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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)


She blinked before looking at the messages again. Did...did something happen to Equius? He was sounding a bit funny....and...how did she use her Thief powers?

JF: Y3ah....Uh....how do ! do that 3xactly?



Shadow just smiled up at him with a small laugh. "Oh no, it's nothing like that. Honestly, you are too good for me....I don't know why you would even like a troll who didn't even act like one....and you already made it quite obvious you didn't like high bloods....so I knew this would happen...." She said with another small laugh, though this one sounding strained. "I...I'm sorry....." She stood up and walked off, trying to fight back the tears. She knew it would happen....but it still hurt so much....

@Midnight Phantom
Duke: Ummm

You cannot um for you cannot make sound. The most you could do is open your mouth and look kind of awkward. It's as though you just saw something bizarre or you're about to say something. You promptly shut your trap and continue your conversation.

(Okay, I guess that's alright. So what do they want to say to me?)


Uh....okay....? Yeah...not getting it...but whatever. She focused on him and his thoughts, trying to bring..what was it..? Words? Out of his head. Okay...she took a breath and calmed down, and then tried again. She imagined his thoughts as an object and then imagined it floating over to her. She trusted...him? She still believed it was Equius...but she was also pretty sure it wasn't.


Duke: Um

Dammit, you can't do that! Stop trying to do that, you look weird! Just stop! If only you could see how weird you looked every time you tried, then maybe you'd knock it off!

(So when should I be expecting one to contact me?)

Ex...excuse me? Th...this bastard! She growled then dropped the stones on the ground, causing some of them to shatter. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Wait...weren't they supposed to explode or something? Or freeze? You weren't lying to me just now, were you mister? Because if you were, I wouldn't be very happy." She said with an innocent yet wicked smile.




Jeweler: Go pale

"Erm... W-Well... You see..."

You reach beneath the counter, grab the bag sitting there, and set it on top of the counter.

"C-Can I interest you in this assortment of magic stones? On the house?"

(Oh, god, please don't kill me!)

"On the house? Really? You aren't lying, are you? Cause I'll be able to tell." She said, keeping her gaze trained on him, her smirk growing. This...yeah, this was fun. "They're real magic stones this time, right?"

Duke: Worry

Oh dear god(s), why on not-Earth do they want to start speaking with you? Is it because you got the book now? You don't know, but you're sure you're gonna find out later.

(Okay, well thanks for the heads-up, Oglogoth.)

She smiled and grabbed the bag. "Thank you! I look forward to doing business with you again." She said before walking out.

JF: Okay...that was cool! And ! got fr33 stuff!

JF: Who ar3 you 3xactly? ! know you ar3n't 3qu!us.

"Ooooooh! Really? How much? Would that mean that Ken and I could do some awesome dancing attack moves?!"

Okay, you might be getting a little over excited. But, having music as an attack is just... Amazing! The possibilities were endless!



CT: I'm Vriska Serket, Thief of Light.

CT: My own trollhandle is arachnidsGrip.

CT: Message me sometime, okay? :::

Equius: Get control back

You manage to drag Vriska away from your computer.

CT: D--> I apologize for that

CT: D--> Vriska staged a hostile takeover of my computer

CT: D--> Did she tell you to do anything strange



"The price varies depending on the specific Motif. My stock ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 Boondollars each. But if you buy two, I'll give you a special third one for free!"

Aura: Gasp

"That sounds amazing! Hey Ken, what do you think of it?"

You smile at him, clearly wanting his opinion before just selecting something.
JF: Strang3? What do you m3an strang3? Sh3's aw3som3! Taught m3 how to us3 my Th!3f pow3rs and ! got th!s whol3 bag of mag!c ston3s fur fr33!

JF: How rad !s that?

She began walking around, wondering what she should do now. She got the stones, so now what? Oh, how much time did she have left? Oh, never mind. She'd be cool. Besides, this was way more exciting than just floating around Duke's house.

Duke: Ummm



SCREW YOU! THAT'S IT, I'M OUT! I'm gone, can't take this shit no more. This is BULLSHIT! I'M GONE!

*Door slam*

(So, Oglogoth...How do I stop him from singing to me? Do I just like interrupt him or something?)

Afrien : Welp

You walk over to the nearest wall and begin to smash your face into it repeatedly.




'Is this REALLY gonna help?'

'You can shut your Empress Fucking mouth.'


'Oh my god.'

'Did you actually sleep with the Empress.'

'Holy fuck.'


Deust : Shop

You don't notice Afrien slipping away and continue shopping. You also buy a EXTREMELY DENSE METAL INGOT to meld with your weapon.
She had made sure she had grabbed her sword/daggers before she walked off. She didn't go far, just made sure no one could find her if they weren't looking. What was she going to do now? It's not like she could act like nothing happened....
Afrien : Pass Out

With one last skull bash, you slump onto the ground, smearing blood down the wall.

'Why did I get such a stupid descendant?'
"It sounds really cool! Let's get some!"



CT: D--> I would not trust Vriska

CT: D--> She is manipulative

CT: D--> Be wary around her




Be wary of her? Why? She seemed cool and she had the most fun when listening to her....but if he said so.....

JF: Alr!ght, but can ! st!ll talk to h3r? Sh3 r3ally !s fun to talk too....

After sending that, she remembered he also said to get a metal to combine with to make sure her bow doesn't break. It could be useful in the long run, so she started looking around for a shop that sold precious and strong metals.


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