Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

What is wrong with this girl? Can she just accept the help he's tryna give her? Ugh, vampires! Blake sighed and turned back to her before helping her up from the floor and setting her down on the couch.

"There. It's that easy! The couch will dry."
ooc//XD <3

bic//Dai approched the doors and glanced behind him to see if Damon and Death were following, then pushed a door open to see that it was pouring.
Amber looked up at him and she muttered, "Thanks.."

Death looked at the heavy sheet of rain and his ears flattened against his head.

Yuro pressed closer to Dai and tensed as he stared with wide eyes at the rain and lightning making a light show out there.
Dai started running across the asphalt, wanting to get to the car quickly so Yuro wouldn't get too wet. Damon looked over at Death. "Should we run for it?"
Blake just shrugged, not even bothering to answer her and left for his room to change into some dry clothes. He'd bring her something after he has changed.
Blake returned after change and brought back his smallest pajama pants and shirt he could find. He then tossed them to Amber.

"Go on and change." He said apathetically.
Dai opened the right door to the back and rested Yuro onto the seats. Damon ran faster, making sure Death wouldn't catch up with him.
Death was right behind him and then laughed.

Yuro relaxed instantly and smiled.

Amber stood up with the clothes and said, "Where's the bathroom?"

ooc// G2G... Going to a friends house :/ .. I'll message you two in the morning :D or when I get home xD
ooc//;u; Okay.. C'ya later or tomorrow or whatever.

Love ya'~

bic//Dai leaned down and gave Yuro a kiss, then closed the door and got in the drivers seat. He suddenly got an mischeivous idea and locked the doors.

Damon tried to go faster. "Noo~!"
Yuro heard the doors click and looked at him and smiled a little.

Death pushed harder and was running about the same speed as Damon.

ooc// still have a minute xD
ooc//Yay~ ^^

Lol, I was in the shower..

bic//Damon reached out to open the door and be in the car first but the door wouldn't open. He tried to open it again and knocked on the window. (Dai is so evil. *I wonder where he gets that from.. xD *
Death yanked the door open and practically jumped into the backseat and slammed the door behind him, drenched head to toe.

Yuro looked back at him and said, "I tried to stop him."
Damon got in quicky, too. "You evil son of a..." he slammed the door shut and shiverered as he glared at Dai; who simply grinned.
Dai turned on the ac to warm after he turned the car on and pulled out of the parking place. Damon pouted and looked over at Yuro. "Why didn't you unlock the door?"
Yuro whispered, "Sorry Damon-kun.. couldn't find the button at first.. Plus he was holding me hostage..." Then he playfully pointed at Dai.

Death rolled his eyes.

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