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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Nergal: Sigh

"Kersin, Kersin, Kersin... You can't fight your Aspect. You embody doom. Death itself. You're a walking disaster area, and you don't even know it. Everyone around you is likely to die. You'd be better off alone."

@Kurai Okami


Charlotte: Find Denizen

You search the mansion for your Denizen. You check the basement first, but nothing is there. You check the whole first floor... nothing. Same with the second floor. That leaves... the attic!

Charlotte: Enter attic

You climb up into the attic, and are met with an awe-inspiring sight. A huge, glowing angel stands in the attic, its back to you. Its six wings flutter gently as it breathes.

"Um... Hello?"

The angel turns around, revealing itself as a young woman.

"Ah, Charlotte Thompson. I have been waiting for you."

"Are you the Denizen of this land?"

"I am. My name is Elpis. I know why you are here, and I would like to assist you in any way I can."

"Really? Just like that? Thank y-"

"Let me finish, child. I would like to assist you... but I cannot, until you pass my trial."

"All right. What is it?"

Elpis raises her hand and gestures toward the ground. Two small creatures appear, one black and one white. You recognize the black one as an Imp.

"These two creatures will do battle. You must use your Hope abilities to bring the white creature to victory."

You nod, and Elpis waves her hand. The Imp lunges at the white creature, clawing at its neck.
Deust : Climb into Bed

Atop the giant mushroom is a toadstool bed. This must be your Quest Bed. You crawl on and stare up.


Deust : Focus




1000000x Speed ACTIVATE

Your body begins to age extremely fast as you slip off into slumber.

Deust : Ascend

Your Dream Self rises into the air as the power of time engulfs it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/HeirOfTime2.png.3ca067fbee17c481f5e53f983ba8dc81.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82927" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/HeirOfTime2.png.3ca067fbee17c481f5e53f983ba8dc81.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Welcome to Godhood, Deust."



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I refuse to accept that I embody doom, I realize there may be a few things I cannot do to help people, but that gives me no reason to give up on myself or my friends! My aspect does not define me neither does my class, there is reason behind both of their existence in my title. Both work together, and doom is not something to be used singularly! I try to do everything in my power to destroy the doom that hangs over our heads like an anvil, despite all confusion that straggles its way into my path.

Your starting to become agitated, there is no reason for this meaningless conversation to agitate you but yet here we are.
Nergal: Get angry

"Don't take that tone with me! I am Nergal, Second Lord of Hell! I will destroy you where you sit!"

@Kurai Okami


Ken: Discover

You discover a hidden pathway among the trees and mountains. At its entrance stands an arch made up of two logs with a rope tied between them at the top. Hanging from the rope are several paper talismans. You pass under the arch, and the world around you changes. The sky becomes blood-red, the trees lose their leaves, and the ground becomes barren. You continue following the pathway.


Charlotte: Encourage

You believe in the white creature with all of your heart. It slowly, but surely, starts to overpower the imp.
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Sharil: Be dragged

"Oh geez, wait... Wait WAIT!"

You get shoved through anyway, coming upon your hive. It was good to be home, but... What was.. THAT!? A Lich seemed to be just outside of your hive. He reached in, and grabbed you. You were not prepared... You scream, and fall unconscious.

Sharil: Awaken

You wake up on the golden planet, and flip out. Oh no, oh no oh no!!! He had... You felt your abdomen, and saw blood seep through. Oh gog no... You watch Afrien's body float upwards, and quickly try and shout to him.


You suddenly feel a great pain, and you cough up blood.

"I.. I think... It's too late... But... I need to t-tell you... For the first time in my life..."

You continue coughing, the blood starting to soak through your clothes more prominently. You float down towards the ground now, laying down in agony. You shiver, then it all starts going black.

"I... I was happy... With all of you..."

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"Afrien! By gods, what happened to your eyes?"

"When I ascended, my true Seer of Life powers activated. I see all lifespans, past and present. Everything that is living and has ever lived, at all times. I am Omniscient in all of life now."

"Well then... That's... Interesting."

"What powers have you achieved?"

"Well, I can sustain higher and more time anomalies, time travel, and slow my own aging to near nothing."

"Good. We should return to Duke's land once more to strategise."

"We shall."

"Message Ken for me and tell him the plan. I will see you there. First, I must return to my Land."

"Farewell Afrien."

"See you soon, Heir of Time."

Deust : Fly towards LONAR

You begin to float towards Duke's land once more.

Afrien : Hear Shouting

You look over and see Sharil's corpse fading.


The message fades away along with her body. Her real and dream selves have both died. No Corpse Kiss can save her now.

"Damn... We lost someone..."


Afrien : Go

You will have to tell the others later. Once you get a new computer that is.

Afrien : Return to LORAL

You start to fly towards LORAL once more.
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Deust : Message Ken

mushroomKing [MK] began trolling electroShogun [ES]

MK: Good Sir Thompson, I have information for you.

MK: Afrien and I have just ascended, and made plans to ensure our victory of Sburb.

MK: Er moreso, planned to make plans.

MK: We shall all meet in Duke's Abode after ascension.

Charlotte: Win

The white creature completely overpowers the imp, pinning it to the ground.

"Well done. You have completed my trial and won my cooperation."

Elpis reaches into her robe and withdraws two objects: an ornate wand, and a card.

"I give to you the Spellkeeper, my wand, and the means to use it."

You take the wand and card, and look them over. The wand is intricately carved with patterns you can't quite make out. The card is a Wandkind specibus.

"Thank you, Elpis!"

"And now, you must ascend. The Quest Bed is in the master bedroom. Good luck, Charlotte."

You nod and descend from the attic down to the second floor, and start the search for the bedroom.


Ken: Respond

ES: Oh fantastic

ES: Ill see you two there

@Midnight Phantom
Please, doom is not the entirety of my title. There is more to it than doom, plus I don't think there is anyone in the universe who will not do for themselves or others. That person would have no heart or soul.
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Aura: Ascend

Anger. You felt like there very essence of it as your Dream Self ascended. You take a deep breath as you float upwards, feeling the air rush to your lungs... This was weird. But, you couldn't do anything about it, so why were you even thinking about it? You hold your newly acquired MOLTEN WRATH, and swing it around a bit. Then, you realize you were floating. Just like your Dream Self. Well, you were, technically speaking. Either way, you message Ken.

~ domineeringConflagration -DC- started pestering electroShogun -ES- ~

DC: This feels so weird, you have no idea.

DC: Holy fudge.

DC: Oh yeah, I'm alive and well.

DC: Ascended.

DC: I had to.. Uh... Kill my Denizen. Cause she was trying to get me to...

DC: Do something.

DC: But yeah, I'm coming.
Afrien : Soar

You look around the deep reaches of space, seeing millions of life forces. Your entire vision has become green-scale since your new eyes grew in. The death of Sharil still weighs on your mind as you look at the life throughout the surrounding planets.

MK: We will see you there then, Sir Thompson.

Theo crash landed in her living room, her bro looking out the porch slide door window at the vast desolate landscape.

Theo, where are we?

Land of Stars and Desolation

Ive got everything under control

OH bt dubs

Take care of Victor for me

Miss theo i must object-

This is my journey



Theo chuckled as she exited the door on her epic journey of god hood!
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Nergal: ...

"Well done, Kersin. You remained resolute in the face of dark influence. You have passed my test."

You reach behind you and grab an ornate obsidian staff. You give it to Kersin.

"This is my weapon, the Staff of Shadows. Use it well. Your Quest Cocoon is deeper within."

You move aside and allow Kersin to proceed.

@Kurai Okami


Ken: Reply

ES: You made it

ES: Great

ES: Thats one worry off my mind

ES: Im about to meet my Denizen

ES: Ill be ascending soon

ES: Could you do something for me

ES: Find my dream self and wait there until I ascend

ES: I dont want to be alone when I wake up

Deust : Focus




20x Speed ACTIVATE

You soar through the galaxy at 20x speed, making the journey much faster. You should reach LONAR soon.

Afrien : Search

You look around the universe for your allies.

You, Deust, and Aura have all ascended. Sharil is no longer with this world. Everyone else is Alive.

Shadow: Ascend

Shadow woke up feeling a burning pain at he throat. Her whole body began to tingle before going numb. Wh-what happened? She slowly feel back into the darkness, hoping it had worked.

Shadow: Wake up

Shadow woke with a start, looking around. She was on Derse but...something felt different. She was...she was floating? She looked down and saw she was wearing a new dress, though instead of purple it was blue with what looked like wind on it. It took her a minute to realize what was happening before forcing herself to go back down. If she was here...oh no! Faust and Teddysprite were waiting for her! She flew out of her window and flew in the direction she believed her land was. She'd be there soon Faust, her sweet little clawbeast.

Shadow: Find Land

After a few minutes of flying, she came across her land and flew toward the hole where her Quest Recuperacoon was. She flew in and scooped Faust up in a hug, giggling as he tried to talk to her. "He didn't see anything, did he?"

"I do not believe so."

"Good. Now, I have to head back to my hive so I can make a new pair of SUNTOPs before anything else."

Teddysprite just nodded as he went back into her pendant, after giving her a new one. She then flew back to make a new pair.


Amanda: Ascend

She felt like she was being crushed before it turned into this weird tingling feeling. Then, before she blacked out, she went numb. Her last thought was wondering what would happen next.

Amanda: Awaken

Amanda woke up feeling better than she had moments before. She jumped up and felt something new on her face. She reached up and found it was a mask. Cool! She looked down and saw she was wearing a thief's costume...er...pjs...that were a greenish color. Eh, it wasn't her all time favorite, but whatever.

Amanda: Go to land and retrieve weapon

Sounds like a plan! She flew out of her window and flew toward her land. She soon came to the cave, smiling as she saw RoboKitty waiting for her.
"Hey! I'm alive! And in need of a new way of communicating. I'm going to head back to the house to make a new one."

RoboKitty just nodded as she followed after her after she grabbed her bow and quiver. She then flew off to her home to get a new way of communicating.
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DC: Gotcha.

DC: Just, be careful.

DC: I wouldn't recommend fighting your Denizen.

DC: There was a reason I was victorious, one being pure luck.

DC: Yeah...

DC: Alright, I'll see you there then...

Aura: Fly

You start floating upwards, towards Derse. You take note of your crazy looking double hood, and your entire get-up. Your striped purple pants, and dress. It looked very... Nice. Before you know it, you arrive at Derse. You float through the streets, then come across Ken's housing. You glide inside, and sit on the ground. You probably had a smile stuck to your face, but that didn't matter. Ken looked so peaceful when he was asleep...
Deust : Slow Down

You should probably start sending out messages...

Deust : Memo

Of course! You can make a Memo for everyone with Trollian to read! It should Reach Shadow and Kersin.

CURRENT mushroomKing [CMK] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board Trollian

CMK: Everyone is to meet at Duke's abode after ascension.

CMK: We will regroup and formulate our plan to defeat Derse there.

@ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami

Deust : Arrive

You land on LONAR with a light thud.

Afrien : Spin

You take in more life signals as you look around the reaches of space.

Shadow has ascended.
Ken: Meet Denizen

You come to an open crater, where a giant humanoid figure sits. It looks at you with cold yellow eyes.

"Kenneth Thompson. I am Izanagi, Lord of Space."

"Izanagi! I have come to gain the power to ascend!"

"I know you have. I have seen all that has occurred thus far. You have done well to prove yourself. I believe we can simply skip the trial and get to the ascension."

"Th-Thank you, Izanagi!"

Izanagi snaps his fingers, and a jade greatsword appears at your feet.

"This is the legendary Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. Use it well."

You take the sword and store it in your strife specibus.

"Your Quest Bed is here, at my feet. Come, Knight of Space."

You walk to Izanagi's feet and see the Quest Bed. You lie down on it.

"Will you make it painless, Izanagi?"

"Yes. You will not feel a thing."

"Thank you..."

Ken: Fall asleep


Izanagi: Kill Ken

You shrink yourself down to human size and draw your naginata. You hesitate for a moment, closing your eyes, then swing your naginata downward in a wide arc, severing Ken's head.


Charlotte: Find quest bed

You find the master bedroom, and inside it, the Quest Bed. You lie down on it and take out the Spellkeeper. You point it at yourself, then remember about Sky Sprinter waiting outside. You cast a spell, and a paper appears in front of Sky Sprinter.


I'm sorry, I won't be coming out of here. But I promise you, I'll come back to visit you.


Charlotte: Cast spells

You cast on yourself a delayed poison spell, then a sleep spell. You drift off to sleep, poison running through your veins.


Charlotte: Die
Charlotte: Ascend

You wake up in a golden room, wearing a shiny gold outfit. So much gold.

Charlotte: Explore

You get up and take a look around. The room looks just like... no, never mind. You look out the window at the golden cityscape.

Charlotte: Message someone

You decide to message Deust.

EL: hey deust!

EL: i think i ascended!

EL: i'm in some kind of golden room.

@Midnight Phantom


Ken: Ascend

You wake up on Derse, in your tower. You look at your body. You're wearing some sort of gray outfit, with a cape. Cool. You can rock a cape.

Ken: Look around

You look over and see Aura sitting next to the bed.

"Good morning, my princess."

Afrien : Land

Your feet touch the surface of LORAL and you look skyward.

Ken Thompson and Charlotte Thompson have begun ascension.

Afrien : Scavenge

You look around inside your Hive and make out your computer. You walk over to the PC and rip its HARD DRIVE, adding the item to your Captchalogue. You search through the cabinet and find a NEW SYRINGE.

Afrien : Combine

You combine the NEW SYRINGE and the HARD DRIVE to make a TECHNO INJECTION

Afrien : Inject

You place the TECHNO INJECTION t the side of your head and push in. An electronic interface enters your vision, and you can read what is on screen.


USERNAME : clairvoyantAries

PASSWORD : ****************

clairvoyantAries -CA- began trolling
electroShogun [ES]

CA: Welcome to Godhood

CA: Enjoy it While you can

CA: Then head to Dukes place

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Aura: Look at messages

Hmm... Would you need to take Ken there? Would that even be... Oh. Somethings happening to him. Next thing you know, hes greeting you with some friggin' cape on. You can't help but laugh at his 'hood', accidentally floating backwards.


You laugh, then hug him.

"I knew you'd make it, my valiant knight"
Ken: Smile

You smile and hug Aura back. You're so relieved that you're able to see her again. You're so focused on the moment that you don't notice that someone is messaging you.

"You look fantastic in that outfit, Aura."



EL: how do i get there from here?

EL: and where is here, for that matter?

@Midnight Phantom
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MK: You must be on Prospit.

MK: Tell Ken to teleport you, he knows where Duke's house is.


Afrien : Get Revenge

You travel to the burned remains of your Denizen. You collect a YGGDRASIL ROOT and add it to your Captchalogue. You then head into the ruins of the Underling City. You climb the stairs, dispatching any nearby guards.

"Hey Giclops! I have beef!"

Afrien : Strife

You glide around the room, swiftly beheading Lichs. Its just you and the Giclops. For real this time. There are no other Underlings left on LORAL.

"We end this now!"

You slide forward and stab your Glaive into the walking Corpses chest, before flying upwards to its head. You wrap your hands around the beasts horn, yanking back. The Giclops' head is ripped off its shoulders, and the Horn soon detaches from its skull.

Yggdrasil has been avenged.
Kersin stood accepting the staff then advancing forward deeper into the cavern depths, a series of tremors had been occurring throughout kersins venture, each stronger than the last. Finally he had reached his Quest Cocoon... this is more like a stone pedestal but who was he to judge. Kersin lay himself on the bed as the strongest tremor of them all had hit causing the chamber to collapse crushing Kersin on his quest cocoon.

Kersin: ascend

You wake up on derse wearing...what even are these, these weird...pantaloons?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c56631571_Kersindoom.png.bc141c749acd09090787ff7f4ec74728.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c56631571_Kersindoom.png.bc141c749acd09090787ff7f4ec74728.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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