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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"I see."

Deust : Sit

You sit cross legged before Chronos.

"Then I will meditate on this advice until I am worthy, even if it takes days, weeks, months."


Afrien : Reach Top

You hop off of the last branch and walk atop the leaf covered high branches of Yggdrasil.

"Drink the elixir in the center of this place. It will put you to sleep and kill you, so you may ascend here, on your Quest Bed."

"I will."

Afrien : Bottoms Up

You drink the Elixir and lay down on the treetop, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
Chronos: Smile

Your robotic mouth curves into a smile.

"Well done, Deust. That was a secret test, and you pass. A true hero of Time does not rush. He takes his time in all situations, because he knows that time is, quite literally, on his side."

@Midnight Phantom
Chronos: Bestow

You hold your hand out to Deust. In your palm is a gear-covered scepter.

"I grant you my treasure, the Chronoscepter. Use it well, Deust Shroomen, Heir of Time."

You open the exit to your chamber.

"The Mark of Time will be visible in the sky above your quest bed. Good luck."

@Midnight Phantom
Shadow: Freak out

Leave him behind? No! She couldn't leave her cute little companion behind! Why would he even suggest such a thing? How...how could he be so heartless?

SW: Wh-why....

SW: Why would you even s-suggest

SW: s-something so c-cold and....

SW: and cruel?




severedWorth (SW) ceased trolling electroShogun (ES)

Shadow: Freak out...again

Did...did she just yell at Ken? Why? Why would she...she knew he was only trying to help...so why? Maybe Afrien would-No! He was busy, as was everyone else...just...let's just look for the Quest Recuperacoon. That's all she needed to do right now.

Shadow: Search for Quest Recuperacoon

She searched almost the whole land when she finally fell onto it...literally. She found a hole and fell down it, and it led her to her Quest Recuperacoon. She looked at Faust before sighing.
"Sweetie, look away and play with Teddysprite for a little while, okay?"

Faust waddled away and began playing with Teddysprite as she laid down and slit her throat, instantly blacking out. Let's hoped this worked.



Amanda: Obtain weapon and Grist

"Then I shall give you the bow made of the strongest wood in the Medium and arrows to go along with it. The Grist I shall put into her Grist vault."

"Thank you Mens." Is all she said as she accepted the gifts.

"Now, your Quest Bed is to the east, in another cave. It is about to collapse, so I suggest you hurry so that you can die upon it."

Amanda: Run to second cave

Amanda only nodded as she ran to the cave Mens mentioned. She ran right past RoboKitty and headed straight east. Once she got there, she set her new weapon against the wall outside and instructed RoboKitty to watch it until she came back out.

Amanda: Lay down and await death

She walked in, shivering from the cold, when she saw it. It looked more like a rock, but whatever. She laid down on it and closed her eyes, waiting for it to fall. She didn't have to wait long. The ceiling of the cave soon collapsed and she let out one scream as it crushed her.


RoboKitty: Worry

Why would he worry? He knew what was going on when she screamed. He'd worry if she didn't come back out.
Aura: Gasp

Of course the Denizen was in a frickin' volcano. Where else would she be?! You walk up the hot obsidian rock, up the biggest mountain you've seen thus far. Tome leads you to the top, and you gave down. The center of the molten rock was churning, enough to create an entrance for Aura to come through. Like the eye of the storm in a tornado... You were definitly unsure about this... Until, of course, Tome pushed you. He was surprisingly strong for a guy with no arms, causing you to tumble through the lava. The lava, however, wasn't the problem. The problem was that there seemed to be no bottom.

Aura: Fall

You fell for what seemed like ages, until FINALLY a hot and smoking cavern opened up. The lava that had cascaded around you seemed to seep into cracks at the bottom, which was coming towards you at an alarming rate. You brought out your SNC just in time to make the fall less painful, but still causing you to crack some of the rock below. A tremor sounded around you. Suddenly, a fissure cracked through the ground on your impact. A figure shoved itself through, arms cluttered with rocks, dust, ash, and something else that was red... Oh god... Were those dead animals..? Yes, consorts...

Aura: Confront

You walk up to the heavy breathing lady, her hair covering her face.

"Lyssa? Is that you?"

"Your going to die."

"Wh-what? Say again-"


The lady threw herself at Aura, finally revealing her face. There were huge fangs protruding out of her mouth, and her eyes were venomous green slits. She did NOT look like she wanted to reason. Aura hopped backwards, almost jumping into a pool of lava but holding her ground. Oh no...

"WAIT! Lyssa, stop! I just came here to talk!"


You look at the dead carcasses on the ground. Oh...

"STOP IT! That's not true!!!"

"PROVE IT THEN! Prove that you don't mean to try and kill me like the others."

Here eyes starting becoming a little more human, hesitant.


"What? Kill the others, of course. What, are you going to betray me NOW?!?!"


You... You couldn't do that...

"Why hesitate? Here, let me help you."

She reached towards you, but you already knew what she was going to do. Backing up, you clench your fists.

"There must be another way!"

"There isn't, child. Now, do you want to ascend or NOT!?"

You hesitate, and in that moment she grins and lightly taps you on the head.

Aura: Resist

A plethora of voices erupt in your head, and you scream in agony. She smiles, a very malicious look on her face.

"Listen. Do you hear them? Do you hear the ones always chatting you with me?"

You only scream in response.

"I see. Well, you could follow them, and their words. Go do what you must to ascend. Right now."

Aura: NO!

You manage to clench your teeth together, and open an eye.


"Hmm? What was that?!"


Aura: ...

Her rage finally makes you do... A thing...

Aura: Focus








You finally snap, using her rage and yours. A blood curdling screech of bloody murder sends you flying up to her face as fast as sounds, smashing her jaw straight into the wall of the cavern. A bellow sounds from her, and you both scream at each other. She pulls her arm from out of the fissure, scrapping it against the wall in desperation to get to you. You dodge, hitting her again in the face. She wailed, again trying to use her hand to smash you. You again move out of the way, and don't realize the cavern it coming down on top of you. Before you know it, the ceiling collapses. You smack her again, just to disorient her, then shoot through the top.

Aura: Watch

The volcano collapses, spewing smoke and lava everywhere. Before you could celebrate, the creature smashes her way through, lava completely covering her body. You veer to the side, out of her grasp as she solidifies and falls back to the ground. After the impact, shards of obsidian lay scattered about on the ground. Your mind is still filled with thoughts of anger, but they begin to subside... Holy fudge... You just did that..?

Aura: Pillage

You return to the volcano, and find a hole remains untouched. You enter, and find a giant grist horde with... Dead creatures laying about. You ignore these creatures, and head to the centerpiece of the room. A lava imbued Morning Star weapon, with several buttons on the handle.


You snatch it up, feeling the handle mold to your hand. Whoa..! You quickly collect the grist, then trek out of the room. The adrenaline wears off afterwards, and you collapse onto the ground. Oh.. You had several wounds all over your body. You suddenly feel tremors, and a bed rises from the ashes of the volcano. You drag yourself up the steps, bleeding out faster and faster. You make it up to the bed, glancing back to take in the glistening blood trail left in your wake. You clamber onto the bed, feeling your blood pool around you.

Aura: Sleep
Kersin rode dragon dad through his land eventually landing in a small consort town, the bubbly eyed consorts surrounded him murmuring about "The Great Prince" "he will stop the plague" and "THE PLAGUE SHALL BE SLAYN" Kersin spotted an old wise consort "Excuse me can you direct me towards some sort of cave system?" kersin asked. the consort pointed south and off kersin went. A few minutes later he had arrived at the cave of his denizen "Stay here." he said to dragon dad. he treked through the cavern and eventually found the chamber where his denizen lie in wait for him.
Deust : Follow Sign

You look skyward and see a massive gear figure floating in the air. You walk towards the sign, standing at the base of a giant mushroom.

Deust : Climb

You begin to scale the giant toadstool.
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Kersin looked directly at his denizen, not looking to fight just yet

Hello Nergal, Are we to negotiate or fight here?

He had asked this with absolute certainty in his voice, as if he was confident in everything he was to do
I... Never actually thought about that, i just... It feels like something I need to do.

he pondered this feeling, it never appealed to him about why he did all of the things he did. What would god hood hold? Unlike in the past when there was a reason to fight against the tyranny of the "Higher Ups" god hood, to his knowledge, held no real reason.
Nothing like that! I wouldn't do something for my own personal gain, its about everybody. Every person and creature deserves a chance to live however they want. Good or bad, either path you take there are opportunities and consequences. Maybe I can't come up with a good reason for ascension, but I know it is not for my own personal gain.

Where did that come from... You've spoken out, but none of your words have ever been more inspiring than in this moment.
Afrien : Feel Tingly

Your dream self feels... Tingly? What the fuck?

Afrien : Wake Up

Fire. Fire is engulfing your body.


"The Lich... *coughing* the Lich revived their King... He has set fire to me. Please, take my energy..."

Afrien : Pass Out

You lose consciousness from the pain of the fire, but before you slip away, you notice the flames begin to burn green, full of Yggdrasil's energy.

Afrien : Ascend

Your Dream Self awakes, feeling the pain of the fire, before it stops.


Something is happening...

Afrien : Transform

With a surge of energy, your eyes burst from your think pan.


As energy pours from your eyes sockets, you screech, holding you face in pain.

And then the pain stops.

You blink, with Deep Green eyes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/SeerOfLife.png.2e22cfd47036ac03e9a317cb5e4ee6a6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/SeerOfLife.png.2e22cfd47036ac03e9a317cb5e4ee6a6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I... Have become a god..."



  • SeerOfLife.png
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Ken: Enter

You get fed up with waiting and drag Sharil and Theo through the return node before entering it yourself.

@MoltenLightning @Kurai Okami

Ken: Venture forth

You leave your house and start exploring your Land, looking for your Denizen.


Charlotte: Arrive

"We're here."

Sky Sprinter lands at the doorstep of a huge mansion. You climb off her back.

"I'll wait out here for you."

"Thanks, Sky Sprinter."

You take a deep breath, and push open the door to the mansion.
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And why not? I'm not some ravenous heathen, I would rather care about people and fight for what needs to be fought for than to stand there waiting for the bodies to drop and die myself because I did not care enough to help.

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