Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Blake: The next morning, I woke up to a bright light shining through the shades of the curtains and blinds. I covered my eyes from the burning light and slowly got up with a sore groan. I knew I shouldn't have slept on the couch but that's done and past. I sigh and walk over to my room, almost forgetting who was here. I gently and slowly open the door only to find her sound asleep. She looked peaceful, then I noticed the earbuds in her ears. I walk over and slowly remove them and take her MP3 player from her hands, setting it on the nightstand. I then pull the blankets over her before walking into my bathroom and starting up the shower.
Yuro looked at him puzzled then remembered and giggled and said, "OOOHHH~"

ooc// g2g... mom's kickin me off xD i'll reply in the morning most likely (I get up before everyone here xD )


bic// Amber's eyes fluttered open and she sat up slowly, looking around.
ooc//TTuTT Aww, bye.

I love you too~

Oh, when should we start the whole scenario thing I came up with? Some time later on in the night (in the rp) or some other time?

bic//Kenta turned to Death. "Meet me in our room." he said and winked. "Well, I'm going to bed." he walked over to Yuro. "But before I do I need to talk to you about something.." he looked down at him. "Alone."
Kenta motioned for Yuro to follow him as he walked down the hallway to his and Death's room. "Oooh~" Dai grinned a little. (Sounds good. ouo)
Yuro sat on the floor in front of him and he hung his head, "I'm sorry.. I kinda got a little carried away cause I have never really drinken any and I wanted to see what it would taste like.." (lies.. XDDD)
(XDD) Kenta slid down to his knees and rubbed Yuro's head. "I'm not angry at you." he murmured. "I just don't want you make silly choices."
(Yes. xD Yuro gets it from his dad!! He can get away with anything!) Kenta kissed Yuro's forehead. "Just.. Please don't do anything like that again.." he hugged him tightly.
( xD Sky. Remember in that one rp when he was sick and tricked poor little Aimi into doing something dirty, saying it was the cure and she totaly believed him?)

Kenta smiled and kissed his cheek. "I won't ground you or take anything away from you.. This time."
Yuro smiled and kissed Kenta's cheek before skipping out of the hall and passing Death as he walked down the hall towards his room and sat in Dai's lap and smiled brightly.
Damon stopped Death in the hall. "Is it okay if I stay here until the rain stops? I don't want to get myself killed driving through that mess." he asked.

Dai looked up at him. "Hello."
Death smiled and nodded, "You can sleep in the guest bedroom~ You know where it is~" Then he strolled into Kenta and his's room.

Yuro smiled and waved, "Hi~"
Yuro pushed his hair out of his eyes and whinned, "You did it! Reminding me of the closet." Then he pouted a little and said, "But if you don't want to.."

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