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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Afrien : Stand

You stop leaning on Deust and get a steady footing for yourself.

are the white mage of our group, but I guess I should give you a break."

Afrien : See

Ken, Aura, and Duke were all in a small shop nearby.

"Lets go see what the others are up to."

You begin to walk towards the shop, Deust close behind.

Shadow: Follow

Shadow ran to catch up to him and followed him to the shop. Just what was inside that caught their interest?

@Midnight Phantom


Amanda: Become numb

Amanda had gotten beat for the last ten minutes but it felt like an eternity. She was soon dropped onto the ground and he walked away, muttering a string of final curses and her smile finally faded. The club soon faded and she was left in the dark, but she wasn't waking up. She just laid there, her body screaming in pain but she didn't feel it.
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Duke: Gladly pay the shop-keep

You pull out your metaphorical boondollar piggybank and dump it towards the shop-keep. Boondollars rapidly spout from it and to the commerce consort. You wait till approximately 88,000 boondollars has been produced from the piggybank as payment for the fraymotif that you desire.

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Shadow's eyes sparkled when she heard they could heal and enhance. That would mean it would make it easier for her when someone gets hurt fighting, but she also might need to have something that enhances her attack power since she isn't very strong compared to the others. "C-can I see what...what you have?" She asked the shop keeper timidly.

Duke: Watch as the last boondollar plops out

...87,998 boondollars, 87,999 boondollars, aaaaaand 88,000 boondollars. Well that took awhile. You just kind of slightly move the pile over to the shop-keep.

Duke: Hold fraymotif up in the air

You purchased Void Verse form shop-keep for 88,000 boondollars!

You're mildly proud of yourself, for some reason.
Shadow began looking through it, amazed by some and horrified by others, but they were all amazing. She kept looking until she saw one that caught her eye. "Do you have any...of the Breathless Battaglia in stock sir?" She asked, though it took her awhile to pronounce the second half of the name.



Amanda: Wake up

After a few more minutes of mental abuse, Amanda woke up panting. But she was somewhere new. Oh wonderful, she still sleep walks. She looked around and frowned. Where was she?
Deust : Browse

You look around the shelf and find a Gear covered music box. It has a label card in front of it...

Modulation Tempo

Underneath it is a price tag of 92,000 Boondollars.

Afrien : Browse

You stop in front of a strangely carved cube.

"Here, let me read that."

"Eir Eroico"

"90,000 Boondollars."

"Buy em."

Deust : Buy Em

You set the two music boxes down on the counter.

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Theo had finally made it to her denizens lair after hours of searching and grinding, turns out it is a temple on the other side of her land. "Alright what level am i at right now." she asked herself whilst checking her echaladder. "huh, level 75 noice!" she said as she begun to climb the steps up into the fantastically built temple that was quite obviously made out of marble.
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