Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

"You might want to take that new outfit off. Unless you want to get it ripped off of you.." Dai grinned a little.

(Shall we?)
(We shall~~ and we can just rp Death and Kenta xD )

Yuro unclipped the collar and slid his shirt over his head to reveal a normal black and white undershirt that was tight on him.
(I was thinking about changing Kumo to a girl. We need more girls, anyway. xD ) Kenta nodded and chuckled softly. "I wish we could see him more. I've only seen him three times since..." Kenta trailed off for a few seconds. "Since he ran away."
Kenta went on a little longer in silence, then murmured. "Kumo has a daughter.. She looks alot like you and Yuro. She's got long, curly, light blonde hair and gold eyes.."
Kenta opened his eyes. "I hope you don't get upset, and I'm just trying to have a conversation; but, what were your parents like..?"
Once the shower was finally warmed up enough, Blake stripped down and quickly hopped into the shower, sliding over the slide screen of the tub. He slowly eased into the steamy water and rinsed himself before applying some soap and shampoo.
Death ran a finger in a circle on Kenta's chest and he said, "Well my mom was cheerful and always happy, even when she knew she couldn't afford food and the house..my dad was abusive and ugly.. he always abused my mom and my brother and then one day he went far and he raped me.. My mother still loved him though and she cried for months when he was shot.. Then she died of a broken heart and we were left alone.. And that's when I tured to being with many people until I found you Kenta.." Then he looked up at him.

Amber groggily slipped her feet onto the floor and wrapped the blanket around herself as she walked.
Kenta smiled a little. "My mom was beautiful." he murmured. "And she always praised me and sang to me at night and gave me gifts. But she was very, very depressed all the time. She killed herself when I was eleven. I think her heart was broken, too. I never got to meet my father.." he looked down at Death. "But I know that I look like him."

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