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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

You continue smiling, then notice everyone going to leave. You become confused.

"Wait, whats happening? I swear, I always get knocked out whenever something interesting happens!"
Kersin noticed Theo acting as if she was in a depressed state "Theo, what's wrong?" He asked quizzically. Theo chuckled "I-i don't know what i was expecting with this," she said tossing aside the doll " Then it... it kinda made me... in my...uh... 'depressed state.'" she said this sadly "Well what is it supposed to do, maybe i can help." he said hoping that by doing this he would be able to cheer her up. "Its supposed to be a kind of... gaurdian voodoo doll of sorts but, i dont think you can help with that." she said "On the contrary actually, during the time in which we were finding our denizens, apparently i was being haunted by my former colleague zeiren's ghost, he took the liberty of prototyping himself into my sprite since i wouldn't be doing so any time soon." he said "So your saying Zeiren would be willing to be in cooperated in my protection poppet thing?" she asked getting excited "He did say his days of protecting the public were over, he was pretty sad about that, therefore i do indeed believe he will be willing to do so." kersin said then summoning up his sprite

"Yes Kersin?" Zieren sprite asked, his mask projecting some sort of demon with a dastardly sharp smile. "My friend Theo here was wondering weather or not you would be interested in being her guardian by entering her poppet there." He said pointing at the doll "It would be my pleasure to protect Ms. Theo." he said politely then suddenly entering the empty doll. The doll suddenly stood on its hind legs and examined its new appendages, then looking at theo as if waiting for orders to be given. "Thank you Zeiren!" she said happily picking up the doll.
"Deust and I are going to go abort Bio-3."

"We will use a time bubble to get to the laboratory as fast as possible, and get out just as quick, so we will only arrive a bit late."

"It seems our squadron agrees."

"Once I show up, I can handle Close Ranged combat, along with support shields, thanks to my handy new Fraymotif."

"I can also handle mixed combat, along with using time anomalies to support everyone."

"And I, can do whatever I normally do, I guess... Bash its head in until it stops moving..?"

You again felt sad that you couldn't do anything more, but whatever...
Shadow nodded as she looked at everyone anxiously. Would she be able to do this? Wait, no. This wasn't the time to act scared and unsure. She had to protect everyone...it wasn't an option. "Yeah, I got it. Just...try not to get too hurt. I may be able to heal you, but it still worries me." She said with a light chuckle, trying to keep her mood positive.



Amanda: Reenact death

Amanda, growing bored, stood back up on the branch and looked down. It was a pretty far fall, so she should be good. She faked a battle in her head, smiling at the little story she had made in such a short time, and then pretended to stab herself, making herself fall off the branch and fall down. She couldn't help but laugh as she fell, stopping herself as she got closer to the ground. When her feet touched the ground, she stopped herself from giggling as she looked around. Guess it might be time to head back? She already knew they were going to lecture her for being so late.

Amanda: Turn glovetop back on

She turned her glovetop back on before starting her slow journey back to Duke's land. There was no need to rush. At least, she didn't think there was.
Amanda continued her leisurely pace as she flew back, enjoying the slight breeze that she herself made as she flew. She soon landed, though, and sighed. Okay, smile! Smile! She walked back in with a big smile. "I'm back! What's new?" She asked with a slight giggle in her tone.

Charlotte: Upgrade

You combine the Spellkeeper with the shiny white stone to make the ANGEL'S FINGER. You then combine your old bladed staff with the dense metal rod to make the LEADACHE MAKER.

Ken: Upgrade

You combine Kusanagi and your laser blade to make the ASTRAL HEAT.

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