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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Go

On your FURTHEST DISC, you begin to make your journey to the distant planet called Derse. You cannot wait for this fight, goosebumps are rising from just thinking of it. You feel pretty-darn prepared for this brawl and you're ready to give it your all.
Shadow nodded and started flying to Derse with the others. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous, but hey, she trusted that they knew their limits and would be alright. They had to be alright....


Amanda giggled with glee and started her journey. She got put in the back, but that was for the best, she guessed. She would rather not feel the effects some of her arrows had up close and personal. Should she warn the others about her upgrades?....Nah, she should be good. And, if they don't like it, they should have asked.





TA: you guy2 had better come back aliive

AA: may the fates align in y0ur fav0r

AC: :33 < you can do it!

GA: I Know You Shall Succeed

AG: You're too tough to die now!

CT: D--> Believe in your STRONGNESS

TC: FuCk tHoSe dErSiTeS Up, BrOs

CA: dont disappoint us

CC: Get out t)(ere and B-EAT T)(OS-E D-ERSIT-ES!

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @Nawmoo @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami
Afrien : Worry

You give a worried glance to Shadow.

'Take the hit for her.'

What kind of danger is she going to be in? You shake your head and try to clear your thoughts.
Theo began to fly with the others feeling a little more confident in her abilities. Even without using whatever powers she possessed she knew this fight was destined to be tremendous and probably something she would remember for the rest of her life, however long that may be.


Kersin took off as well hoping this fight would hold less death than he thought it might.
"Best of luck, Ken."

"See ya on the battlefield."


Deust : Change Bubble

You shrink the time bubble to cover only you and Afrien, before you fly to the SCIENCY SILO again. You could feel that there was more to this place last time you were here.

"Lets get hunting."
Duke: Gear up

You cannot gear up because you're already geared up. It would be a frivolous task to try and do so again. You just jump off your FURTHEST DISC and have it hover close by you. You then give the thumbs up over to Ken to show that you're ready.

Deust : Search

You lead the colorblind Afrien around, searching for whatever is hidden in this lab...


Deust : Open Hatch

You find a hidden hatch over by the WEIRD ASS MACHINES, and pop it open, before you and Afrien descend below.

"Dear lord..."

A giant chasm lies below the city, filled with projectiles, explosives, and a massive ass tank. That must be Bio-3.

"That is one big ass creature. Lets kill it."
Theo whipped out Harmonias axe, she had been saving it for something special (despite all the stuff she could have fought with it). She knew it would be her main axe so she decided not to use it until something big. " Lets rumble in the jungle m8." she said in reply to ken
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Afrien : Begin

You look to see how you are supposed to kill your opponents, checking their lifespans. You snap a rung off the ladder, and hurl it at a distant projectile. The projectile explodes, setting off a chain of explosions, killing a good 200 Dersites. Nice.

Deust : Charge

You leap off the ladder, slamming your Scepter into the ground. A small shockwave knocks a few scientists into the deadly flames. Nice.
Scientists: Evacuate


BIO-3: Emerge

You emerge from your holding tank, dazed and confused.

BIO-3: Hear commotion

You hear a commotion from a few rooms away. You're too large to fit through the doors, so you can't go check. You stumble around the room, getting accustomed to your body.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Sync Fraymotif

Deust : Sync Fraymotif



Afrien extends his arm while Deust places a hand on his shoulder, and a mossy gear appears before Afrien's hand. The troll shoots a multitude of seeds around the room, growing vines and capturing scientists. They get aged to death and turned to fertilizer quickly. Underground Trees. Neat!


Afrien : Follow Signal

You lead Deust into the next room, dispatching a few more Dersites, while tracking the large life signal.

"Almost there..."
Shadow: Get out Breath's Aide

She got out her weapon and looked at it. It was a really pretty weapon, but she had been hoping not to use it. She just didn't want to hurt anyone...but she guessed she had to change eventually...


Amanda: Take out Mind's Guide (...I couldn't remember what I called it, so I gave it a new name! xD ....Heheh.... -_- || ))

She took out her Mind's Guide and her quiver and giggled. She was gonna make shit explode! And freeze over! And maybe strike some Derseians with lightning? Hey, it was possible, and it sounded fun!

BIO-3: React

You feel a sharp object stick into your front right leg. You lift it up and slam down, dislodging the pointy thing.

BIO-3: Analyze

You are being assaulted by two creatures. One periplaneta sapiens, and one aminata kinodae.

BIO-3: Adapt

You develop a hard carapace to deflect blows.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Jab

You jab your Hardened Thrusting Device into the beasts shell, bouncing off.


"I got this!"

Deust : Timey Wimey Bullshit

You speed up the time around the beasts shell, and it softens with age.


Afrien : Try Again

You jump up on top of the Biological Successor, and run your Glaive down its back.


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