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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda: Message Equius

JF: !t has! Thank you fur answ3r!ng th3m!...and fur b3!ng pat!3nt w!th m3.

Amanda: Message Nepeta

JF: Y3ah, but th3y ar3 all strang3rs to m3, so !t m!ght tak3 m3 a b!t longer.


Amanda: Feel drowsy

Okay...she was tired...but she didn't want to sleep. Her dream self was no more so what would she be walking up to when she did fall asleep? It honestly terrified her since she had had safe haven on that people planet for so long that she was still having a hard time grasping that it was gone.
Afrien : Get Up

You push yourself off the ground, Chryom supporting you.

"It's so weird not being dead."

"Why the hell are we in the palace?"

"To keep safe from it."


"Some indescribable beast. It resides in the sky outside."

"Let me go check it out."

Afrien : Go

You fly outside and up to the sky, and you see it. Swirling indescribable madness. An Unfathomable being.











Afrien : Scream

The insane life force being given off from the being causes your think pan to be over-run with agony. The beings body flashes to billions of shades of green every second, and the visions of its life force fill your eyes with chaos.

???: React

You notice that the Seer is staring through the Bubble at you. You turn toward it.

N̵A̴̶̢͢Z҉̸̷̕̕'̸̴̷̢͞Ṕ̶́͢L̶͟͝D́͡͝À̴R̡͜ ̧͟X͟͝'͜͜͠K̨̛͘͘͏'̷̡̛͟͡L̷̕͏͞҉È̶́Ń̕A̸͡ ̀́҉̧D͡҉́̕͞H̷͘Ȩ̢̧L̢̡̛͞A̛͞Ṕ̢̛͘͡.̴̶̧͡͡

@Midnight Phantom
K̶Z͝R͝Ą̷̷͞L̨̨̕͢ ̧̢͟D͜͝͞͡'̧́͡͠N͞҉I̕̕ ̀Ş͡͏̡͟L̷̕L̵Ą̕͝͡?̸̨ ͘̕̕F͜҉̕L̴̵͟͡Ų̛͝T̨҉H̸͢L̸̢Ư̵̛ ҉̶Ś͜҉͝҉'̀͝Ẁ̵͘͡A͢҉͞͡Z͟҉̸͜͠.̵̸̧

@Midnight Phantom
JF: Alr!ght....good n!ght th3n.

Amanda: Sleep

She curled against the tree and closed her eyes, letting sleep take her over.

Amanda: Awaken?

She yawned as she sat up. Where was she? Oh...it's a booth at one of the clubs she and her friends frequented. It feels like its been forever since she was last here with them. And there were so many people, but...something felt off. Wrong. Why did she have this chill?

Yeah, you love this thing. You play some sweet notes while you lose track of time.

Duke: Stop fooling around

You store the KEYBOARD into your sylladex, you can play with it later.

Duke: Explore shopping district

You go back to your shopping spree an suddenly find yourself standing directly in front of a store that's selling something called Fraymotifs. You're not actually sure what one even is. Once again, you're curiosity is peaked. You got to check it out.

Duke: Check it out

You slowly make your way to the shop-keep and non-verbally demand to see some fraymotifs.

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Chryom : Be Useful

You fly up to the eldritch madness and grab Afrien.

Chryom : Abscond

You pull your descendant back into the castle, and he lies on the floor, twitching.

"Are you... Okay?"



Afrien : Wake Up

You slowly begin to wake up in the real world, making both you and Chryom fade out of the Dream Bubble.
Amanda: Become confused

She knew she knew what was coming, but why couldn't she place it? It...it seemed like others awful...but she couldn't place it. Actually, now that she thought about it, she couldn't remember what happened whenever she came here. But, it wasn't because of drugs or alcohol. She was the driver that night. So why couldn't she...?

Amanda: Become startled

She felt herself be jerked up to her feet, pain pulsating through her arm and shoulder. Shit...she remembered now why she couldn't remember this night. Oh shit. She looked up to see her dad and she had to surpass a scream. She could wake up from these...right?
Deust : Help Afrien

You heard loud groaning from inside a nearby building and find Afrien lying on the ground, curling up in pain.


"My think pan feels like death."

You pull the Seer onto his feet. He slumps against you, so you help him stand.

"That in the hells happened to you?"

"Dream Bubbles. Horrorterrors. Its a long story."

"I won't ask then."

Duke: Wonder

You scratch your chin as to what the merchant was selling. Looks like these fraymotifs are like special abilities or some kind of special attacks. You wonder how you could possibly use these.

Duke: Ask Merchant

You cannot ask the merchant for you are a muted mage, a silent sorcerer, a whist wizard. You could probably go on with this list, but you aren't, you just scratch your head in front of the merchant to show that you're confused with his products.

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"Ah, you're confused. I see. These are Fraymotifs, magic music boxes that give you power in battle. If you equip one to your Strife Deck, you can use it to launch a musical magical attack, or boost your or your allies' strength. Plus, they can combine with other people's Fraymotifs, multiplying their power."

"What do you think you are doing? What happened to studying? Is this why your grades are dropping? You insignificant little fuck!" Her father yelled, punching her across the face before kneeing her in the stomach. She screamed in pain and he pulled on her hair. "Does it hurt? It better! It's better than you deserve though! You don't even deserve to be here! You shouldn't have ever been born!"

Amanda's eyes teared up but she blinked them away. She had to smile. Smiling made this better, made it easier. So, she just smiled up at him, trying to ignore the pain she had forgotten. It would be over soon...right?


Shadow: Grow concerned

Why did Duest need you? She stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes before she walked out of her hiding place and looked around, gasping at what she saw. "What happened to him?" She asked, moving the wind around him as she ran over.
"Whatever those things Duke associates with are, one just tried to eat my soul."

'That's a bit dramatic.'

'Fuck off Chryom.'

"I passed out and woke up in this thing called a Dream Bubble, which is where our Dream Selves go now. Anyways, this giant monster was in the sky. It gave off some insane life reading, and I passed out from the sheer pain of trying to understand it, causing my real self to wake up again."

"Well, at least my head feels better."

'As well as it can feel with you up here.'

'I'm so flattered that you always have me on your mind.'



'Shut the fuck up.'


"I will try to be less of a dumbass in the future."

"You keep saying that but I've healed you more often than everyone else combined." She said with a sigh. "I honestly think you need a guard to make sure you don't do anything that might hurt you."

@Midnight Phantom
Duke: React in surprise

WOW! Musical boxes of magical capabilities, now that is something that you just had to have. Even having one of these fraymotifs could possibly assist you in a strife.

Duke: Look through Fraymotif Catalog

You instantly spot a fraymotif called Void Verse. This particular fraymotif just practically had your name written all over it. Void Verse, Mage of Void, it was so obviously a match made in heaven.

Duke: Show shop-keep

You show the merchant the fraymotif catalog while you point to the one called Void Verse.

"Void Verse, eh? You're a lucky one. I have just one left in stock."

You place the rather plain-looking Void Verse box on the counter.

"That'll be 88,000 Boondollars."


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