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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

JF: Alr!ght! ! purrom!s3! And !'ll ask you about anyth!ng sh3 t3lls m3. Do3s that mak3 you f33l any b3tt3r?

JF: Oh! And do you th!nk th3r3 m!ght b3 a good m3tal shop anywh3r3 n3ar h3r3? ! can't s33m to f!nd on3.




CT: D--> It 100% like there is a bla%mith shop on the ne%t street

CT: D--> Try there



"There's all sorts! Here, have a look!"

You take out a catalog and hand it to the girl.

You take it... And... Oh. You can't seem to read it. Was this in Kino or something?

"Hey Ken? Are you able to... Um... Read this?"

You show him the catalog. Maybe it was the light. Yeah, probably the light.
JF: My god you ar3 amaz!ng! Thanks!

She flew over to the next street and walked in. She looked around and was smiling the whole time. This was amazing! So many different metals, each ranging from roughness, hardness, and even cut style! It was amazing! But....which should she use for her bow? She didn't want it to be too strong, but not too soft either...

(Great! Well good thought-casting with you, Oglogoth, but I should probably get back to buying more random stuff. Talk to you...whenever you decide to talk to me again.)

Ken: Look

"Uhh... Hm. I can't read it, either."

"Oh, my apologies! I gave you the wrong one! Here, this one should be in human language."

The shopkeeper hands you another book. You open it up and show it to Aura.

"Ooh, check these out! Feathercadence... Divine Allargando... Oh, this one looks cool. Allegrissimo."



CT: D--> Look in the corner over there

CT: D--> That looks like Orichalcum

CT: D--> Very STRONG, but also fle%ible

CT: D--> That would do very nicely

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Amanda walked over and looked it over. It certainly was flexible, and it was kinda pretty. "How much is this?" She asked, looking over at the shop owner while doing what she did with the other. She didn't want to look like a fool twice in one day.

"That does seem really cool... Alright, then I'll get that one. But, um, how do I use this Fraymotif? And how do you combine them?"
"If you equip it into your Strife Deck, it'll start up automatically when you engage in Strife. Then, to combine, you and another must stand beside each other, and your Fraymotifs will automatically overlap and mix."

The shopkeeper places an ornate purple music box on the counter.

"Here you go. One Furious Sonata. That'll be 55,000 Boondollars."

She smiled and handed him the money. She was about to leave when she thought about something was there anything else she might be able to use in here?...na, she should be fine. She walked out, examining what she just purchased with a smile. Her amazing denizen bow was going to look awesome with this! And...oh! She could combine the magic stones with her arrow heads...that way, she wouldn't have to keep buying more but only making them. She giggled as she thought of this, but then wondered what all the stones did. She was pretty sure he gave her more than just the red and blue ones. And she couldn't keep relying on Equius for the answers to these things. Maybe she could guess? No, too risky.

Amanda: Begin pondering options

So, guessing was out. She couldn't just combine them with something because it might come out completely useless and then she would have wasted Grist. Asking Equius might infuriate him if she did it too often, but that brought her to how he knew so much about metals. Did he build things during the game? That meant he was an engineer, right? That might come in handy for this game....but she didn't think anyone knew how to actually build things. It might be a huge loss in making an advantage, but it wasn't a necessary skill set that was currently needed, or ever needed unless their Alchemite broke or out of range, and Ken could teleport things and it's not like it needed to be plugged in to anything. Okay, she got off topic, but that was definitely a much needed examination. Now, what else....?


You pay him the 55,000, which in reality seemed like such a small amount compared to your stash. But, whatever.

"So, Ken, which one do you like?"
Duke: Continue shopping spree

Now holding a GRIMOIRE and PICKLED BRAIN, you waltz out of The Wickedly Wonderful and back into Kino Kingdom's shopping district. You captchalogue both into your sylladex, they were pretty heavy and you don't really want to have to lug them around to every shop.

You stop by a consort selling MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Your fancy is tickled when you spot a KEYBOARD. You would enjoy having it, but this crazy consort demands 808,000 boondollars. Such a ridiculous price does not settle with you for just a portable piano.

Duke: Bargain

You try haggling with the man, non-verbally, to lower the price down to 18,000 boondollars. The merchant does not seemed pleased, he demands at least 88,000 boondollars. You throw down 38,000 boondollars as your final offer. He gives you a stern look, but the consort grudgingly agrees to your deal.

Congradulations! You purchased a KEYBOARD for 38,000 boondollars!
ES: D--> I'm afraid I cannot help you identify the stones

ES: D--> I'm only familiar with flarestones and froststones

ES: D--> My e%pertise is moreso in the realm of roboti%

ES: D--> Perhaps someone else can help you with the stones




You look through the catalog. One particular line catches your eye.

"Kinetic Cantata..."

"Oh! That's a very popular one among heroes of Space! Normally, that one costs 100,000, but I'll bring it down to 70,000 just for you!"

"I'll take it."

You hand over the money and take the music box. You look over the intricate box.


Amanda blinked in surprise. How did he...know what? Not gonna question it. He was a troll who could more than likely see her. How else would Vriska have known how much he was charging or Equius could've known where to look? Yep, not questioning it.

JF: Y3ah, ! was th!nk!ng about that. Also, you know your way around robot!cs, so do3s that m3an you w3r3 an 3ngin33r fur your s3ss!on? Was !t us3ful to th3 gam3 or was !t just...th3r3?

JF: Also, do you th!nk ! m!ght n33d Anyth!ng 3ls3? ! don't th!nk so, but ! n33d a s3cond op!n!on just to b3 saf3.

CT: D--> I suppose you could call me an engineer

CT: D--> My roboti% were crucial to our game

CT: D--> You see, before we started, one of ours died and became a shadow dropper

CT: D--> That is to say, a ghost

CT: D--> I constructed her a new body to reside in

CT: D--> Without my roboti%, we would have lost our hero of Time

So it could be useful....ugh! What should she do? She could bring it up to Ken, but it's not like it could prove useful to them now or the near future. Oh well, she'd discuss it with someone....maybe Duke? No, he didn't seem open to conversation at the moment...or something happened with his denizen. She'd have to ask.

JF: R3ally? Thank god you kn3w how to th3n. But...how d!d sh3 d!3, !f you don't m!nd m3 ask!ng. !'d l!k3 to pr3v3nt anymor3 d3aths !n th!s s3ss!on.

CT: D--> This is why I warn you to be wary around Vriska

CT: D--> I don't want you to get hurt by her

CT: D--> Not like I care about you in that way

CT: D--> I see you as a friend and no more

CT: D--> Oh goodness, I'm digging myself into a hole here

CT: D--> Just

CT: D--> Be careful, okay

Equius: Dry self

You've completely soaked your towel already. Fiddlesticks.


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