Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Damon returned to them with the clothes in a bag. "What's wrong?" he looked at Yuro, a sudden boom of thunder startling him. "Ooh."
Damon nodded. Dai picked Yuro up, 'Princess Style', and ignored the stares of the people near them as he walked out into the large hallway of the mall.
Yuro closed his eyes and slowly relaxed.

Death looked over at Yuro and Dai and said, "Dai has always been able to calm Yuro down.."
Blake looked over at the shivering girl and shook his head.

"There's a couch you can lay on, ya know. You don't have to sit on the floor." He explained as he turned the heat up, higher.
Amber looked up at him and said, "I don't want to get it wet.. It would be rude.." Then she continued to dry her hair with the jacket and then flipped her head back and shook her head a little.

Yuro whispered, "Promise?"

Yuro snuggled closer to him and whispered, "I beileve you.." Then slightly tensed at the sound of the thunder booming overhead.

ooc//ikr xD

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