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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Dear god, here, I will show you."

clairvoyantAries -CA- began trolling
mushroomKing [MK]

CA: clairvoyantAries has sent file RELAXATION

"Duest, run the program."


Deust : Run Program

You run the RELAXATION app, and a blast of vapor hits you in the face. You slump back in the chair unconscious.


Afrien : Wake Up Deust

You walk across the room over to Deust's unconscious figure, and raise your hand high in the air.


You hand flies across his face as the king bolts up from his slumped position, fully awake.

Aura: React

You notice the conversations happening around you, and hear Afrien mention that 'Relaxation' thing again.


Before you could object a spray of green painfully penetrated your eyes, and you slump over in sleep.


Hummingbird: Try not to panic

They... They just killed themselves. Well, that wasn't entirely true if she could just avoid THAT memory... The one you couldn't seem to get out of her head. This was all going horribly wrong... And it was their fault. You decide to tell Ken of what he might have just done.

~ disregardingHummingbird [DH] is now talking to electroShogun [ES] ~

DH: You know, when I go out of my way to try and save your session,

DH: And you royally screw yourselves over because of how stupid you are,

DH: It makes me just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle angry.

DH: Do you know what you just diiiiiiiiiid?

DH: Or, might have doooooooooooooone?


Aura: Dream

You do, waking up on a beach. Hm. The ocean splashes behind you, with endless sand stretching far and wide in front of the ocean. Wait. You've... You've seen this before. You start walking down the beach, scanning around your environment. Nothing seems to be here, except a few cacti...
DH: Guess what sugar pea?

DH: I don't care if you don't care.

DH: I'm just telling you this now so it isn't a surprise.

DH: Well, it'll be a surprise either way.

DH: Lets just say I got a little moody before when your girlfriend was knocked out.

DH: So I did a few things.

DH: And I triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied fixing them.

DH: But it didn't work out.

DH: Now I can only hope she doesn't find what I hid away.

DH: And you better pray she doesn't wake up if she does.

DH: You better be prepared to...

DH: What would Aura say?

DH: 'Fudging kill me?'

DH: Something like that.
DH: I think you are...

DH: 'dealing with your own problems', was it?

DH: Don't need my help, I guess!

DH: Kehehe...

DH: I'd recommend just getting out of there...

DH: Sugar pea.


Aura: Wander

You do, looking around for signs of life. There didn't seem to be any, except for... What. OH GOD WHY IS THERE A DOLL?!?! You falter backwards. It was a small rag doll, staring up at you with button eyes. And it was smiling. Creepy. Suddenly, a person walked up behind you and placed their hands on you shoulders.



You jumped, staring at the person behind you. Oh, it was just Lyssa. Lyssa's appearance was you before you were God Tiered, with fangs and slitted eyes. Which creeped you out. She seemed to have a shackled around her foot attached to yours. Weird.

"What are you doing here? I've never seen you appear here before."

"I came here to stop you. Just, don't go any further. I've seen what this is. And its not good, for any of us."

"Who told you that?"

"Someone. Just, don't go any further."

And for some reason, you felt even more compelled to go forwards. But you stay, at least for the moment.
Amanda: Make sure you aren't being followed

She stopped, a nagging feeling stopping her. She looked around to see if anyone was there. But, when she didn't see anyone, she shrugged before flying off.

Amanda flew to her own land and landed in front of her house. It seemed to have been overrun by the imps and ogres, but she didn't have time to deal with them so she crushed those who got in her way and headed to her room.

Amanda: Grab phone

She walked over to her crushed phone and picked it up. Maybe Equius could help her fix it? She set it down and looked at it as she laid down on her bed. Should she? Her parents will only yell at her...but...


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