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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda: Freeze

She...she could tell? She's survived off of lying...of hiding how she felt...how...how could she tell? She...it was flawless, right? "What are you talking about Char? I'm always honest." She said, smiling at her.

"...that's...that's how I survived. My house...wasn't the, um...it wasn't the happiest. It was...it was full of competition and my parents were stuck up...but they were always fighting. Sometimes...they would take it out on me...and if I showed...that I was hurt, or upset, or depressed...I would just get it worse. So...I adapted..." She said, bringing her knees to her chest. It hurt to talk about it...but what was the point in hiding if she could see her?

Unable to stop smiling for long, she ended up smiling at Charlotte. "There is nothing to worry about! I'm absolutely purrfect how I am now, and I wouldn't change anything even if I did go back! It's life! And it's all about adapting!" She said with a giggle.

"Sorry, no can do. It's become who I am. No changing." She said with another smile. "But I'll do my best."

Amanda: Take a walk

She lied. She knew she was changing. She had based her life in adapting, and she was doing it again. They were changing her, just like her rich friends changed her when she was around them and her partying friends changed her when she was around them.
"I'm gonna take a walk. Clear my head. Wanna come with or are you gonna wait until your brother comes back out?"

"Of course~!" She said with a smile before running off. She had to get away for a little while. Maybe take on some imps and ogres? But she didn't have anymore arrows...guess she'll just go with her fists again! Yay! How fun. Note the sarcasm?

Amanda: Strife!

There were mainly imps around, but some ogres, and she handled them with ease as she bashed their faces in. She knew it was bad, but it was an amazing release. And her strength was nothing to sneeze at either. She could handle this.

Charlotte: Worry

You're still worried about Amanda's mental state, but you guess there's nothing you can do to help her. She has to overcome this herself. You sigh, take out your favorite comic, and start reading.

She started growing bored before she ran into a dragon...crocodile....thing? She was about to poke it when it blew fire...wait....Agh! She jumped of the way and hid behind the tree. Uh....oops....

Amanda: Strife!

She wasn't going to let a fire breathing dragon stop her! She snuck up behind it and wrapped her hands around it's neck, strangling it. It's tail started wiping around, trying to knock her off of it, and she had to back off after bashing it against its head. This...might be harder than she thought.

Amanda: Finish it!

Excuse me? She barely made a dent in that thing!....oh how she wished she had her bow. She was now currently hiding behind another tree, trying to think of a way out of this. She wasn't going to lead it back to the others, but she didn't want to fight barehanded....wait.... She could fight it barehanded. She noticed its head was kinda weak, though still strong. If she got enough hits in, then maybe...

She snuck back up behind it and bashed it in the head a few times before running around it as it turned to face her. She continued that before it burst into Grist and she yelled with relief and excitement as she collapsed. That was kinda fun! She'd collect the Grist later. Right now, she needed to rest.
Aura: Be terrified.

Okay, so flying without the ability to save yourself is one thing. But flying on the back of a fire breathing reptile that could roast you at any second with no escape? No thanks. But, it seemed the only way out of the horrible forest. God, why the heights though?! You start shivering, realizing your passion and fire had been depleted, and replaced with a gnawing fear.

"Ken!!! I'm not sure about this!"

Your pupils start to dilate, and you look around anxiously for another way out of this predicament.
Theo noticed everyone hopping onto Kersins dragon "OH MY GOD DRAGON RIDES" Theo said excitedly running up and climbing aboard. Dragon dad looked back at aura attempting to comfort her with a soft stare.

AM: i believe i might be past rung nine due to the fight

AM: i dont know for sure

AM: due to the fact that i dont think i contributed very well

AM: considering it didnt even flinch at my chopping
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AM: yeah i will probably go off on my own once i get where ever kersins dragon is going

AM: probably his house

AM: hehe i bet the doors are like

AM: super tall


AM: yeah no but seriously

AM: Mega grinding sesh

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