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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Shadow, your Denizen is Zephyrus, the West Wind. He is a kind soul, caring and all-loving. You should not have much difficulty befriending him."

"Amanda, yours is Mens, Patron of Mind. He is a coldly logical being, with no capacity for emotion. You will have to show him the logical benefits of siding with you."

"So....fighting him is a high possibility...Cool!" Not cool! Not cool! What the hell? She was joking about that! "Hm...I wonder if Nepeta knows anyone who has actually fought a Denizen... I would totally go fur some pointers...."

Amanda: Message the cat troll

JF: *JF slowly appurroach3s AC b3fur tackl3pounc3!ng h3r* H3y N3p3ta! I hav3 a r3ally !mpurrtant qu3st!on fur you!

JF: Has anyone furom your s3ss!on actually fought th3!r D3n!z3n? Caus3 th3r3 !s a h!go poss!b!l!ty that !'ll hav3 to.


"Really? He sounds wonderful!" She said with a smile. She hoped she could get along with him.

Nepeta: Be overjoyed

Yay! One of the humans is role-playing with you! This is, like, a whole new dimension of role-playing! RPs across space-time!

AC: :33 < *ac playfully cuddles with jf*

AC: :33 < i think some of us did fight our denizens

AC: :33 < i know equius did and i think gamzee did too

AC: :33 < maybe karcat and eridan fought theirs too

AC: :// < but fighting your denizen is super dangerous!!

AC: :// < the denizens are really strong

AC: :// < its a much better idea to just try and talk to them

JF: *JF sm!l3s at h3r fur!3nd's conc3rn* I would lov3 to just talk, but !t would b3 3xtr3m3ly d!ff!cult. That's why I had to ask.

JF: Could you t3ll m3 one of th3!r tags so ! can ask pl3ase3? I'd to b3 pr3par3d just in cas3 !t com!s to that.

JF: Thank you 3fur so much N3p3ta!

Amanda: Message Equius

joyfulFeline (JF) began pestering centaursTesticle (CT)

JF: H3llo...3qu!us...r!ght? N3p3ta told m3 you'v3 fought your D3n!z3n...any po!nt3rs?

Duke: Be intrigued

Hmmm...You do need some info on your denizen. Heck, you don't even know who your denizen is. Wouldn't hurt to get some dirt on him or her, before confrontation. You get your ass up and direct your attention to Alisprite.

Duke: Hey, Alisprite, who's my denizen? It's not like some sort of flying chicken god is it?

"Your Denizen, Duke, is the Mistress of Void, Chaos. She is quite... erratic. You will need to have patience with her."


CT: D--> You are a human, aren't you

CT: D--> Why would you want to fight your Denizen

CT: D--> Humans don't share the same bloodlust that trolls do

CT: D--> You should be trying "diplomacy" or some f001ish human nonsense

Amanda: Laugh

Amanda laughed at this 'Equius'. He was a crack up!

JF: You'r3 amaz!ng! Haha haha! R3ally a r!ot! But, l!k3, s3r!ously, t!ps? !'v3 h3ard my D3n!z3n !sn't all that 3asy to conv!nc3.

JF: B3s!d3s, !t sounds mor3 fun to f!ght !t!....H3r....th3 god of my land!

Duke: Oh my, well that's a bit odd. I never expected Sburb to be "one of those sort of games." I must say, it's quite off the beaten path. Why would a game like this even have a boss that's...Wait, what does erratic mean again?

JF: Of cours3! ! don't m!nd wa!t!ng!

Amanda: Smile

She smiled as she started going over what he had said. Humans were supposed to be diplomatic? Ha! Even those who say they are aren't completely democratic! That's a riot! This guy was amazing!

"She is impossible to predict. One moment she may be perfectly amiable, the next she might be hostile."


CT: I am back

CT: Terezi tells me that Mens feels no emotion

CT: He thinks in purely logical terms

CT: He may decide that battle is illogical

CT: That's what Terezi's incarnation of Mens did

CT: You will need to be completely logical around him

"Freud, what the hell is my Denizen?"

"Yggdrasil, the Life Tree."

"A fucking Tree."

"A tree from Mythos."

"Oh my fucking god. Why."

"What about my Denizen, Goldsprite?"

"Chronos, the God of Time."

"A god? Fancy."

JF: T3r3z!? Cool. But that wasn't what ! was ask!ng! What should ! know about f!ght!ng h3r?

JF: ! want to hav3 my bas3s cov3r3d just !n cas3. But !f you can't, !'ll ask N3p3ta fur anoth3r troll to ask.

Duke: Oh...Okay, yeah, I can deal with that...

Duke: Feel embarrassed

You totally thought that meant something else, like you were way off with you assumption. Like having one of those moments were you send someone a casual text, until auto-correct kicks in and turns it into a disaster. You just feel awkward for almost mentioning your thoughts out loud.

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CT: D--> The most important thing to know is that Denizens are gods

CT: D--> They have immense power over their aspect

CT: D--> So you need to find a counter for it

CT: D--> A counter for Mind would be instinct

CT: D--> Try to empty your mind and run on your instincts

JF:Thank you :3 Looks l!k3 you purrov3d to b3 us3ful aft3r all. Thank you 3qu!us!

Amanda: Come up with a strategy

She sighed and started to think. She has never been able to just empty her mind. She was always thinking, trying to adapt. How could she clear her mind after all that?....guess she'd have to try to convince Mens...wonderful...

Afrien : Sigh of Relief

He still sounds stoned. Good.

TF: We are Spreading out To our lands In search of Our Denizens

TF: Currently we are Getting info on their Powers and Locations

TF: My Denizen is a fucking Tree

TF: Hit Rung 92 before passing The fuck Out earlier

TF: I think

TF: Apparently this Tree is Sentient

TF: Like my Mushroom consorts

TF: Befriending it and Leaping up to Rung 100 shouldnt be Too Hard


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