Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

ooc// AWESOME!!~

hm I need to make a new boy charrie :P lol

bic// Yuro smiled and clicked his tongue.

Death chuckled and said, "Oh yea Damon wants you to try something on Yuro."

Name: Alexander Marchial

Age: 19

Species(Were or Vampire): Vampire

Looks(picture or discription): Raven black hair that is always spiked in the back and his bangs around always pushed out of his green as emeralds eyes. He's tall (around 6' 2") and pretty thin but sterdy. He is usually wearing band t-shirts and skinny jeans with holes in the knees.

Personality: Pretty quite when around a large group of people. Keeps to himself and dosn't really give anything away. He makes sure that no one knows what he thinks and just really stays away from most people.

Background: When he was really young he watched his parents be murdered by vampires, ever since then he's been quite and never really talks to anyone. His younger sister (Elizabeth Marchial) died of cancer at 12 and his older brother (Michale Marchial) died in a car crash by a drunk driver. So really everyone he held dear died and he keeps people away so they don't meet the same fate. He is currently staying in an aparpment in a small city.

Other: A tattoo of a bloody moon covers his back and B.A.N.G is written on his hands. He usually wears a hat that covers his eyes and takes long walks. He dosn't drink human blood, hating to even relate to the vampires that brutaly killed his parents.

He sounds cool. ;3; sad story.

bic//Damon blinked. "I do..? OH YEAH!" he grabbed Yuro and dragged him into the store. Dai watched them leave, then looked down at Death.
Death looked at them dash and smied a little, "Thank you for being there for Yuro, Dai.."

ooc//IKR!! lol now he just needs friends xD

bic//Dai shrugged. "Your welcome.. I guess." he murured, then looked up at the skylights on the ceiling. "It's raining.." the greyish light from the window above lit up his eyes a little.
Death looked up and said, "I used to be afraid of thunder storms."

Alexander walked with his hands in his jacket pockets through the mall. His headphones were plugged into his ears and he was softly humming to himself, unaware of his surroundings.
Death looked at Dai, "I remember when Kenta had to pin me to the couch cause I almost hurt myself because I was trying to hide from one.." Then he softly chuckled at the memory.
Death talking about his memory made Dai think of something. "Hey.. Remember that time I tried to kill myself with a kitchen knife..?"
"I remember that.." Death said, "Kenta didn't wan't you to kill yourself..Neither did I and Yuro was practically screaming until he either tired or his vocal cords ruined.."
Dai nodded. "I had problems when I was little." he murmured. "I always felt like there was something missing in my life.. And I always felt like there was something wrong with me.." And I still do. He thought.
Blake sighed again as he helped her up and noticed her trembling look. What was up with vampires and thunder? Unless it was a personal thing, in which case he didn't want to bother asking. It was actually pretty stupid in his view.

"Hello! You didn't answer me."

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