Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Kenta chuckled and gave Death a soft kiss. "If you got your looks from you mother, she must've been gorgeous." he smiled as he ran his thumb over Death's cheek.
Kenta's green eyes were bright even in the dim light. "When I first saw you I though you were the most beautiful thing..." his finger softly traced the side of Death's face. "And you are."
Death smiled and ran his hand on Kenta's wrist and said, "When I first saw you I was scared.. but after a week I thought you were one of the most beatutiful, intelligant, caring, and heartfelt person I have ever knew."
"I was afraid that I would start to be abusive and you wouldn't like me," Kenta murmured. "When I know I have power over someone I have a hard time holding the dark part of me back.."
Death rested his hands on Kenta's chest and he whispered, "I could never hate you.. I'm gonna be like my mother and love you even if you do hit me.. Love is love.. I'm like a dog.. Even if the owner abuses it it will love you forever and always.. always remain faithful." Then he smiled and looked up at him.
Kenta smiled and kissed Death's forehead. "Don't call yourself a dog." he looked down at him. "Your a wolf. It's completely different." he laughed softly.
Death chuckled and said, "Now if you hit a wolf that's totally diffrent, they and the pack will easily kill someone if they dis one of the members." Then he purred, "But you won't hit me~"
Kenta groaned a little when Death moved. His arm, which used to be around Death's stomach, fell onto his lap. (Who should answer the phone?)
(Okay! :3) Kenta's eyes opened a little and he kissed back. "Hey.." he murmured sleepily. He sat up and yawned and stretched, rubbing the back of his head. The sudden, loud ring of the phone on the nightstand beside the bed made him jump. "Who the hell would be calling at this time?"
Kenta looked over at Death, fear in his eyes. He thought of something to say. "What should we do?"

(Kenta's being very blonde right now. -3-)
Sky muttered, "I knew you were stupid just not that stupid.. WE NEED TO FIND HIM!!"

Death felt tears weal in his eyes and he took a deep shaky breath.

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