Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Kenta's grip on the sword tightened, knowing very well that this could be a trick. He tried to change the subject. "Do you have any idea where Kumo might be?"
Yuro looked at them and said, "What is he talking about?"

Sky shrugged and his body tensed up, "He could be anywhere.." Then his eyes took on a haunted look.

Death glanced at Yuro and then looked back at Sky.
Blake had crept up from behind the girl and leaned against the wall as he silently watched her, curiously roaming along the premises of his living room. He raised an eyebrow and scoffed, shaking his head.

"What are you doing?"
Kenta tried to think of someone that would have a reason for taking Kumo. He looked up when the front door opened and a girl peeked outside curiously.
Death looked at the girl and blinked.

Sky turned around at the sound of the door opening and he walked up to the porch and leaned down, "Honey, what are you doing outside?"

Yuro looked at the little girl and smiled, "Aww she's so Kawaii!~"
The girl was little and skinny, but was very pretty. She had long, curly light-blonde hair and peach-colored eyes. "Who are they?" she asked. Her voice was soft and high-pitched.
Sky softly kissed the top of her head and smiled, "There the parents and brothers to your mother dear.."

(He's so caring when it comes to Aimi xD )
(Ikr? ^w^ He's always acting so serious and even mean but when he's around Aimi he's so sweet~) "Oh.." the girl looked at Kenta, Death, Yuro and Daisuke. "Are they going to help you find Mama?" she whispered, her eyes starting to shimmer from little tears in the corners of her eyes.

Dai blinked, thinking to himself; Brothers of her mom? Wait, what..?

Sky looked at her with concern and nodded, "There gonna help you find Mama, dear..Don't cry..Please.."

Yuro blinked, "Brothers of her mom?"

Death tensed more and whispered, "You wanna fix this Kenta?"
Sky averted his attention from Aimi and his eyes instantly wen't cold, "You may go in.." Then he whispered, "Aimi sit down in the livingroom and i'll be there in a second."

Death grabbed Yuro's wrist and pulled him into the house while he squirmed.
Aimi nodded and scurried back into the house.

"Dai." Kenta motioned to the door. Dai blinked and slowly walked into the house, followed by Kenta.
Sky followed Aimi into the livingroom and pushed his hair back before sitting down in a chair.

Death pulled Yuro in and set him down on the couch.
Dai sat beside Death, leaning back. Kenta stepped inside and looked at Sky, then Yuro, Dai, and Death. "I'll try to hurry up with this since we need to find Kumo... But.." he trailed off, not knowing where to start.
Death looked up at Kenta.

Yuro crossed his arms and leaned back against the couch, his ear twitching.

Sky looked worridly at Aimi before looking up at Kenta.
Kenta was silent for several moments then sighed. "Dai, Yuro. I'm...." he trailed of again, then finally said. "I'm not your real father..."
Yuro's eyes widened and he looked at Kenta, speechless.

Death took a breath.

Sky looked at Yuro and Dai, his eyes slightly narrowed, "What do you mean.. There not yours.." (Pft, he didn't even know xD )
( xD ) Dai looked up at Kenta. Even he was supprised.

Kenta turned to Sky. "It isn't obvious to you? I thought you would know.." he said. "Their yours..."
Yuro's shock quickly died to fury, "What!" He screeched, "All this was just a lie.. Your not our real father!" He gripped his hair and quickly ran out of the room and out the front door into the lawn. (Yuro is a drama queen xD )

Sky blinked and looked after Yuro, "M-mine?" Then back up at Kenta, "How?"
( xD Yes.) Kenta watched Yuro leave silently, then turned to Sky and narrowed his eyes. "You know how."

Dai watched as Yuro left, frozen.
Yuro cursed out the ground he walked on as he walked to lord knows where on the sidewalk, his screams echoing against the buildings around him.

Death looked after Yuro sadly.

Sky blinked a second and then remembered, "Oh..."

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