Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Death whispered, "Should we go after him?"

Yuro crouched under a tree and leaned his back on the bark and tensed, "Screw everything.." Then slammed the back of his head against the bark as he dug his fingers into the loose fabric of his skinny jeans.
Death nodded.

Yuro glared at the leaves, silently cursing them.

ooc// g2g love :( Mom's kicking me off but I will try to be on tomorrow :) I love you dear!~ Goodnight :3
Sky looked at Dai, suprise still in his eyes.

Yuro stared at his lap and his rage slowly melted into sadness. Tears streamed his cheeks even with his constant swipes of the tears streaming down his fair skin.
Dai walked down the side walk, listening for Yuro.

Kenta leaned against the wall and ran his fingers through his hair. "I shouldn't have brought them..." he said, again.
Death walked over to him and said, "It couldn't be helped Kenta.."

Sky was still dumbstuck, his hands falling in his lap and his ice blue eyes rested on nothing.
Dai looked around and saw Yuro under a tree. He made sure he approched him quietly so he wouldn't run away.

Kenta kissed Death's forehead. "I hope you feel lucky that you even know about them.." he looked over at Sky.
Dai walked up to Yuro. "Hey.." he nudged him softly with his foot.

Aimi blinked, not knowing what was going on. Kenta looked at the floor. "Dai and Yuro probably hate me now.." (aww~)
Death shook his head and softly hugged him, "Yuro will calm down and seek comfort from you Kenta.. Like always."

Yuro's head shot up and he pressed his back to the bark. His golden irises were rimmed with red and tears dripped down his cheeks and under the tears a little pink had stained his cheeks, "W-what do you want.."
Kenta let his chin rest on top of Death's head as he closed his eyes, feeling guilty.

Dai lowered down and kissed Yuro's cheek, rubbing his tears away with his thumb. "Don't be upset."

ooc//Your inbox is full again~ I can't reply. o3o
Yuro chocked on a sob when he said, "Well I actually loved having Kenta as a father.. All the years of adoration was directed at someone who was not my father at all..." He began to curl in on himself, feeling betrayed and defensless.

Death nuzzled Kenta's chest and whispered, "It'll be ok.."

Sky leaned back in his chair, his eyes a little glazed over as the though to himself. There my kids?
Dai thought of something to say. "That doesn't mean he doesn't love you. He cared for you and me like any father."

Kenta opened his eyes a little. He didn't want to seem like he didn't care about the whole situation, but he wanted to hurry and find Kumo.
Yuro shook his head, "If he loved us then he wouldn't have lied..." He sniffled and rubbed his eyes.

Death understood and looked at Sky, "Where was the last place you saw Kumo?"

Sky shook his head and said, "He was at home.. and then wasn't.."
"Maybe there was a reason he didn't tell us.." Dai recalled how much Kenta seemed to hate Sky, and how hostile they were to eachother.

Kenta thought about it. "Do you think someone took him?"
Yuro pressed his doggie ears to his head and whispered, "Maybe.." Then he hung his head, "Do you think I overreacted..?"

Sky thought about it and said, "Its highly possible.. Evertime we went out I had to fight some basterd off him.. He's to adorable for his own good." Then he sighed.

Death slightly bristled but ignored it and said, "So you think its a good chance someone took him?"
Dai shook his head. "Of course you didn't. It was a big shock for you.. And me.." he said. The part about him not overreacting was kind of a lie. ( xD )

"That's true.." Kenta said. "Either some pervert took him," he added. "Or hunters took him.. Were and vampire hunters have been very active lately, so it could be possible."
ooc// hold on about to empty the dang inbox xD

Yuro narrowed his eyes at him and muttered, "Stop lying.. I can see it in your eyes..and body language."

Sky nodded and stood up, slightly pacing, "I've encountered a few when I took Kumo to the mall..It's very likely.."

ooc// its empty now :)
ooc//Okay~ xD

bic//Dai sighed. "Yuro, just calm down. Please." he kissed his cheek again. "You've always been Kenta's favourite child. You deserve it, too."

"If he was taken by hunters we'll have to figure out where their headquaters or whatever is." Kenta tried to remember the last time he got captured by hunters, but it had been a while.
Yuro shook his head, "I'm gonna burn in hell.. One because I love my brother more then anything in the world.. Two because I go against the bible.. Three I don't believe in all that shit.. and what ever else he can put against me.. I don't deserve being a favorite.."

Sky nodded and thought a minute, "Once one of them were talking to loud and I heard that their headquaters were somewhere in the woods around here.."
"Yuro, I think we're all gonna burn in hell. Especially me." Dai hugged Yuro tightly. "Trust me, you deserve the love Kenta has been giving you. You don't know how special you are to him."

Kenta suddenly figured it out. "Theres an old church out in the middle of the woods. Maybe that's where they are."
Yuro hugged him back and said, "Well atleast you and me are going to the same place." He purred.

Sky nodded, "It would seem likely.. Considering Vampires really perfer not to go into churches.."

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