Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Dai stood and held out his hand for Yuro. "C'mon."

Kenta agreed. Aimi walked over to Sky and hugged his arm. "Is she yours, too?" Kenta asked, looking at the small girl.
Sky nodded and smiled softly at her, "Kumo's her mother.." His eyes went thoughtful and he softly kissed her forehead.

Death looked at the girl and smiled.

Yuro nodded and took Dai's hand.
Kenta smiled at Aimi. "How old are you?" he asked. She looked up at him, a little shy. "Sixteen.." Kenta was dumbstruck. She looked like a 5th grader and she was sixteen?

Dai pulled Yuro to his feet and walked down the sidewalk, still holding his hand. "We need to hurry.."
Death blinked a couple times Sixteen? Then smiled, "What's your name?"

Sky softly smiled, atleast they were being nice to Aimi.

Yuro sighed, "Sometimes I wish we wern't brothers because then we wouldn't have to hide our feelings from Death and Kenta..." He mumbled, not really wanting to go into Sky's house and have to pertend like he didn't really love Dai.
Aimi blinked, her long eyelashes brushing against Sky's arm. "Aimi.." she answered softly.

Dai looked down at him. "It's only a few years until we're eighteen. We'll be free to do whatever we want with our lives, then. We can run away and find somewhere to live and we won't have to hide our feelings anymore.."
Death purred, "What a lovely name for a lovely little girl~"

Sky looked at Death, unsure, but then adjusted his eyes on Aimi and they instantly warmed.
Aimi smiled a little, hugging Sky's arm a little tighter. "Thank you..."

ooc//I was thinking that Aimi could have a birth defect that made her small and child-like. Kind of like Kumo. ^^
"And I'm Kenta." Kenta added. Aimi beamed up at Sky, then looked back at Death. She tilted her head a little. "I've never heard that kind of name before.."

Kenta blinked a little. She seemed very childish for her age. He then wondered if it was a defect.
Death chuckled and smiled, "My parents were cruel~" He purred.

Sky smiled, he loved it when Aimi was happy..He silently wished Kumo could be here to see there daughter happy..

Yuro nodded, seeing the confortable looking one story house that belong to Sky, "And we'll run away like bats out of hell when the day comes.."
Death looked up at Kenta, "How do you wanna do this? Do you wan't all of us to come with you?"

Sky nodded, "It would be best if Death, Yuro, and Aimi stayed.. Maybe Dai can come with us..But it's up to you Kenta."
Kenta nodded. "That sounds good. Dai can come. If we run into any trouble he'll be lots of help. He's a good fighter.." he looked over at the door as it opened. Dai stepped in and softly pulled Yuro in, too.
Yuro's eyes were still a little bit puffy but he looked ok and instantly walked over to Kenta and hugged him, "I'm sorry daddy.." He whimpered.

Sky blinked, a little surprised Yuro did't slap Kenta.

Death smiled and though Told him so.
Kenta was supprised, too, but hugged back tightly. "You don't have to say sorry." he murmured. He felt happy that Yuro called him 'Daddy'.

Dai watched them for a moment. "So, 'Daddy', what's the plan?" he asked.
Yuro relaxed and smiled a little.

Sky stretched a little and said, "You, Kenta, and me are going to hunt down the people that Kidnapped your brother." He murmered, slight anger rimmed his voice.

Death nodded, "Me, Yuro, and Aimi are staying here."
( O.o that's pretty tall... XDDD)

Yuro slightly laughed to himself and plopped down on the couch.

Death stretched a little and yawned.

Sky stood up (pft Sky is taller than Dai > :) xD ) and looked around.
(Lol~ Kenta's around 6'2" or 6'3" and Dai is around 6'5" or more. ^^) Kenta kissed Yuro and Death's foreheads and smiled at Aimi. "We'll be back as soon as we can." he said. Dai strolled over to the door, ready to go. (lol, he just wants to kick some asses~)
(Hmm.. Then Sky is scary tall XDD)

Yuro looked up at Kenta and said, "Be careful..All of you." His eyes rested on Sky.

Sky looked back at Yuro and slowly blinked and dipped his head, "I'll be careful.. and when Kenta begins to get his butt kicked I'll save him for ya." Then he slightly smiled.

Death rolled his eyes and walked over to Kenta and hugged him, "Don't die..I love you."
(Not really. xD My history and homeroom teacher Mr. Ray said that he's 6'6" and he doesn't seem too tall.)

Kenta growled at Sky, then gave Death a kiss. "I won't~. I love you too." Aimi ran over to Sky and stood on her toes, but couldn't reach his cheek by a mile. "I love you daddy~"

Dai sighed and leaned against the door. "I think we all understand that we love eachother."
Sky leaned down and let her kiss his cheek and smiled, "Love you too dear." He purred

Death smiled and said, "Good now, bring Kumo home.."

Yuro stretched out on the couch and mumbled something that no one could hear and pressed his face to the cushion.

(Wow.. that's pretty tall compared to me and my 5' 2" ness xD )

Sky walked out of the room and their was a small sound of moving furniture and then Sky game back with two guns in his hands and he pulled the safty on and put them on the waistband of his jeans.

Death took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and not worry even though they havn't even stepped out the door yet. (He acts like a mother xD )

Yuro had fallen asleep with his face down on the couch and you could hear a soft snore that was actually quite adorable to prove he was knocked out cold. (He's not even worrying lol)

ooc// Beasty xD I just recently grew this tall though :3 lol
(Crap I accidentally deleted my message. xD Anyway, I'm 4'10". ^^)

Aimi kissed Sky's cheek, then scurried over to his chair and sat in it, enjoying the warmth he left.

Kenta nodded and picked up the sheathed sword.

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