Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

ooc// BACK!!!~

bic// Death smiled back and then looked at another belt.

Yuro shrugged, "Wouldn't hurt to learn stuff."

ooc// Also Carter if you want I can make a charrie that you can somehow stumber upon :) But only if you want
Name:Amber Andrews


Species(Were or Vampire):Vampire

Looks(picture or discription):Long auburn red hair, green eyes, a little splash of freckles and on the corner of her right eye a hear shaped freckle is, really little (around 5' 7") and is practically curvy

Personality:Is pretty outgoing but is shy around strangers, she loves games and is practically one of the biggest flirts you will EVER meet, she is highley afraid of thunderstorms though and when shes scared she gets violent.

Background:When she was little (around the 1300's-1400"s) A plague had killed her parents and all family members that she knew. She was left alone and to cover that lonely feeling she makes friends and flirts but really she's truely and uterly scared still from the death of her parents and family.

Other: She has a tattoo of a dying angle on her back and usually wears skinnies and v-neck shirts with converse. Her lip is peirced and she loves going to concerts.
ooc// Sounds nice but I could've gone for a guy lol.

Blake had just returned from his brother's house and decided to take a walk for a bit before hitting the city later on. His apartment wasn't too far from him right now but he thought he needed some fresh air. It would do good for his headache.
ooc//mkay :3

bic// Amber put her hood up and sniffed. Her eyes practically glowed red and she tried to hide them in the shadows of her hood. Great she though Why did I have to get blood lust at this time? Then she sighed. Clouds started to form over head and a small rain started to start.
Blake looked up at the sky and noticed it started to rain. What was up with this place and it's bipolar weather? There were no clouds out when I started my walk! He groaned in irritation as he held onto the flaps of his jacket tighter, deciding to turn the other way and walk back to his place. Today was not the day for Blake and rain was just another obstacle he'd rather not face at the moment.
Amber picked up speed down the sidewalk and tried not to think of all the times it rained on her when she was a child left in the dirt. Her eyes glowed brighter and she drew her head up and blinked a couple times. Werewolf? Then sniffed a couple times. She looked around and saw Blake gumbling and tried to hide in her jacket. Last thing she needed was someone to comment on her eyes. Especially a werewolf.
Blake continued walking towards his place as he saw the streets and sidewalks emptying of all life. People must've hated rain more than him. It was kinda funny to him that humans would worry so much about their hair to rush into a building or store of sorts for cover. As he was thinking, he forgot to watch where he was going and knocked someone down.

"Oh go, I'm so...sorry?" Blake said slowly when he noticed her eyes as her hood fell off her head. Vampire?
ooc//I'M SO SORRY!!

My dad's computer was being a jerk and I went through all this crazyness because it wouldn't let me reply but now I'm on my brother's computer and it works. TToTT'

bic//Dai shrugged, looking around.

Damon glanced out the store windows and saw Yuro and Daisuke. "/There/ they are!" he exclaimed and ran out to get them.
ooc//its all good :3

bic//Amber tensed and looked up at him, eyes stretched wide and slightly trembling. Oh great... she thought. Rain drenched her hair and skin and looked like her skin was glittering because of the reflecton.

Death ran after Damon.

Yuro saw Damon coming and muttered, "Guess the lovely affair is over until we get home hm?"
Yuro ran his fingers through his hair and smiled, "Time for me to be all happy and giddy~" He purred before taking off to meet them and hugging them.

Death hugged him back and laughed, "Where have you two been?"
Death looked over Yuro's shoulder and stated, "Well maybe I wan't to know where my children are.. I don't wan't anything happening to you two."

Yuro softly chuckled and purred, "You don't have to worry Dai portected me~"
"Yeah.." Dai poked Yuro's skinny arm. "If he got into something that involved fighting he'd snap like a twig."

"Yuro-kun isn't weak!" Damon protested, playfully, and punched at Dai's chest. "OW!" he drew his hand back, which was now red and sore from hitting Dai's hard-as-a-rock chest,
Yuro looked at Dai and stuck out his tongue, "I can fight as good as anybody! Plus i'm gonna start taking martial arts classes at school~" He purred.

Death chuckled and softly grabbed Damon's hand and kissed it, "Better?"
Blake stepped back a bit when he felt like this didn't really concern him any longer. He had apologized so there was no need for him to stick around. Besides, she was a vampire and he had no time to help out. He just curved around her and continued walking. After a few steps, he heard thunder and the sprinkling became heavy rain. He sighe and turned back around to the girl, walking back and offering his hand to help her up.

"Where are you staying? I'll walk you there..." He sighed.

Dai nodded. "Yeah, sure.."

Damon smiled a little. "Kinda.."

ooc//OH I need a form for Rin!

Name: Rin

Age: 17

Species: Werewolf

Looks: He's fairly tall and lean. His hair is dyed black and green and he has deep-blue eyes. Is his wolf form his is black with a white spot overing his right ear and eye.

Personality: Cheerful, mostly, and cocky. He enjoys annoying people and making them look like idiots.

Background: (I need to work on it)

Other: He is hopelessly in love with Yuro.

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