
Melon nodded. She stayed standing, ready to run. 'I'm Melon...' She mumbled, trying to pull her fringe behind her ear but then remembering they were right on top of her head.
Jayne, otherwise known as WheelOfFate or even the informant was irritated. Out of this world personally she was confident and uncaring, but now she was stuck as an emotional wreck! She was not far lost in her paranoia that even dare try find her way out of the forest she was now in. "Damn it all..." The girl hissed as she turned on her heels quickly, brown hair that was pulled into a small ponytail fluttered around and brushed the her cheeks tiredly. "This is a dream right?" She chuckled uncomfortably, her eyes quickly snapping to a new direction before she sulked. "I'm so dead..." She mumbled as she crouched down, leaning against the tree with a sigh. "I have to make sure Im not recognized, also make sure I survive and also make sure I work a way to get out...." She paused, falling deeper to her depression. "Im so dead." She whispered before she stood up. "Well...if I am now my avatar...I Should be able to do her abilities." She felt a small hopeful smile appear on her lips as she felt the creaking and pull of her bones as they began to move under the skin as they rearranged themselves to take the form of one of her animals. Tiger. Tanned skin was now snow white fur, delicate black stripes running across in streaks. Gold shackles resting around the legs as they rattled with the broken chain that accompanied it. Bam. Her body, now that of a tiger, fell to the floor as she was not used to it, the weight or the balance. A growl was ripping from the tigers teeth as it finally stood. 'At least I'm safer like this...' Was her only thought as she carried on searching, for something or someone she knew from this game.
The level 5 foes in the Spiraling Woods were no match for Vex. His Thorned Carapace made short work of the smaller ones, and the larger ones were easily dispatched with a Blade Arm or Hammer Arm. Granite Plains was almost within sight, but just as he was about to proceed towards it, he noticed a small side-dungeon.

"Hehehe...rare loot, here I come..." he said, money signs almost appearing in his eyes as he crept into the dark cave.

The monsters inside were more durable than the forest beasts, so he turned off Thorned Carapace and instead shifted to his Bulk Form Augmentation. The beasts here were able to take much more damage, so he'd have to accommodate with lots of brute force.
Mo thought he saw a giant blob thing rush by the four of them.

"What the-" he said, walking after it. He gestured at the other to follow him.

"Come on, lets check it out," Mo said, and followed the green blob creature into the dungeon. Mo was unhappy with entering a dungeon again so soon after his last conflict, but perhaps he could reach out and add to their party.

Upon entry, Mo noticed immediately there were Golems. And the blob creature was smashing them with relative ease. Mo decided it'd be safe to let the blob creature clear the room, and avoid making the same mistake of surprising this obviously powerful being.

Meanwhile, Mo was trying for figure out what it was. Mo had never seen something like it-

WheelOfFate has logged on.

"Hey, it's Jayne," Mo thought to himself, "I should send her a message."

Mo accessed the menu and found a bird perched on his shoulder. It came out of nowhere- all of a sudden, there was a passenger pigeon waiting there. Mo quickly wrote the letter.

"Hey, Jayne, it's Mo. I hope you're doing okay. Come to the Spiral Woods Golem mini-dungeon, there's a party of us heading to Rose Town to make a guild. You should come. I'll send you a map path."

Mo drew a path to their current location and gave the letter to the passenger pigeon.

"Weeeird," he said.
Vex was having more fun than he'd had in a long time. This game was fun on the outside, but being inside of it? Waaaay more awesome.

He absorbed some of the fallen enemies to get some HP back and for a bonus defense buff that the golems apparently gave to his race.


He was about to press onwards to the next room, but something didn't feel right. He turned around and saw a group of players following him.

"Ugh. I've seen kids like this before...they travel in groups and steal all of your EXP..."

Vex swiftly activated his Waveform Augmentation, morphing his body into the shape of a rushing tide, giving him increased movement speed and the ability to ignore unit collision. He reared back for a moment, then rocketed forwards into the next room.

"This oughtta shake 'em."
after repairing their gear dante and miku went back down the "bridge" to Granite Plains and continued off in the direction of Ravyle canyon. miku wondered if any of the other groups would catch up to them, seeing how dante was a beater and all. "Dante: miku, did you use your skill points like i told you?" he asked startling her "Miku: yep, and also bought a dungeon mana charm so i wont have to recharge my mana as much." she replied. "Miku: im gonna send a universal message to see how the other groups are doing." "{universal message]Miku: hey guys, girls and squids of all ages Cursed Melodies second in command here, wishing everyone good luck, and wondering how everyone is doing. me and the guild leader XrosStigma are at lvl 10 already! well he was already at level 10 but still. anyway, just a quick check up for anyone still holding the will to fight." she sent the message out with a giggle.
Mo heard a voice in his head as the blob creature turned into a giant wave and washed away. Mo shrugged.

"You know, I think I'm done trying to recruit people. Let's just head to Rose Town."

He listened to the message by Xros and Cursed. When it was finished, Mo was appalled.

"Wait, still holding the will to fight? We need to stick together, this isn't a competition!"

Mo remembered something.

"But a PvP kill gives more exp than anything else in the game," he thought to himself.

He looked at his companions. Maybe, if he's really lucky, he can take out all of them...
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Vex defeated the last few golems and the boss, who wasn't much stronger than the grunts, and flung open the treasure chest that appeared.

"Haha, YES! Rare loot!" he cried, grinning as he held up a rare amulet into the air. It didn't give any magical abilities (he wouldn't be able to use them anyways), but it severely decreased the cooldowns on his Augmentations, as well as providing a substantial damage boost.

Eben looked at Mo and glared, "If you even attempt killing me, I'll be making you never able to have children. Got it?" He placed a hand on his sword just in case Mo tried to attack him. We agreed to get out of this together and we should be friends.
Mo tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, sorry," he said, "I'm not laughing at you. I'm sure you easily could, I'm only a shapeshifter. It's just... I feel really silly right now. I'm the one who keeps saying we have to stick together and... Wow, situations like these, they... they really get to you, don't they?"

Mo rubbed his face with his hands and held out his hand again.

"We're allied, right? No hard feelings, won't have any of that."

Mo thought of something.

"Hey, Eben, Andy? We should meet up when we get out of this mess. I'd like to get to know you two when we're... you know... not about to die."
"That'd be great. I don't have many friends in the real world at all. It'd be nice to have some." Eben smiled and crossed his arms whilst looking around. If we get out of here alive. There's no guarantee that all of us will make it out of here.
Vex swiftly absorbed his new amulet and exited the dungeon. There were still 4 levels to go, and Rose Town was still waiting.

He walked into the Exit Dungeon Portal and found himself outside in the Spiral Woods once again. The entrance to the dungeon he'd just been through was a few feet behind him.

Rose Town, here I come.

After a quick gear check, Vex waveformed and continued his journey.
He stepped into the new dungeon, water drops conquering the sound waves. He walked quietly down the corridor, his shoes tapping against the cobblestone. Being a shapeshifter, he wore no armor at all. If he wanted some armor, he would just shift. But the thing was, he went more assassin class, and would only have straight-on fight class when he turned Level 10. And that was still 5 levels away. He would have to make do, killing bosses and maybe other people. The upside was other people didn't die in real life. He did. Which means he had a lot more reason to PvP.

He saw a bend a little bit further ahead, and heard something in the distance. It seemed like a battle was already going on here. Either another players had already gotten into here, or the game had glitched out and monsters were fighting each other. Either way, he didn't want to get caught in it. He drew his dagger, wary of every shadow and movement.

As he turned the corner, he was suddenly at the entrance of a giant room. In it was a player, who had just defeated a boss. Since in the game, you could see in third person mode, he would have to strike quickly. There was still some experience he could pick up from the boss that the player missed, not to mention all the experience from the player itself.

He ran at the player, who he could now make out a bit better. He was wearing robes, which indicated a wizard class. If it has any kind of protection spell on, his plan would not work. He lowered his knife, instead of raised it. As he got close, he swung the dagger upwards, into the mage's body. He could see its health bar go down. It was weird because the player had absolutely no reaction at all. He just stabbed this person, and they didn't move. And then they did, the gamer suddenly realizing he was being attacked. Blood splattered on the cobblestones, trailing from a small wound in its back. He took out his knife before the wizard started to flee. He grabbed it by the back, and wrestled it to the floor before slitting its throat. Red stained the cold steel. Out came experience orbs, many flying all over the place. They sought him out, the only non-NPC in the room. They flew into his body, and the now familiar process happened.

Mooalally has leveled up to Level 6!

Mooalally has leveled up to Level 7!

He was impressed. The boss probably finished up Level 6, since it was almost finished from defeating the troll, and killing that player gave him another level on top of that. Only 5 more levels to go until he could get out of this sick game.

That reminded him. He just murdered someone. Virtual or not, it seemed real enough. And strangely, he wasn't throwing up or sickened like he thought he would be. In fact, he actually enjoyed the adrenaline rush before he committed the crime. But that player would probably come back, seeking revenge. He went out the exit.
"darkness, consume." dante said as a monster lept out at them, signing its own death warrant. miku laughed "Miku: in the game or IN the game you never let the monsters get close." she said with a smile. "Dante: we're here." dante said as they stopped in front of a crystal cavern that had another black box in front of it. he used the gate pass again causing the doors to appear again. as they walked in the doors locked behind them with a gate pass symbol.. "Dante&Miku:...roaming boss dungeon..." they said in unison, the only dungeon type that locks itself with the user's gate pass. they immediately ran into the dungeon, miku activating her weapon and charm, singing a new healing song, much stronger sounding, that healed twice as much hp. soon enough dante was slaying any and every monster that jumped out at them. soon enough they found the boss, BloodMayn: Endless Flame, and dante attacked it. it turned to fight them. the battle was on, dante's wolves were summoned and rushed the beast, as his chains crept around restraining it. "Dante: tire, drain, force, submit: four souls wishing for peace, four souls drowning in agony. i ask you now DARKNESS: DEVOUR!" he said as his shadows went through the beast sliceing, stabbing, and causeing it to let out a shriek of agonizing pain before it died. XrosStigma level 11, SingingAngel level 11 "Dante: i thought you would have gotten more exp than me... we need to find the next boss." he said again as the words rang out through the world once more. BloodMayn: Endless Flame, Defeated! 11 gate pass uses remain! "Miku: worry about your self more, xrosa." miku said worried, date almost never used his chant based spells, she knew he was trying to get her out, but she wished he would work for himself more. and with that they left the dungeon, not taking the loot, instead leaving it to the dungeon.
Jayne purred happily, the large white tiger perched upon a rock near the outskirts of rose town, just in a forest. She was quite content, strangely. Lazy here and lazy when she was part of reality she just changed to adjust. Now she was lazing around as an animal. Message received. Pausing she glanced up, a bird seeming to pop into existence in front of her, causing a growl to leave her throat instead of words. The bird left the message as she pushed it open with her paw. 'Mo!' This was getting even better. The cracking of bones was temporary as she slowly became humanoid again. She decided to write a letter back to her friend.

'Mo! Sorry this is late! Are you still on the way to Rose town? Im close to it!' She write back, pausing slightly. 'Mo, did...something weird happen to you too?'

Referring to her conscious presence in the game she passed it back to the bird which appeared once more. "Take it back, reply." She mumbled, watching as the bird vanished.
The trio had arrived at Gravel Plains when the mail bird materialized on Mo's shoulder. He smiled.

"Yeah, uh... As in you ARE your character in GameOver? I have some other players that I've allied with, we're heading to Rose Town to start a guild. We're at Gravel Plains, we'll be there soon."

The bird stared at Mo expectantly.

"Uh... Send as reply?"

With a tweet, the bird disappeared. Mo scanned the Gravel Plains. A few Crumbling Golems, and a dungeon leading to the Fallen Stone Drake. Mo had spent quite a bit of time there, the Fallen Stone Drake gave good exp and loot. Mo called after the bird, hoping he would catch it. Thankfully, the bird retrurned and added, "Hey, Jayne, wanna meet up at FSD?"
Jayne was walking along, of course being cautious, maybe even paranoid about her surroundings. "Oh....." She whined softly, arms folded across her torso as she pouted. "I may of created this avatar but I really am not comfortable..." She pouted before the bird appeared again, once more giving her a shock. "DAMN BIRD." She never had a stupid bird constantly popping up in a manner that scared the living day lights out of her in reality. She took the letter before humming. Grinning she began to write her reply.

'Yeah! What the hell is going on!' She paused before looking ahead. 'FSD huh? sure! I'll meet you there. To avoid trouble I may be in a different form, I did spill secrets on a lot of people in this game so I have to be careful. Heading to the Fallen stone Drake now! cya soon.'

With that she closed the message and passed it to the bird. "Back to the same person little one." She mumbled, watching it vanish. Again. With that she shifted once more, this time taking the form of a crow. Larger than average, deciding that if she used a huge form she would be suspicious she took to the air. 'At least someone I know is in this strange situation.' she thought.
Gravel Plains was way more fun than the nooby Spiraling Woods. The monsters actually somewhat posed a challenge, even though they fared no better against Vex than the last hundred monsters.

Their defense was, of course, much higher than the other monsters, so Vex had to use a couple of his more advanced Augmentations to avoid death. He had never liked those goddamned Shale Hawks, and they way they traveled in huge swarms, and their ridiculous aggro range, and everything else about them. The Crumbling Golems were easy though.

He had made it through most of the way without too much trouble. He'd also found a few nice trinkets. Not as good as the ones he currently had absorbed, but valuable enough to fetch some nice moolah in the Rose Town Marketplace.

After a few more minutes, Vex got to the Fallen Stone Drake, but he got the feeling that he was being watched, so he whirled around quick to make sure they weren't nearby, and then activated his Wrecking Ball Augmentation and rolled into some nearby shrubberies. ((hehehehe shrubbery)) Maybe it was those EXP thieves from before. Maybe he'd watch the Stone Drake tear them apart. From what he'd seen, they were nowhere strong enough to defeat it without the help of yours truly.
(hehehhe shrubbery)

Mo arrived at the Fallen Stone Drake's dungeon and looked up. He saw a bird with a nametag up in the sky, fighting Shale Hawks, but being wounded.

"Oh dear," Mo said and called out, "JAYNE! BRING THEM DOWN HERE!"
Eben followed Mo's lead and fought some of the monsters before also looking up to the sky and seeing the monsters attacking someone. "We need to help her!"
"Yeah, no kidding," Mo mutters and whips out his bow. He draws the string and aims.

"They're too high. JAYNE, DO A NOSEDIVE!"

Mo realized that at full HP, his skill Iron Arrows wouldn't do him much good. His transformations were all melee and had stupidly short range. He had no choice but to use normal attacks.
Melon nodded. She stayed standing, ready to run. 'I'm Melon...' She mumbled, trying to pull her fringe behind her ear but then remembering they were right on top of her head.
Jayne got extremely pissed, if one could acsess her thoughts the range of curses used would make one falter. "I swear to god I hate you things...I really do..." She whispered angrily before she shot down to the ground. Before she landed she shifted once more, landing within a humanoid form, crouched upon the ground. Brown hair, brown eyes and a grin on her face. "Hello Mo!" She says, smiling happily as she waves. "I have arrived!" She cheered before glancing up at the 'things' she now dubbed useless coming to get her. "Weell! I have to admit, flying it nice!" Pause. "Being attacked isn't."

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