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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda: Be puzzled

Trolls didn't have cell phones...right? So...how did he have a code...?

JF: Um....alr!ght....

JF: How do you know a code fur a phon3?

Amanda: Put in code

She stood up, grabbing her busted phone and walked over to the trash can by the entrance, throwing it away. It was a good phone, the latest model, but she guessed that didn't matter. She only needed to call her parents to put this stupid guilt aside.

She then walked over to the Alchemite and put in the code, wondering what was going to happen...or what sort of alien technology he was giving her....oh boy, she really should have thought further into this....

Amanda: Be relieved

Oh thank god...it's a human phone...my god was she worried. She picked up the phone and sighed. It really was outdated, but it would work.

Amanda: Call Mother

She dialed her mother's number and then held the phone up to her ear. It rang once before it cut off. Huh, weird, she always answered, even if she didn't know the person. Guess she was busy, so she'd just call back again later.

JF: Thanks aga!n! Now ! hav3 to g3t back b3fur w3 start, and ! wanna take a l!ttl3 long3r.

JF: Talk to ya lat3r !f ! don't d!3! H3H3

JF: My mom. ! purrpos3ly l3ft h3r and 3furyon3 3ls3 b3h!nd so th3y wouldn't g3t hurt.

JF: Gu3ss sh3's too busy try!ng to f!nd a n3w mans!on. *g!ggl3* That's r3ally all sh3 car3s about....

JF: Oh, b3s!d3s m3, but that on3 was obv!ous.

Amanda: Be confused

Why did it hurt her to lie? She's done it so many times that it became as natural as breathing. But...it hurt so much now...was she getting soft?

CT: D--> All right

You'll have to tell her... eventually. For now, though, she needs to focus on stopping Derse.

Equius: Notice

...uh oh. That doesn't look good.

CT: D--> There is an ogre coming towards your respiteblock

CT: D--> Be careful


Charlotte: Hear noise

You hear huge footsteps behind you. You turn around and see an ogre approaching. You scream, forgetting that you're supposed to be hiding.

Amanda: Jump

Was that Charlotte? What was she...oh. So her bad feeling wasn't wrong.

Amanda: Run to the balcony

She ran to the balcony and sat on the railing, looking at the ogre. It looked hideous. She took out her bow and quiver and took out two exploding arrows. She aimed the first between its eyes and fired, not even looking to see if it hit when she aimed for the throat, letting the second arrow loose when the first exploded on impact. Yeah, this was cool.

Amanda: Confront Charlotte

After she watched the ogre explode into Grist, she jumped back onto the balcony and walked back in. She then headed out into the hall and glared down at the young girl. "Charlotte, why did you follow me?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm fine Charlotte. I'm sure I've told you this." She said with a tight smile. "I'm taking you back to Ken as soon as I collect the Grist from the ogre. And, if you decide to leave before me, I will message him, understood?" She asked, looking down at her.

This time, she actually did laugh, though it was a bit harsh. "I am not worried. You are just reading too much into it. I'm fine and it's none of your business on who I called." She said as she headed down the hall.

Charlotte: Get angry

You clench your fists and grit your teeth. Fine, then. Let's just see how much you help her when she actually needs it!

Charlotte: Leave

You make yourself invisible and fly away, waiting until you're far into space to let out a frustrated scream. You set your sights for your own land. You don't think you can face the others right now.

Amanda: Collect Grist

She walked out and collected the Grist. She had already noticed Charlotte flew off, but really, she didn't care all that much. She hated it when people thought they knew her, could read her. She wasn't worried, but she felt guilty. She may have seemed scared, but she was rejoicing. The less time she had to deal with her family the better. It was all an act that she didn't know how to break.

Amanda: Hit tree

She couldn't do that! She didn't know if the trolls were watching. But...she had to hit something! She went to a tree and punched it, causing it to crack a bit under her strength. Fuck that hurt! She held her hand as she collapsed by the now cracked tree and sighed. What was she doing?
Amanda: Stare at screen in bewilderment

What? No! If you did that, he'd know right away he was right! She would just respond just as quickly as she usually does.

JF: Hmm? What do you m3an 3qu!us? ! don't h!d3 how ! f33l. !'m usually v3ry happy!

She gave a big smile, as if to prove her point.

CT: D--> I owe you an apology

CT: D--> I worried about you following our previous conversation

CT: D--> The Maid's words only increased that worry

CT: D--> So I asked Terezi to 100k into your mind

CT: D--> She told me what you are doing

God dammit Terezi.... She'd kill her if she knew where she was.

JF: .........

JF: So? Now what? You gonna treat me any different? Is that why you did it?

Amanda: Punch tree again

She stood up, faced the tree, and punched it even harder, causing it to split in two. She sat back down and buried her head into her knees. Why was this happening?


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