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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

She just nodded her head again as she tapped on her pendant, causing Teddysprite to come out. "You ready?" He asked. She gave Ken a quick hug before following Teddysprite to wherever her denizen was.

Ken: Warp back

You teleport back to Kersin's land.

"Next up... Lottie?"

Charlotte: Go with Ken

You grab Ken's hand, and the two of you teleport back to your land. Ken pats you on the shoulder.

"You be careful, Lottie."

"Of course."

Ken teleports back, leaving you alone in Ellie's house. You're struck again with the realization that Ellie's gone...

Charlotte: Stop

No! You can't afford to be sad now! You need to keep moving on! For Ellie!

Charlotte: Leave house

You leave the house and take your portal to your land. Time to find your Denizen.

Ken: Next

You're starting to feel a bit dizzy... Maybe you should wait a few minutes before the next return...

Ken: Realize

Return...! Return Nodes!

"Oh, shoot! I completely forgot about the Return Nodes! Kersin, are there any Return Nodes around here?"

@Kurai Okami
Aura: Proceed

You feel a little sad now that Ken's gone, but that didn't stop you from stomping out of your house onto the dusty ashen obsidian plains around. Before that, though, you make another STARLIT NIGHT CRASHER, and throw a few items you didn't need out of your Sylladex... Hmm..? Whys something in here locked..? Oh well, maybe it was important for later. You take a lot of clutter out of your Sylladex, though keep the base items and make a lot more cards for your Sylladex as well. Can't have those running out...

Aura: Go

You traverse the lands, hearing some whispers from hidden corners. Of course the Winged Purple Snakes were back. Oh, WAIT. You suddenly pull something out of your pocket. SMITH!!! You snuggle him, him nibbling your fingers. He was so small. Either way, you were distracted enough for... Something to happen.

Aura: Be surrounded

You are surrounded by a lot of wriggling purple serpents, one in particular looking important. He slithered up to Aura.

"Hello, Aura. Tome sees you have finally come. This makes Tome very happy. Now, Tome is going to tell you how to get your-"

"Okay, the third person stuff is annoying. Stop it."

"Oh.. Uh... Sure. I'll just... Um... Over here."

He finally gave in, sighing. Then, as the snakes saw this they started flipping out and wriggling again.



Silence. That, was definitely better. You continue following the one called Tome while carrying Smith.
Shadow: Follow

Shadow continued to follow Teddysprite she looked around nervously. She didn't know what to expect from him, even though she was told he was nice. As she stressed, one of the many natives came over and tried to snuggle up to her.

Shadow: Be relieved

She stopped and looked down. It threw the little guy off and he almost fell on his face if she hadn't used her wind to stop him. She smiled and picked him up. He was adorable! And he calmed her a bit. "Were you trying to cheer me up little one?" She asked him. He gave her face a lick and she giggled. She'd take that as a yes.

Soon his mother came running over, a look of panic and worry clear on her reptilian face.
"I am so sorry! I hope he wasn't bothering you, oh great and mighty Hero."

"Oh no! It's alright. He actually calmed me down a bit." She said with a smile, kneeling down to set the little crocodile down. "Here you are. Go back to your....Uh, I think the word is mother?"

"Yes, that is correct." She said with a smile. "But it looks like he wants to stay with you. So may I ask that you watch over him while you save this land?"

"I don't know about saving anything, but I'll do my best. And I'll gladly watch over him. Does he have a name?"

"Yes. His name is Faust."

"Well Faust, looks like we'll be stuck together for a while." She said as she stood back up, smiling at the small reptilian wriggler in her arms. He made this cute little sound and she giggled. "Good bye Ms. Clawbeast." She said, making a small bow before following Teddysprite again, who had stopped to watch with a smile.

"Looks like you have a little friend. But he will have to stay outside as you talk with Zephyrus."

"Yes, I know. Do you understand you have to wait outside Faust?"

The small wriggler only made that cute little sound again and she giggled. She already loved him. They made their way closer to where Zephyrus was located.
Duke: Go home

Duke: Today is a good day to teleport. Yee-ah!

You get a running start and leap right into the return node. You are instantly returned to your home.

Duke: Examine home

As you get back, you can clearly see that the robot chickens have made a lot of progress on your tower of babylon. You'd say that this stairway to heaven probably reaches your last gate, but it's just your guess. You wouldn't really care if it reached it or not, just as long as your home wasn't chicken-themed. You would have probably lost it, if that happened.
Duke: Hear Oglogoth

As before, you hear the sound of Oglogoth speaking to you from the furthest ring. You learned quite a bunch from your last conversation, it leaves you wondering what you're going to learn now.

Duke: Answer Oglogoth

Duke: Oglogoth, long time no hear.

Duke: Honestly, I'm just gonna wing it. She's like a goddess of discord or something right? Anything I plan before hand would be meaningless if she herself is unpredictable. All I can really do is prepare myself for what may happen, which is most likely talking or fighting...Or some random puzzle shit. I don't know, but I could still try and prepare for it.

Afrien : Focus...




That reading... it must be Yggdrasil.

Afrien : Follow

You walk towards the massive life force, your Denizen.

Deust : Ask

"My child, could you lead me to your leader?"



Afrien : Grab Shit

You find two rocks on the ground and add them to your Captchalogue. They could be useful later.

Deust : Meet Chief

"Who might you be?"

"I am Deust, a traveler."

"What might you be seeking here, traveler Deust?"

"Council with the God of Time, Chronos."
Shadow: Enter cave

They were silent as Teddysprite led her to a cave. Once there, she put Faust on the ground. "Stay here Faust. And be good. I'll be back later." She said, making sure he didn't go anywhere before heading down. She walked down, keeping one hand on the wall to keep her balance before entering a large cavern with a huge monst...no, let's not be rude. That must be Zephyrus.

Shadow: Introduce yourself

Shadow walked up to him and shyly smiled.
"H-hello...um, Mr. Zephyrus?"

"Hello Shadow. I figured you would be making an appearance sooner or later. Are you doing well?"

"Yes Mr. Zephyrus. Thank you for asking. I...I was wondering if you could...um...help me....um...." She hesitated. How should she put this?

He gave a laugh as he watched.
"You want to reach the top of your Echeladder, and you need my help for that." He said, looking down at her kindly.

"Uh...! Yes...I'm sorry...that didn't go the way I wanted...it sounds so rude..."

He laughed as he watched her. "It's alright child. I'll help you. You have never hurt anyone and only want to help. I find that to be quite honorable."

"Really? Thank you!" Shadow said, her face lighting up.
Charlotte: Explore

You start exploring more of your Land. Gosh, it really is just like that TV show...

You spot a shape flying around, and call to it.

"Sky Sprinter!"

The shape pauses, then flies toward you.

"Charlotte! Back so soon?"

"Yeah! I'm back to find my Denizen."

"Whoa, already? You're climbing the rungs fast!"

"Sure am! Do you know where the Denizen is?"

"I don't, but I know somepony who might. Hop on!"

Sky Sprinter crouches down, and you climb onto her back.

"Full speed ahead!"

"You got it!"

Sky Sprinter takes off at top speed into the air. You keep a good hold on her, so you don't fall.


Ken: Usher everyone in

"Theo! Sharil! Amanda! Come on!"

@Kurai Okami @ShadowHuntress @MoltenLightning
Afrien : Reach Base of Tree

You stand at the base of the World Tree.


"Hello, Afrien Araeus."

Deust : Listen

"You must call out to Chronos. Go to the Temple and call on him."

Deust : Call on Chronos

You cross the town and enter the Temple of Time. You kneel at the altar and cry out.

"Chronos! I call you to this place!"

Duke: Feel comfort

Well that's a relief, sort of. The knowledge of being some what prepared for dark magic or whatever they call it is nice to know, but that still doesn't mean she can't just squish you or something.

You telepathically give Duke the exact location of Chaos.



Chronos: Show thyself

You cannot show your true form in this location, but you can create a small projection. You project a cloaked figure into the temple.

"Follow, Deust Shroomen."

You open the way down, to your chamber, and make the projection lead the way.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Converse

You gulp and speak to the World Tree.

"Yggdrasil, Tree of Life, Denizen of LORAL, You know my reason for being here."

"You wish to reach the top of the Eccheladder and ascend."

"Yes, that is my goal."

"You must fulfill a task for me to gain my friendship and strength."

"What do you ask of me?"

"The Underlings have built a new Kingdom where the Kinos stolen castle once stood. You must do battle with them, alone. There are tens of thousands of them."

"You ask for a genocide?"

"Yes. Slay their King and return here."

"Than a genocide shall be had."

Deust : Follow

You walk after the cloaked figure, down the twisting halls to Chronos' chamber.

Chronos: Reveal

You reveal yourself to Deust. You take great pride in your appearance. The many gears and cogs that spin across your body have been polished to a shine. Your clockwork limbs have been lubricated and move smoothly. You are a masterpiece of clockwork technology.

"Welcome, Heir of Time."

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Go Forth

You begin your trek towards the city. Thousands of Imps and Ogres populate the area, along with a large number of Basilisks. The occasional Lich can also be spotted.

Deust : Be Humble

"God of Time Chronos, it is an honor to be in your presence. You can see all of time, so you know my reasoning for journeying to your temple."


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