.

QA: Sort of.

QA: I'm guessing you've been paying attention to whats been going on with Derse and all.

Palesprite: Aff1rmat1ve.

QA: So yeah, we're going off to go fight the monarchs soon.

Palesprite: 1ndeed, yu0 are.

QA: So while we're gone, you're in charge of those mothercluckers.

QA: Make sure they don't make the house into another chicken coop.

QA: Understand?

Palesprite: Aff1rmat1ve.

QA: Okay...

Palesprite: ...

QA: ...

Palesprite: 1t seems as th0ugh yu0 have m0re t0 say.

Palesprite: Anyth1ng else yu0 w1sh t0 add?

QA: I don't know.

QA: I guess what I'm trying to get at is this may be the last time we see each other.

Palesprite: ...P0ss1bly.

QA: Shit, thought this conversation would be over by now.

QA: Ugh, I didn't want to make this conversation awkward...

Palesprite: ...

QA: I guess I'm just a bit nervous.

QA: Always thought about this moment.

QA: You know, being close to beating the game and all.

QA: I'm kind of pumped that we're finally this close...

QA: It's just...I may not come back and stuff.

QA: We may be victorious or maybe we'll lose.

QA: Shit, I don't know.

Palesprite: ...

QA: Ugh.

QA: What I'm trying to say is...

QA: Goodbye, Pal.

Palesprite: ...S0 l0ng, Duke.

Duke: Head off

Now you're ready. You make your journey back to the others, leaving Palesprite atop of your sky tower to watch over your consorts. You're now ready to go into combat.
Afrien : Relieve Freud

You tap on your pendant, summoning Freud.


You take off your pendant, and throw it over Freudsprite's horns.

"You served your duty as a Lusus well. Now go do whatever the fuck it is that sprites do after being relieved of duty."

"I get to go to Space Hawaii!?"

"The fuck is a Hawaii."

"Nevermind. See ya later Afrien! I had fun raising you!"

"You didn't do a very good job of it!"

And like that, Freud had flown out the window to god knows where.

"That was oddly stress relieving."
Aura: Embrace

The memories from the dream were fading fast, even when you tried to hold onto them Lyssa was there... Um... Well, it didn't matter. Ken was obviously worried, so you had to comfort him!

"I don't think some stupid Hex member could take me down, don't you worry!"

You smile confidently.
Charlotte: Release sprite

You tap your pendant, and BB pops out.

"Heya, Char! What's up?"

"BB... This isn't easy to say, but..."

"It's okay, Char. I understand."


"You're about to say that I've done my job, and you're gonna release me."

"How did you know?!"

"I'm psychic."


"Just kidding! I had a feeling, that's all."

You and BB share a laugh.

"So... I guess this is it."

"I'm gonna go back to LOCAF. Come and visit me and Sky Sprinter once you win, 'kay?"

"It's a promise, BB."

You smile at BB. She smiles back, then floats out the window and back to your land.


"Yeah... Yeah, you're right!"


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