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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

TF: I was Told that the Denizens are powerful

TF: And if Yggdrasil is anything Like the Kinos

TF: He will be Easy to Impress

TF: Befriending it Would be a hell Of a lot Easier

TF: But if shit Hits the Whirling device

TF: I can Always set it On fire

Aura: Question

"Denizens? Whats mine?"

Before that, though, you quickly shoot an almost invisible glare at Amanda. You don't know why, but that girl seemed a little too happy for your liking...
TC: BrO WaTcHiNg a gIaNt aSs tReE Go uP In fLaMeS WoUlD Be mOtHeRfUcKiN SwEeT

TC: aNyWaY I GoTtA TaLk tO YoU AbOuT ThIs sOpOr vApOr tHiNg

@Midnight Phantom

"Ah, Aura... Your Denizen is Lyssa, Lady of Rage. I'm very sorry to say, your Denizen is likely the least cooperative in this session."

Afrien : Tinker

You open up the code and check some values


Afrien : Change Value


TF: tyrannicalFigment has sent file "Chill"

TF: There is an Update

TF: Should work Fine

TC: SwEeEeEt

TC: lEmMe tRy iT OuT

Gamzee: Inhale sopor vapor

You breathe in some sopor vapor. It uses up five times the grist this time, but grist is something you've got tons of. You feel the sopor target your aggravation sponge and just shut that angry fucker right down.

TC: MoThErFuCk mAn

TC: wHaTeVeR YoU DiD, iT WoRkEd

TC: ShIiIiIt mAn tHiS StUfF'S BeTtEr tHaN SlImE PiEs

@Midnight Phantom
TF: Amped up the Vapor Strength

TF: But only Use it Once in a while

TF: The Chill will last a Few days

TF: And it Burns a lot of Grist

TF: So wait about 5 Days in between Uses


Afrien : Sigh

The high lasts longer and is more powerful, but it would make him overdose if used too much. Best just tell him to not use it often.
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TC: GoTcHa bRo

TC: dOn't wAnT My tHiNk pAn tO RuSt aWaY CoMpLeTeLy

TC: ReAl tAlK, bRo

TC: dOn't dO ThIs sHiT

TC: DoN'T Be lIkE Me

TC: i'm a mOtHeRfUcKiN WrEcK

TC: I CaN'T LiVe wItHoUt tHiS ShIt tHaT'S SlOwLy kIlLiN Me

TC: dO Me aNd yOuRsElF A FaVoR AnD DoN'T EaT SoPoR SlImE

@Midnight Phantom
Sharil: Pop in

You don't want to! But, seeing as there is something you need to know, you quietly approach the winged and horned hoofbeast sprite.

"And.. Mine?"

You tried to keep your tone nonchalant, as if the news didn't really apply to you. But, you really, really wanted to know. Sooner or later, you were going to have tell some people about your thoughts...


"Great. I swear, if I have to beat the cooperation out of her, I will. Actually, that probably won't work... But, I'll sure as heck TRY."

You ball your fists. This 'Lady' better be cooperative...
Nepeta: Play with Afrien

With absolutely no reasoning behind it, you decide to talk to the angry guy.

AC: :33 < *ac sneakily prowls the jungle*

AC: :33 < *her ears perk up as she hears her prey*

AC: :33 < *she sneaks up behind him and pounces!*

AC: :33 < hi there!

@Midnight Phantom

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