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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda giggled as she read his message. He was hilarious, but also sweet. She won't tease him for this. He's helped her too much.

JF: !t's alr!ght 3qu!us, ! und3rstand. !'m glad !'m not th3 only on3 who cons!d3r3d us to b3 fur!3nds.

CT: D--> I

CT: D--> I'm glad

CT: D--> Thank you, Amanda

Nepeta: Get jealous

That human's stealing all of Equius' attention from you! Grrr!

-- arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling joyfulFeline [JF] --

AC: >:( ( < *ac hisses at you*

Amanda blinked, confused. She thought she and Nepeta were friends too. What happened?

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: No purrobl3m! ! thought !t was k!nda cut3 how you pan!ck3d :3

Yeah, okay, she couldn't help it. She had to tease him. It was just too good an opportunity to pass up!

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: Um...N3p3ta? !s 3furyth!ng alr!ght? ! d!dn't do anyth!ng to ups3t you, hav3 !?

CT: D--> Please don't mention that to anyone else

CT: D--> I have a reputation to uphold


AC: >:( ( < oh nothing

AC: >:( ( < just go ahead and keep flirting with my meowrail

AC: >:( ( < *ac hisses again glaring at you*

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Uh...what is a 'meowrail? And was she talking about Equius? Did it look like she was flirting with him?

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: Okay, a f3w qu3st!ons

JF: ON3! What !s a m3owra!l?

JF: TWO! Ar3 you talk!ng about 3qu!us?

JF: And THR33! What mak3s you th!nk !'m fl!rt!ng w!th h!m?

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: Oh? What k!nd of r3puta!on? Ar3 you not allow3d to show your cut3 s!d3? So what happ3ns wh3n you'r3 t3as3d?

She giggles as she sits against a tree. He was fun to tease. But, what was up with Nepeta? Was she jealous because she was talking to Equius? I mean, she's the one who basically introduced them! What was she, bipolar or something? Well, she should probably try to keep him out of this until she understood what was going on. It'd be bad if he found out she might be arguing with Nepeta if this meowrail business was serious with trolls.

AC: :// < oh right youre a human

AC: :// < meowrail is my way of saying moirail

AC: :// < theyre like friends youre really really close to

AC: :// < equius is my moirail

AC: >:( ( < and youre stealing all of his attention!

AC: >:( ( < stop it!!


CT: D--> I'm supposed to be the STRONG one of the group

CT: D--> That means I have to show no weakness

CT: D--> Please stop teasing me

CT: D--> It makes me uncomfortable

Okay....so....does she like him? In a more than friends way? Because if not, she's even more lost. Why would she be jealous if they're just friends? Ugh! Troll logic was so confusing!...wait! Maybe she could ask Equius? She could say she didn't want to upset the trolls here but didn't want to ask in case they get mad for asking such sensitive questions. Yeah...that should work. I mean, it didn't look like Nepeta was going to be of any help with the mood she was in.

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: Okay, !'ll stop...but only !f you do m3 a favor!

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: Uh...N3p3ta...you sound l!k3 you'r3 j3alous, d3sp!t3 say!ng you and 3qu!us ar3 just fur!3nds...

JF: Also, ! do l!k3 3qu!us, but only as a fur!3nd. H3's fun to talk to.

JF: Th3r3 !s also th3 l!ttl3 matt3r that you w3r3 th3 on3 who !ntroduc3d us by t3ll!ng m3 h!s account nam3.

JF: !f you thought through all of th3 poss!b!l!t!3s, you would'v3 s33n th!s was a probabl3 outcom3. So pl3as3 do not act as !f th!s !s a surpr!s3 to you.

JF: Now, ! would lov3 to b3 fur!3nds w!th you, but you cannot b3com3 j3alous just b3caus3 m3 and 3qu!us g3t along. !s that alr!ght?

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: Expla!n to m3 about Trolls? ! wanna ask thos3 !n my s3ss!on, but ! don't know how to br!ng !t up s33!ng as som3 of th3m ar3...Uh...t3mpurrm3ntal...

JF: But !f that mak3s you uncomfurtabl3 too, that's f!n3.

Amanda: Message Nepeta

She smiled. There's the cat troll she knew.

JF: *JF g!ggl3s as sh3 tackl3pounc3s AC !nto a hug* Th3r3's th3 lov3abl3 cat g!rl ! know! ! can't stay mad at you!

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CT: D--> I can try

CT: D--> What do you want to know


AC: :33 < thanks amanda

AC: :33 < youre a great furiend

AC: :33 < i guess equius is just worried about you

AC: :33 < which makes sense if youre furiends

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: Anyth!ng r3ally. L!k3....what !s off3ns!v3 to trolls? What ar3 r3lat!onsh!ps l!k3 and ar3 th3y l!k3 human r3lat!onsh!ps? Stuff l!k3 that.

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: Y3p, h3's b33n h3lp!ng m3 d3c!d3 on what ! should g3t !n t3rms of w3apon upgrad3s and stuff l!k3 that.

JF: And b3s!d3s, you w3r3 just worr!3d about h!m too, r!ght?

CT: D--> Oh my

CT: D--> That will take quite some time to e%plain

CT: D--> I will do my best to shorten the e%planations

CT: D--> Okay


AC: :33 < yeah i guess i was

AC: :33 < but hey this is great!

AC: :33 < my moirail and my good friend are getting along!

AC: :33 < i wish we could all get along over here...

AC: :( ( < eridan and sollux are fighting

AC: :( ( < i mean they fight a lot

AC: :( ( < but this time theyre really mad at each other


CT: D--> Okay, time for a serious talk

CT: And serious talk means dropping the bow and arrow

CT: So, troll relationships are roughly split into four quadrants

CT: There are the two "red" relationships and the two "black" relationships

CT: The quadrants correspond to suits in your human playing card decks

CT: The red relationships are Matespritship and Moirallegiance

CT: Matespritship closely resembles your human "love"

CT: This falls into the Flushed quadrant, the heart

CT: Matesprits are partners and lovers

CT: Moirallegiance is similar, but strictly platonic

CT: This is the Pale quadrant, the diamond

CT: Moirails protect each other

CT: On the black side of the spectrum there is Auspisticism and Kismesissitude

CT: Auspisticism is when one mediates between rivals

CT: This would be the Ashen quadrant, the club

CT: The Auspistice keeps the rivals from killing each other

CT: Kismesissitude is raw hatred mixed with some level of attraction

CT: This being the Caliginous quadrant, the spade

CT: Kismesises respect each other, but hate at the same time

CT: Are you following this so far

Amanda: Take in information

Okay, so there are four quadrants represented by the four suits in cards. Matespriteship is easy since it is basically love and is represented by the heart and moirailship is basically the same, only without the key elements of what being in a relationship has and is represented by the diamond. She'd have to ask about the diamond. But other than that, that part is easy. Now Kismesissitude is like...hm...oh! An abusive relationship that both sides refuse to end! They both acknowledge they have loveable and respectful traits, but they despise each other and is represented by the spade. And auspisticism is just inserting a...let's see...oh! A couples counselor into the mix. It's represented by the club, which makes sense since it involves three people.

Amanda: Message Equius

Okay, since he's taking this seriously, she would too. She'd have to stop the cat puns and change her writing to regular e's and I's, but she could manage.

JF: Alright. So matespriteship and moirailship is represented by the heart and diamond because they are the red suits. Kismesissitude and auspisticism are represented by the club and spade because they are the black suits.

JF: And yes, I know that is not the reason they were chosen for you trolls, but it's how I'm grasping it, so please let me be on that.

JF: Okay...I think I got it.

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: ! hav3 no !d3a on who thos3 ar3, but th3y sound fun. :3

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CT: Good

CT: You're learning quite well

CT: Next up is the hemospectrum

CT: Troll hierarchy is determined by their blood color

CT: Burgundy, bronze, and yellow bloods make up the Lowbloods

CT: Olive, jade, teal, and cerulean are the midbloods

CT: There used to be lime bloods as well, but they were hunted to extinction

CT: Indigo blood, like mine, begins the highblood spectrum

CT: That proceeds through purple and violet, then to fuchsia, the highest blood

CT: Violet and fuchsia bloods are usually sea dweller

CT: And then there are the candy red bloods

CT: Candy red blood is a mutation

CT: Those with candy red blood are outcasts, lower than burgundy bloods

CT: Also, the lower the blood, the higher chance for the troll to develop psychic powers

CT: But higher bloods tend ti live longer lives

CT: Any questions


AC: :33 < sollux is pretty nice

AC: :33 < but eridans kinda mean

AC: :33 < he has violet blood so he thinks hes better than everyone

AC: :33 < but really what diffurence does blood color make?

AC: :33 < its who you are as a purrson that counts right?

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Amanda: Chuckle

Okay, so while the hemospectrum is something that should be followed, there are those who think it shouldn't exist. She wondered if Equius thought it should continue it's rein or maybe is like his moirail and thinks it doesn't matter. Oh, and candy red? Hm.

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: I pretty much got it, but isn't candy red the same as us humans? Also, what do you think of the hemospectrum? Does it still exist in your session? You know, since you've entered the game and all?

JF: Also, what do sea dwellers look like? Are like regular trolls only....with gills?

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: Totally! But...all humans hav3 th3 sam3 blood color, so ! don't hav3 th3 sam3 op!n!on as you.

CT: That is correct

CT: Sea dwellers possess gills, as well as fins on their necks

CT: Candy red is essentially the same as human blood

CT: But it is extremely rare in trolls

CT: Since entering the game the hemospectrum has lost importance

CT: However I still firmly believe in it

CT: I treat the highbloods in our group with the utmost respect


AC: :33 < oh right!

AC: :33 < all you humans have cherry candy red blood

AC: :33 < just like karcat does!

AC: :33 < oh but dont bring that up in front of him

AC: :33 < he hates his blood color

AC: :33 < its really rare or something

Hm, so they have different opinions. Got it. She'll try to keep that in mind.

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: OK! That's all my questions on that! You may continue!

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: ! hav3 no !d3a who Karkat !s, but ! shall k33p that !n m!nd !f ! 3fur do talk to h!m.

JF: And hon3stly, th3 only trolls ! know furom your s3ss!on ar3 you and 3qu!us.

CT: That's everything important that you should know

CT: Oh, I forgot one thing

CT: There is one common human object that should never be mentioned to trolls

CT: You humans use it to carry water

CT: But trolls use it for...

CT: Reproduction

CT: It is the equivalent of your human pornography to us

CT: So be careful


AC: :33 < karcats a really nice guy

AC: :33 < he acts all grumpy all the time but hes really a good guy

AC: :33 < his screen names carcinogeneticist if you ever want to talk to him

Okay...we use it for carrying water? That's a lot of things. Well, what's one thing who's main purpose is...oh! Okay. So, don't say bucket to a troll. Got it.

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: Got !t! But...just to mak3 sur3 ! know what not to say, do3s th3 word start w!th a 'B'?

JF: And ! only ask b3caus3 w3 us3 a lot of th!ngs to carry wat3r.

JF: Okay? Do you und3rstand that? !t's noth!ng w3!rd ! sw3ar!

JF: .........oh.

JF: Okay, ! now know how you f3lt 3arl!3r.......

JF: God that !s awkward......

JF: !'m sorry.

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: !'ll k33p that !n m!nd, but ! don't th!nk h3'll want a random human m3ssag!ng h!m out of th3 blu3 just to talk to h!m.

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Afrien : Wake Up

You awake on the floor of a massive castle.

"Need a hand?"

"Oh god, you have a body now?"

"No, you are in a Dream Bubble. This is an alternated compilation of our memories, and the influence of the game."

"I understood like 5 words in that sentence."

"My memories and your memories are put together into one big world. This is where you go when you sleep now"


"You knocked yourself out after making a fool of yourself in front of the girl."

"Please never speak of that again."

"If you don't speak of my affair with the Empress, then we have a deal."

"Fair enough."
Amanda: Message Equius

JF: H3h3, got !t! No mor3 m3nt!on of that word!

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: W3ll, r3ally, ! don't th!nk anyon3 l!k3s !t. ! m!ght b3 th3 only on3 !n my s3ss!on compl3t3ly f!n3 w!th !t....

JF: Th3n aga!n, ! don't r3ally know th3 otfur m3mb3rs of my s3ss!on.

JF: *JF shrugs as sh3 l3ans back* W3ll, ! gu3ss !'ll f!gur3 !t out soon3r or lat3r.

CT: Thank you

CT: D--> This ends the serious talk

CT: D--> I hope I answered all of your questions


AC: :33 < yeah youll find out soon enough

AC: :33 < you learn a lot about people when youre fighting together


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