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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Shadow sighed and watched him go. She was an idiot!....but it was probably for the best. She didn't deserve a troll like that....and he'd probably forget about her when the game was finished. She didn't even know why she had.....no. She knew why. She had gotten too comfortable. She thought they were different, but half of them were human and would go back doing...whatever humans do!

Shadow: Be depressed

Why had she thought that she would be any different? She'd always be alone...she'd always be weak.... She pulled out the sword/daggers that her denizen had given her. They were beautiful...and she didn't deserve them. She set them down by her feet and buried her face into her knees again. She...she was totally worthless...what made her believe she could be any different?


Amanda: Remember

Oh right! Him! The funny one! How had she forgotten him? Oops.

JF: H3y 3qu!us! B33n awh!l3! And ya, your r!ght. On my old on3 !t !s, but not my n3w on3!

JF: !t's amaz!ng! Totally unbr3akabl3! And ! d!d'nt 3v3n hav3 to f!ght h!m! !sn't that aw3som3!

JF: Though, h3 d!d hav3 m3 worr!3d....h3 was scary! But ! got past !t.

JF: Wanna know how?

JF: B3caus3 ! am th3 b3st!


Charlotte: Console Shadow

You see Shadow sitting on the ground alone. You go and sit next to her.

"Are you okay, Shadow?"


CT: You didn't fight him

CT: Why

CT: You should have fought him

CT: To prove your STRONGNESS

Amanda: Laugh

Yes! That's it! There's the funny guy you knew!....well....sorta.

JF: Dud3, ch!llax! !sn't !t b3tt3r not to f!ght th3 g!ant god th!ng? B3s!d3s, ! hav3 so much mor3 Gr!st to sp3nd on mak!ng !t 3v3n b3tt3r!

JF: Also....b3tw33n you and m3.....!'m glad ! d!dn't hav3 to.... That m3ant ! wasn't gonna d!3 just y3t.....!s that cons!d3r3d w3akn3ss?


Shadow jumped....again.....but this time she didn't look up. She couldn't keep doing this to herself!
"I'm fine....just tired, is all....it's been a while since I had a good rest..I might do that while you are all....shopping." She said, hoping it didn't sound like her voice was shaking. She didn't want to talk about her made up chance with Afrien....or the fact she'd be left behind again....oh great, now she's crying again....just....let's just try to be quiet and maybe she won't hear you? Humans do have weaker hearing....

CT: D--> I suppose e%ercising caution is a form of STRONGNESS

CT: D--> Anyways, I would recommend combining your arrows with magic stones

CT: D--> Enchanted arrows are very STRONG

CT: D--> Also, combine your bow with something metal so that you don't break it when you draw the string


"Shadow? Are you... crying?"

"No...I'm fine Charlotte...Promise. Go have fun, okay?" She said, still refusing to look at her. She was too perceptive...but she guessed that wasn't always a bad thing....it was better than her, anyway.


JF: Wa!t....! can us3 mag!c?!?!?!?!?!?! That....that's fuck!ng amaz!ng! Why d!dn't you t3ll m3 soon3r 3qu!us?!?!?!!?!?!

JF: Do you know wh3r3 to f!nd th3m? Or w!ll ! hav3 to t3ar th!s plac3 apart look!ng?

"Seems interesting enough! C'mon lets go."

You start walking towards the little shop, with Ken in tow. You stop suddenly.

"Uh... W-why don't you go first?"

You weren't really asking, but you'd heard the stories of the creepy houses. You had no clue why you were scared NOW of all times, but you couldn't help it.
"If you say so..."

You reluctantly get up and head off to a shop.


CT: D--> It looks like there is a jeweler nearby

CT: D--> Maybe they have magic stones in stock



Ken: Lead

You head into the shop and look around. There doesn't seem to be much inside, but it looks safe.

"It's okay, Aura. Come on in."

JF: Sw33t!

Amanda looked around until she found the jewelers and began looking around. They were all so pretty! Which one should she chose? Has to be pretty, but also help when in a tough spot. But....mainly pretty. She picked up a pink one that seemed to sparkle and giggled.

JF: What about th!s on3? !t's so pr3tty!

You follow him, looking around. Psshhh, why were you so scared anyway? It was just a... Dark... Dusty... Old... STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! You scold yourself, and regain your confidence. You enter the store after Ken, looking around.

"Hellooooo? Anyone here?"
Afrien : Be Oblivious

You don't notice Shadow obviously crying and keep shopping. You buy a EXTREMELY DENSE METAL INGOT and add it to your Captchalogue. You can combine that later.

'Hey Descendant.'

'What now?'

'The female is crying. Console her.'


'Oh shit.'

Afrien : Stop Being Oblivious

You walk over to Shadow and sit down next to her.

"Uhhhh... Whats.... Wrong...?"

"Oh...nope. Don't need that." She put it down and sighed. It was so pretty too.... She continued to look around, picking up a few but then putting them back. Okay....this was harder than she had thought...

JF: Okay...! n33d h3lp.....wh!ch on3 should ! g3t? Caus3, !f !t's up to m3, !'d go w!th on3 of th3 p!nk on3s...but som3th!ng t3lls m3 !t probably !sn't a good !d3a.....



"It's....it's nothing....don't w-worry about it....." She said, sniffling a bit. Damn it, why did he have to come over? She didn't him to think she was any weaker than she already was....but....how did he know? She figured he wouldn't notice until someone pointed it out.....

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Worry About It

Your face softens a bit from your normally neutral expression.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears."


'Wow. You should be that nice to me.'

'Oh shut up pansy.'

'That is no way to speak to your Ancestor!'

'I will throw away this god damned pendant.'

'And all my advice?'


"No....if I do....I'll get even more....attached...." She said between sobs. Dammit! Stop crying! Stop...oh, what was the point? He already thought less of her because of her blood color...she knew that...high bloods were cruel to those of a lower blood color...so what gave her a right to complain, let alone cry, to him? What made her so better? He tried so much harder than she did....he was perfect...despite his anger....and she was....well, she was worthless....

@Midnight Phantom


JF: Cool! ! g3t to mak3 th!ngs 3xplod3? Or...or...fr33z3? Ah!!!!!!!! That. !s. So. Cool! Why d!dn't ! Com3 !nto th!s gam3 3arl!3r? !t's so much b3tt3r than hom3!

She giggled as she looked around and, once finding them, asked the cashier how much they were...wait...did these have a limited usage?

"Excuse me, but how many times can I use them?" She asked, looking them over. By how small they were, she guessed once or twice, but you could never know in this wicked game.

Afrien : Console

You pull Shadow up and half support half carry her into a nearby abandoned building, setting her down on the bench. You wrap one arm around her and wait awkwardly.



'What is it now?'

'When are you gonna make your move?'

'My what.'

'Ya know.'

'Kiss her and stuff.'

'Oh my fucking god.'

'I thought you were inside my brain.'

'How are you this damn stupid.'
Duke: Read spell

You start flipping through pages, looking for this spell Oglogoth was talking about. You think you spotted it and start reading outloud the spell...of course no one can hear you saying the spell because you're not actually making any sound. But whatever, you think it works. Yay for "majjyk" you don't really understand...Yeah...So you guess you might as well give this god telepathy thing a try now. You swear there's another word for it, but you can't recall it.

Duke: Give it a try

(Ahem, Testing. 1, 2, 3. Oglogoth, can you hear me?)

She cried a bit longer before calming down. She did feel a bit calmer....but she made a complete fool of herself... "S-Sorry..." She said, trying to erase any and all evidence of her blood color, despite that it now stained her hands and cheeks from all the crying. "I...I just...." She stopped. What was she supposed to say? Sorry for being so weak? So useless? Sorry she was a blue blood? That she was weak?... Ugh, she thought that twice... She cast her gaze downwards and bit her lip. No...she was done crying...at least...in front of him she was.

@Midnight Phantom


"Awesome! I'll take...like...fifty dozen. So...that would be..." She quickly rid the math in her head before smiling. Yeah, she had enough. "One hundred Boonbucks fur fifty dozen red ones and fifty dozen blue ones, right?"

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Aura: React

You about smacked the Shopkeeper in the face with your MOLTEN WRATH. Oh god. You take a deep breath, then look at him.

Aura: Question

"Whats a Fraymotif?"
Afrien : Smile

Your lips curl up slightly as you give a small sigh.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about. I should be apologizing for having been an asshole all this time."


'Oh, so I can curse when I'm shit talking myself?'


'I fucking hate you.'

'But you need me.'


'Fair point.'



"That is correct, child."

Vriska: Intervene

You shove Equius out of the way and start typing.

CT: Wait a minute.

CT: Something's not right.

CT: Use your Thief powers. That jeweler is deceiving you.



"Fraymotifs are wondrous little music boxes that boost your power when you hear their tune! They're a must-have for any hunter! Plus, they can harmonize with up to two other Fraymotifs for even more power!"

'If you aren't flushed for her, this is really awkward.'



"Look... I know how you feel, and I appreciate that..."

Afrien : Gulp

This is gonna hurt both of you.

"I just don't think I'm cut out for the whole flushed thing. I'm really sorry, I just think you should find someone better."


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