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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Afrien : Sense

Kersin has ascended.

Afrien : Go Home

You return to your Hive and start combining stuff. You combine the IMPERIAL PENETRATOR with the YGGDRASIL BRANCH and the GICLOPS HORN, creating your new weapon.

You created the LIFE-BRINGING BONE.


"Thanks. I have to say, that cape goes well with your demeanor. Anyway, we should go meet up with the others at Duke's land."

You float towards the window, still facing him.
Shadow: Look through messages

Once she arrived at her hive, she made another pair of SUNTOPs and then looked through her messages. It looked like they were all meeting at Duke's. She looked down at Faust and smiled. "You'll get to meet everyone. Aren't you excited?" He attempted to speak again, making one of this noises and she giggled happily.

Shadow: Go to Duke's

Once she knew she had everything, she headed to Duke's. As she flew, she spun a bit, loving how it felt. She flew a few more minutes until she saw Duke's and landed. She set Faust down so that he could explore, but he just stuck close to her.


Amanda: Look through messages

Once she got home she looked through her messages on her laptop.
"Who's Duke again?" She wondered aloud. She knew Ken, and Ken's girlfriend, and a few others. Oh, wait! There's only one other guy! That must be him! But...where was his land at?

JF: But wh3r3 !s h!s land locat3d? ! hav3 n3v3r b33n th3r3 mys3lf, so ! don't know.

@Midnight Phantom
Charlotte: Message Ken

EL: ken!!

ES: Charlotte

ES: Thank God youre okay

ES: Did you ascend

EL: yep! i'm on prospit, according to deust.

EL: he told me to ask you to teleport me to duke's house.

ES: I can do that

ES: Hold on

Ken: Focus

You visualize Charlotte in your minds eye, visualize her standing in Duke's house.

Charlotte: Teleport

Suddenly, you're standing in Duke's house.

EL: whoa!!!

EL: you can teleport people remotely now?!

ES: Yes

ES: Our powers get boosted when we ascend

ES: Your powers of Hope should be stronger now too

EL: coooooooool!

EL: but where are you?

ES: Im still on Derse with Aura

ES: Ill be there soon

ES: Dont worry about me

EL: okay, see you soon!

Charlotte: Look around

You start looking for the others.


Ken: Reply to message

You finally notice the mysterious message.

ES: Who is this

ES: Are you one of Karkats allies

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Wonder

You were too busy thinking about your powers to realize Ken was doing something of his own, until he was done.

"What'd you just do? And, now that we"vs ascended what happens? I mean, I know I control anger... But that seems almost entirely useless."

You didn't want to whine, you just didn't want to be useless...
"Well, now that we've ascended, we have much more control over our powers. You used to be able to make monsters angry... Maybe you can calm them down, too? Stop them from attacking? I know I can teleport people remotely now. I just sent Charlotte over to Duke's."

Shadow: Walk in

When she walked in, she saw both Afrien, Duest, and Charlotte. She smiled. Looked like they, at least, we're okay. She walked over to Charlotte and smiled. "Charlotte! You're okay! What about the others?" She asked, stopping in front of her. She wanted to hug her, but she didn't know if she should or not. Faust waddled over and sniffed at her before snuggling up to her, causing Shadow to giggle.

Aura: Feel excited

You do, but at the same time you were disappointed. Geez, how selfish were you?! You felt sorry for yourself... God dang it. You try not to think about it.... But, Ken got teleportation, Charlotte got crazy ability enhancing hope powers, even Afrien was able to see life spans. Those seemed like they'd actually mean something... Well, you guess there's nothing you can do about it...

Aura: Fly to Duke's

You turn around without looking back, and start floating from the tower out the window.

"We should... Go."
Shadow hugs her back, relieved. She also felt a little uneasy, but she could fight it. "That's great!" She said with a bigger smile. She then picked Faust up, hugging him too. "I just hope no one didn't make it...I don't want to have lost anyone..."

"It's nothing. I'm just being self centered and worrying about something stupid..."

You sigh. You didn't want to explain because you hated yourself for it. You continue flying, but this time a little faster...
"This is Faust. He wanted to come along with me even though he's still just a wriggler. But he's so cute!" She said, giggling as he lifted his head to lick Charlotte's hand and making one of his cute attempts to try and speak.

"You don't need to worry about it. I'm just being a jerk."

You scowl and gradually build up speed as you fly towards Duke's planet again.
"... I already told you. I'm just worrying too much..."

You turn to face him, a solemn look on your face.


You hesitate.

"I barely even used my abilities before GodTiering, and even then they seemed completely useless to everyone... Take you, for example. Your indispensable ,and you can teleport things. Its very, very useful. What did I do? I made some ogres angry. Afrien can see how and when people will die, and can fudging PREVENT it.... I'm not even useful to the team."
Deust : Greet Everyone

"Ah, Hello! It is good to see you all!"

Deust: Respond

MK: Uhhh

MK: Message Ken and have Him teleport you


Afrien : Haul Ass

You float out of your hive and begin to fly towards LONAR at Max Speed

CA: No

CA: Its Afrien

CA: My glasses broke When I caught on Fire

CA: Long Story

CA: I will be there Soon


You put an arm around Aura.

"You're not usless, Aura. Your powers have really helped us out. If you hadn't enraged those ogres that first time, we might not all be ascending right now."

"And besides that... You've been an indispensable friend and ally to everyone. Just because your powers are a bit unwieldly doesn't mean you haven't been helping in your own way."



You take Faust and hug him close. He's so soft! You hear Deust's voice and turn to look at him. You almost burst out laughing.

"N-Nice outfit, Deust!"

@Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress

You didn't believe him. But, you decided to put on a 'smile' anyway. It was.. The least you could do. You had set your mind to this belief, it's be hard to change it...


You continue, seeing Duke's planet come into view.
"Thank you, but there is no need to suppress your laughter. I know I may look ridiculous, but I can support much larger influx in time. I could speed up my own time up to around 100x without damaging myself, and I can time travel."

@electroShogun @ShadowHuntress

Afrien : Land

You land on a small planet, finding some Dersite scouts.


You quickly dispatch the scouts and drag your glaive around there bodies. life pours from the Yggdrasil branch inside the glaive, and a ring of flowers blooms.

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