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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Fuck you humans and your confusing ass human language. Don't make completely different words be one letter apart from each other. Its an extremely flawed system full of hoofbeast shit and lies."

Amanda: Head back

After a few more minutes of fighting the invisible Denizen, she decided to head back. It was fun while it lasted but she couldn't stay away too long, now could she? When she got back, she saw Ken and the others....and a....a dragon?!?!?!?! Cool!

Amanda: Be amazed!

No! Remember, outside character! Do not go overboard with the amazing....beautiful.....gorgeous dragon. As much as you really want to. "Ken! Your back! I thought you all died!" She said with a giggle. "I'm so glad none of you got hurt!"


You say, rage having returned after you touched down.
Amanda: Raise hand

She raised her hand before collapsing to the ground. "I am totally fur that. Ya know, you could've told me that there are dragon-like creatures roaming the ground." She said with a chuckle. "They're fricking hard to kill!"


Shadow: Nod

She nodded in agreement. They all looked exhausted, and if their Denizens were as tough as she had heard, they would need the rest.

"Yep! And I'd be dead right now if it weren't fur my mad skills!" She giggled as she glanced up at him from her place on the ground. "Hey, think I could take my Denizen on with just my bare hands?" She asked in a joking manner. "I think it'd be purretty exhilarating! And maybe fun? Ya know, if it wasn't fur the might die thing."

Aura: Sigh

"Fine, I'll go along with it."

You sit on the ground, then look over at Amanda.

"You'd most certainly die. I wouldn't even take them on, and I'm a professional..."
"You know, it only just sank in for me... We know nothing about our Denizens. We don't know where they are, what they look like... Heck, we don't even know their names!"
"We'll just have to wait until we meet them then..." Shadow said, taking a deep breath to calm herself. The idea scared her, but it was completely possible. "Unless...would our sprites know? I mean, I wouldn't want to be lead into the dark, but I don't want to make them feel bad if they don't know..." She said, gently holding her pendant.


Don't want to hurt their feelings? Disgusting. They aren't real, just things made to help us in the game. How soft was she?
Ah~! That's so sweet Shadow!" She giggled, sitting up to smile at her. Just be nice~. She told herself.
"So you know? That's great!....could you tell me?" Shadow asked, hoping she didn't sound too forceful.

"Wow, really? That's great! Could you tell me mine too? I don't trust my sprite." She said, shooting a sideways glance at RoboKitty, who was just lounging around, ignoring just about anything and everything. And, because she turned, she missed Charlotte's glare.


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