Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Okay, I can either leave her hear and move on with my day or help her out. Come one Blake, you don't wanna get involved with a vampire. Helping her is like feeding a starving dog, she'll always be coming back. Besides, mum would hate to scent a vampire the next time she visits. Blake was mentally battling himself and he didn't like the guilt that was building upon him. He groaned and sighed before walking past her and waving behind me.

"Follow me..."
Damon pulled Yuro over. "Doesn't he look good in yellow and black?" He had Yuro in black skinnes with a few yellow chains and a yellow belt. The shirt was tight-fitting and had dark yellow/black paint splatters on it. He had one black fingerless glove on and a black and yellow checked scarf. "You would look good in these colours, too, Death. It brings out the color of your hair and your eyes." he grinned.
Amber hesitated and a loud thunder boomed over head made her run after him.

Yuro spun around and struck a pose, "Don't I look sexy~!"

Death laughed and examined Yuro.
Blake rushed towards his apartment buildings and made sure she was following him every now and then. He always loved showers but not so much rain showers. It only took about 5 minutes for them to arrive. Blake held the door open for her as he entered the warm building.
Dai tensed at the words date with Rin. Damon smirked. "Oooh, a date? And that boy is a hottie, too~" he giggled. "And yes; I'll even buy the whole outfit for you."
Amber ran into the building and began to shake and breathed into cupped hands, "T-Thanks.." She whispered.

Yuro purred, "Damon you spoil meee~~~" Then he looked over at Dai and gave him a reasurring smile.

Death clicked his tongue, "oooo~"
Damon hugged him, rubbing his cheek against Yuro's. "I have to! I'm, like, your 3rd dad!"

Dai shrugged it off, but was still a little upset about Yuro going on a 'date' with someone else.
Yuro laughed and said, "No kidding~" Then pulled away and whispered in Dai's ear, "We'll talk in a minute when they leave.."

Death walked over to Damon and smiled, "Nice style~"

ooc//g2g guys.. mom wants me in bed even though she KNOWS i'm not going to sleep lol GOODNIGHT~~~
"Sure." Dai muttered. Damon smiled and bowed softly. "Thanks. It always makes your features seem to pop if you wear clothing that matches them." he said and pointed to his bright orange jeans. "Since I'm a red-head I wear orange alot."

ooc//Awww~! 'Nite! I loves you <3
Blake didn't answer her and led them up to his apartment which was very warm compared to the cold they had encountered earlier.

"Make yourself at home but not too comfortable because I expect you gone by morning."
Amber nodded and shrugged her jacket off and held it close to her body. She examined the aparpment and then very carefully sat on the floor with her jacket on her legs. She began to dry her hair out with the dry parts of the jacket and her eyes returned to green.

Death chuckled, "I see~"

Yuro looked over at them and smiled.
Yuro looked out threw the doors of the store and saw it was darker then when it was sunny, "Seems it is.. Thunder storms freak me out." Then he drew close to Dai and jumped when thunder boomed overhead.

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