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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"You know it fudging is! LETS GO KILL IT!"

You rub towards the beast, then slow down.

"Oh yeah. Fraymotifs. So, hows this work?"
Charlotte: Take inventory

You check on your purchases so far. You've got a SHINY WHITE STONE, an adorable SCALEMATE plushie, and a DENSE METAL ROD. You think you could make something cool out of these.

Charlotte: Notice shop

You notice a shop that you glanced over earlier. Fraymotifs. You decide to head inside and see what's up.



"He said we have to equip them to our Strife Decks..."

You equip Kinetic Cantata to your first Fraymotif slot.

"...then we can use their powers during Strife."

Shadow continued to look at the box before shaking her head. She'd figure it out later. She then walked out, still examining it. It was really interesting and what it did was amazing too. Taking the power from the opponent for four turns and then releasing that power into an attack on the fifth. It even repeated the process!....or so said the catalogue.


Amanda: Ponder current options

Amanda walked around, enjoying the sights of wherever on Duke's land she was. It was certainly pretty here, but she had to figure out where to get back to Duke's so she could make the bow a little better and then figuring out what all the stones did. Maybe she could convince Nepeta to get Sollux or Eridan to message her seeing as they seemed interesting to talk to...but she might not have anything to talk about with a basic royal fish and another troll. Ugh, well, there went that option. Maybe she could just talk to Equius and Nepeta some more? They were decent enough and fun to talk to. Or maybe get Vriska's handle and talk with her. She seemed interesting. And then there was this Karkat's handle. It could be fun to troll and troll...if Equius, Nepeta, or Vriska hasn't told him her own handle. So many options, but some had risky or unsatisfying possible outcomes.
Aura: Equip

You equip the Furious Sonata into the Fraymotif slot as well, then get into a battle stance with your MorningStar at the ready.

"Lets do that then! I'll let you go first, since you actually seem to know what your talking about. I'll follow it up."
Duke: Stray away from group

You weren't too keen on getting into a strife right now. You literally just DIED a while ago, you think you've earned a break. You watch as Ken and Aura go off to test out their new fraymotifs. Crazy kids, if they're not-wait...didn't you make this rant before? Whatever, you wave goodbye and leave it at that.

Duke: Notice Charlotte

You see Charlotte now checking out the shop and give a friendly non-verbal hello in the form of just waving at her.

Charlotte: Wave

You wave at Duke, then start looking through the store shelves.



Ken: Strife!

You draw your Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (whew, that's a mouthful) and engage the Lich. It gets the first attack, spearing its tentacles at you. You teleport out of the way and activate your Fraymotif.


You hear a chorus chanting as you wind up for a slash. You swing at the Lich, noticing that your swing seems to be accelerating much faster. The swing chops cleanly through several of the Lich's tentacles.

Duke: Start explaining stuff

In any other circumstances, this would be that part when you would start elaborating on what fraymotifs are and how they work...But you can't, you're a mute, you're not gonna be saying anything any time soon.

Duke: Plan B

You pick up the fraymotif catalog and present it to Charlotte.

Charlotte: Take catalog

You take the catalog and look in it. You have no idea what these are.

Charlotte: Get idea

You take out your phone and message Duke.

EL: so what are these things?

Aura: Follow up

You jump after Ken, flying quickly around a few tentacles that had just fallen off. You aim for the torso area, pulling back your arm as you turn on your Fraymotif...


A few keys started tapping ferociously in the background, creating some intense battle music. You feel energized by the music, and hit the beast twice as hard. It lurches, holding its gut.
Amanda: Message Nepeta

Yeah, okay, she really wanted to talk to at least one of the interesting sounding trolls. So, hopefully Nepeta would be so kind as to tell her one of their handles...or have them message her. She could also tell her to prepare Karkat, cause, hey, the more trolls she knows, the less likely of her getting played or confused later.

JF: *JF tackl3pounc3s her unsuspect!ng fur!3nd, g!ggl!ng*

JF: H3y N3p3ta, can ! ask of you a hug3~ favor?

Duke: Answer Charlotte

QA: Fraymotifs

QA: Music boxes that give you special abilities, during combat situations.

QA: They're like the Sburb equivalent of a video game power-ups.

QA: Pretty nifty to have one, in a strife.

QA: I believe you can also get one with another player.

QA: Kind of like a duo-combo, if that's even a word.

QA: I think I was trying to go for the word tag-team.

QA: Whatever, they're musical power-ups.

"Nice! Let's synchronize!"

You teleport next to Aura, and your Fraymotifs overlap. The chanting of Kinetic Cantata goes in time with the chords of Furious Sonata, creating a whole new tune.


You feel yourself grow more powerful than ever before.

"This is incredible!"



AC: :33 < sure!

AC: :33 < what is it?



EL: oh, that sounds really cool!

QA: Indeed.

QA: Whoever thought of making background music a power-up was a genius.

QA: I guess by default that'd be the creator of Sburb, whoever that may be.

JF: W3ll, ! was th!nk!ng about g3tt!ng to know th3 otfur trolls !n your s3ss!on. ! thought mayb3 !'d start w!th Karkat, s!nc3 you gav3 m3 h!s handl3, !f you'd warn h!m !'d b3 m3ssag!ng h!m so !t wouldn't b3 a surpr!s3 to h!m wh3n ! do.

JF: ! was also wond3r!ng !f you could g!v3 m3 Sollux's or 3r!d3n's handl3 too so ! could m33t on3 of th3 !nt3r3st!ng trolls you m3nt!on3d 3arl!3r.

JF: Or !s that too much to ask?

As the pounding of the music increases your strength, you almost feel Ken's heart in sync with yours. He took the words right out of your mouth.

"Couldn't have said it better!"

You smile at him, a determined feeling ringing from it.


You run towards the Lich at blinding speeds, kicking up dust. Then, you run up the creature and fly above his head. You hurtle back down, spinning, all in the beat of the song. You smack the creature's head downwards, causing it to stumble and a tremor to shake down its body.


Somehow, though, you knew what he would do. The music was helping time everything, causing more strength than ever before. Save for fighting your Denizen, but this felt.. Better.
Charlotte: Look through catalog

You start reading through the catalog.



AC: :33 < sure!

AC: :33 < sollux is twinarmageddons

AC: :33 < eridan is caligulasaquarium

AC: :33 < and ill let karcat know that youre gonna message him

AC: :33 < you should try roleplaying with him

AC: :33 < hes really fun to roleplay with!



Ken: Go!

You charge forward and swing toward the Lich, teleporting at the last second behind it, hitting it in the back of the neck. It falls to the ground, flailing.

"Let's do it!"

Amanda: Ponder

Should she roleplay with Karkat? She didn't want to anger him right off the bat, so probably not just yet. Maybe later, if she got closer to him like she had with Equius and Nepeta.

Amanda: Message Karkat

JF: H3llo! !'m Amanda! ! hop3 you don't m!nd that ! am m3ssag!ng you Karkat.

Amanda: Message Sollux

JF: H3llo! Th!s !s Amanda sp3ak!ng! !s th!s th3 handl3 of Sollux?

Amanda: Message Eridan

Okay, this one is a high blooded royal, so she'd better be more polite if she wants to get him talking.

JF: H3llo. !s th!s the handl3 of 3r!d3n? My nam3 !s Amanda and, d3sp!t3 b3!ng a human, would you, a pr!nc3 of th3 troll rac3, sp3ak w!th m3?





TA: ye2 thii2 ii2 2ollux

TA: are you one of the human2


CA: wwhat do you wwant land dwweller

Duke: Have an idea

Since Charlotte is here, you could ask if she would like to be your fraymotif partner thing.

Hmmm...Eh, why not.

Duke: Ask Charlotte

QA: Hey Charlotte, if you don't mind, wanna be fraymotif partners or something?

QA: Our combined fraymotifs could be a killer combo.

You fly down to the ground, in time with the music once more, and slam your Molten Wrath into the creature's head. It stops its flailing, and explodes into Grist. You whoop, then fly towards Ken, arms outstretched. You may or may not have accidentally slammed into him in a tackle hug, but hey. You were fudging excited. That was one of the funnest things you'd ever done, and besides. He could fly.

"Wow, Ken! That was AMAZING!"

You were probably smiling like an idiot right now.
Okay...this should get interesting.

Amanda: Message Karkat

JF: That's good. ! was worr!3d you would b3 both3r3d by !t. !'m try!ng to g3t to know th3 play3rs furom all th3 s3ss!ons that w3 hav3 acc3ss to commun!cat3!cat3 w!th.

JF: You know, so ! can hav3 mor3 !nfurmat!on as w3 progr3ss.

Amanda: Message Sollux

JF: Y3p! !'m a human through and through! !t's a pl3asur3 to m33t you...sort of....

JF: N3p3ta told m3 a l!ttl3 about you and ! was cur!ous about the otfur trolls. !s that alr!ght?

Amanda: Message Eridan

JF: Oh, noth!ng much. ! just h3ard about th3 otfur trolls furom N3p3ta and got cur!ous, that's all.

JF: And r3ally, !t's rar3 to b3 abl3 to talk to nob!l!ty on 3arth, so ! hop3 you don't m!nd that !'m a l!ttl3 3xc!t3d that you actually r3spond3d to a common3r such as mys3lf!

EL: sure!

EL: i think we'll be a great team!

Charlotte: Find a fraymotif

Your eye is caught by a specific fraymotif.

"Optimist Opera..."

"A fine choice! Only 52,000 Boondollars."

"I'll take it."

You pay the shopkeeper and get your new magic music box.

"Wow... It's pretty."



Ken: Hug

You hug Aura back, smiling widely.

"You said it! It was like our hearts were beating as one!"

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"That was amazing, whatever it was. But, holy fudge. I'm exhausted. Wanna get some well deserved rest? Especially since we did just die, and didn't really get any REAL rest. Well sorta... You get what I mean! I just wanna go take a nap."

You huff at your over complication of things. That was more annoying than it needed to be, but you end up laughing anyway.

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