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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at her" hm let me answer that question lets see i'm blind and i was in a lab so do you think i know my shoe size ah no" she say as she just giggled she looked around trying to see the color as she saw a red converse a slip on" i want to try this one" shse say smiling @Mitchs98
Alisa Ann

Alisa giggled alongside her, "
Fair enough. Ya just thought vy might of known somehow..ya not sure how but..da." She told her before shrugging. "And of course vy can. Come on, let's find you a place to sit so you can try a few pairs on." She added while grabbing the shoes. After she led Taylor over to a chair for her to sit in. Quickly she swapped her shoes for her. "Do vy like them?" She asked.
He looks at her and appoglises as he can feel she uncomfortable with him and uneasy "prehaps in your own time you'll come to trust me and as for kissing your hand maddim it is a custom to greet woman of any kind with a kind kiss to the hand well when your ready to go clothes shopping we can go where ever you like and when we become close friends prehaps you'll like my surprise better" he smiles bowling to them
(um she's with Alisa at a shoe store your still at the foodcourt with the boys)

Taylor looked at the shoe as she smiled" wow i like thim big sister" she say as she smiled" they are red right" she asked her as she smiled she just smiled happily" they feel comfortable" she say smiling" i like being around you ya make me feel safe when i'm around you and ice like nothing bad won't happen to me" she say as she was holding her stick
Zeldafangirl said:
(um she's with Alisa at a shoe store your still at the foodcourt with the boys)
Taylor looked at the shoe as she smiled" wow i like thim big sister" she say as she smiled" they are red right" she asked her as she smiled she just smiled happily" they feel comfortable" she say smiling" i like being around you ya make me feel safe when i'm around you and ice like nothing bad won't happen to me" she say as she was holding her stick
Alisa Ann

Alisa grinned and nodded, "Da. They are red. They look good on vy too, Ya is glad vy likes them." She replied. She smiled and hugged her gently at what she said last. "Vy are right. We would never let anything happen to vy. We might not of known vy for long, but we promise to keep vy safe. Ya is sure Ice agrees too. Vy don't ever have to feel scared again, vy is safe, da?" She told her.
Taylor just smiled happily as she laughed happily" yup big sister and ice is awesome" she say as she made a peace sign with her fingers" can we buy the shoes" she asked" i'm not sure about clothes i'm not fimalur with colors that much the doctor said i would need therpy so can tell me which color is which what the shirt look like" she say to her @Mitchs98
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just smiled happily as she laughed happily" yup big sister and ice is awesome" she say as she made a peace sign with her fingers" can we buy the shoes" she asked" i'm not sure about clothes i'm not fimalur with colors that much the doctor said i would need therpy so can tell me which color is which what the shirt look like" she say to her @Mitchs98
Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded, "Da. Ya will buy them for vy. Ya can tell vy what vy other clothes looks like too." She replied, releasing her from the hug and kneeling down before swapping her shoes back out. "Come on. Let's pay for vy shoes then we can get vy some clothes." She told her as she stood, grabbing her hand with one hand and holding the shoes in the other.
Taylor just smiled happily as she hold her hand" thank you Alisa I glad I get clothes and shoes" she told her happily" now for clothes" she say after the shoes was bought she just held her hand" lets go buy clothes" she was happy to be with her" maybe i'm a little girl like you say" she say blushing as she said @Mitchs98
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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just smiled happily as she hold her hand" thank you Alisa I glad I get clothes and shoes" she told her happily" now for clothes" she say after the shoes was bought she just held her hand" lets go buy clothes" she was happy to be with her" maybe i'm a little girl like you say" she say blushing as she said @Mitchs98
Alisa Ann

Vy are welcome. And da, let's go." She told her, smiling and leading her out of the shop. She chuckled and ruffled the girls air, "Maybe, maybe not. It's normal for vy to like buying clothes though." She replied. After a few minutes they reached the clothes store, she lead her to the kids section seeing as she wasn't exactly tall enough to wear anything else. "Here we go. Is vy able to see anything vy likes? Ya knows vy can't see exactly, but..yea." She asked her with a shrug. She assumed she could partially see, seeing as she saw her shoes.
Taylor looked at the clothes" yeah i can see a little bit not much though but i will see soon eventually" she say as she smiled to her as she looked around touching the clothes as she found something and a red scarf as she touch it admiring the color" i want this scarf big sissy" as she was picking the clothes shse liked she heard music for the first time as she was looking around as she didn't know what it was" Alisa what is that" she say confused about the sound @Mitchs98
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He finishes his little talk to see the girls are no longer here "well so much for that apology I think I'm gonna go to a mechanic shop and grab a few parts to fix up my mustange you boys are welcome to join me if not ill have to hang out with you all again and try to be more friebdly and less show offy" he smiles as he puts his hands in his pocket to grab his car keys to head out
Erin just smiled as he followed him" so what you getting for the girls" he asked about taylor and Alisa he walked with him to the store he liked working with his boss when they got to the store he was looking something craftey he might make something for her he grabbed a book about being crafty @Leo Radomir
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He walks off towards the car park thinking if he should stay and shop with them or go finish off his repairs to his mustang he decided to go to the mall instead and play in the arcade or go watch a movie as he feels a little down in the dumps sure he was good at throwing parties for people at his mansion a lot but he was never good at making friends because of his shyness and the curse of being transformed into a rabbit so he starts walking back to the car park to go find something to cheer him self up with feeling a little depressed
Taylor was smiling as she got her clothes as she was holding onto Alisa hand as she was smiling she had a lot of fun as she saw ice she saw a boy with him as she tilt her head she just hid behind Alisa she don't really trust people that easily" Alisa who that boy" she say with a serious expression like she didn't trust him" is he good or bad" she asked talking about eric @Mitchs98

Eric saw a girl" hi there" he say waving his hand to her smiling holding the present he was going to give to his crush he just start blushing a bit @Leo Radomir
Ice smiles gently then says" his name is erin he's a pretty good guy for the most part but from time to time i have to clip his ear for being rude, that aside though it's best to give you two lady's your gifts when we get back erin can help put yours on and stay for supper since i have to talk about work related stuff with him after he's helped you put the necklace on".

@Zeldafangirl @Mitchs98
Taylor just smiled at him" hi there i'm Taylor nice to meet you" she say as she looked around" we going home Ice" she asked smiling as she watch them" ice what is present" she asked wanting to know what was in the box

Erin just smiled" nice to meet you too" he just smiled to the girl" okay i'll stay for supper than" he smiled to his both he only got yelled at few times for his rudeness but other than that he a good worker he started working for ice when he was only 13 he lived with his crush ciena since he trying to find a place of his own @Leo Radomir
He got into his car and starts it up muttering to him self as he just sits in the car park with the engine idleing "good one Kenny real smooth man how will you ever make friends being a show off and flashing money around to others" he continues ranting to him self in the car with the engine running
(OK, before I write anything I'm just going to say that I have read a few of the more recent posts, but I can't read as many as I'd like to because IRL won't allow me the time :( so I'm sorry if I mess anything up)

Lilly slowly woke up. She was lying, curled up on the floor. Her mum was right next to her, close enough that she was sheltering Lilly from the cold air. The pack had been fortunate enough to discover a shelter which had been created by an uprooted tree which was large enough for all of them to fit. Shelter was a luxury for them as they were used to sleeping out in the open. The pinky orange light cast by the rising sun poured into the shelter giving the impression that the fur on Lilly's parents and siblings coats was shining. Lilly was the first to wake up, she sat up and shivered. The morning air had a sharp chill to it. Lilly turned her head to see her mum looking at her. "Morning." Lilly said quietly. 'Morning.' Her mother replied. Lilly had somehow learned to speak English, yet it wasn't hugely accurate. The wolves could understand English, but their mouths just weren't designed to be able to speak it. But they had their own way of communicating which Lilly understood better than she did English. The only reason Lilly spoke in English was because, just like the wolves aren't designed for English, Lilly wasn't designed to speak in wolf. Well, at least not in her human form.

Within a few hours the whole pack was awake and walking away from the shelter which they had called home for a night. The fforest was often crawling with hunters and the such so it wasn't safe for the pack to stay in one place for any considerable length of time. The wolves were a large species of wolf, and when standing most of them were taller than Lilly. Though, the fact that Lilly was very small for her age probably contributed to that. The pack were searching for somewhere else to shelter and rest for the night to come, after which they would split up. Half of them would go searching for food, while the others will keep lookout at the spot that they were intending to stay for the night. After a few hours of walking, unsuccessfully searching for shelter a very familiar, ear splitting noise echoed through the trees. Upon hearing the noise the pack froze and looked in the direction from which the sound came before running in the opposite direction as fast as they could. Although they ran frantically they were very organised and everyone was accounted for. When they started running Accalia picked Lilly up with her teeth and flung her on her back. "Thanks Mum" Lilly whispered as they rushed into the trees. Lilly could run very fast, but she couldn't run nearly fast enough to keep up with the rest of the pack when they were running like this. As they ran more of the banging sound erupted around them, there had never been this many before.

The pack were forced into unknown territory. They ran through a few rows of trees before emerging in an open is space. The floor was hard and grey, there were tall buildings all over the place and there were people. Lots and lots of people. Some were walking around while others were moving around in big metal boxes. The pack froze before slowly walking back into the trees, hoping that they hadn't been noticed.
Kendell was running away from the bad hunters as she was scared her sister was missing as she was scared she was barefooted she is only seven years old she was just running she didn't know where to though kendell bumped into a tree it seemed she has lost the hunters as she rubbed her face" owie that hurts" she say to herself she saw a wolf snarling at her as she was backing up" get away from me please" she cried as she was scared she just look up at the tree as she climb up onto the tree as she looked down she was scared of heights @Geozaki
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The Pack was nervous. They were in unknown territory. They were right next to a lot of humans. And, to top it all off, they were still being hunted. After a few moments, they all turned when they heard the noise of someone running. A small human ran at a tree before climbing it hastily. She was different to the others. She didn't seem angry, or happy or even smug. She seemed scared. The wolves stared up at her confusedly. They were all frightened by her arrival, if not scared of her, they were scared as to why she was scared. If a human was scared, then that would mean there is a greater evil than humans, and that was not a pleasant thought. Some of the wolves snarled at the human girl, while others slowly backed away and some stayed perfectly still.

The pack had been so intrigued by the human girl that they failed to notice that they were surrounded by more humans, most of them were male and they all pointed those boomy sticks at the wolves, and the girl in the tree. One of the humans spoke. "Wolves, heed my warning ad I shall speak it only once. You are all free to go, if you leave, we will spare you. We only want the human girl." The man hesitated, looking between the girl in the tree, and Lilly, who was now standing beside her mother. "Or should I say, 'girls'?" The pack looked towards Accalia and Ghost, they were the dominant two after all. After a few moments of what would have appeared like silence to the humans, but was in fact an intricate conversation to the wolves, and Lilly. Ghost lead the pack away from the area. However Accalia remained with the Human girl who was up a tree and with Lilly. @Zeldafangirl

(Sorry this took so long, and sorry it's so terrible!)
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Kendell just looked down at the woman as she was trying to calm herself" i'm kendell i'm only seven" she say as she was sitting on the tree she was so scared why did the hunters wanted her she just cried" sissy where are you" she cried for her big sister as she hiccup as she heard the tree snap as she fell down few feet as she just cried' why does they want me' she thought as she just cuddle blood came down her forehead since she fell down the tree face forward on the ground she felt lonely she looked at the older girl @Geozaki
Lilly rushed to the girl's side when she fell from the tree. Generally, Lilly wouldn't have gone anywhere near a human, they scared her more than anything else. But there was something different about this girl. For starters she was wounded, and Lilly couldn't help but want to help her. Second, she wasn't armed and, third, she also seemed scared of the humans, which put her in the same boat as Lilly and Accalia. "Are you ok?" Lilly asked. Her fear was evident in her quivering voice. @Zeldafangirl
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Kendell just looked at the girl as she nodded" i'm okay" she say to her standing up as she wipe the blood off of her as she smiled a little as she was playing with the leaves a little" what your name i'm kendell if i'm correct your a zodiac my sister is the tiger i was born different i have no family" she say as she play around as she was drawing in the dirt she was bored
"I-I'm Lilly" Lilly stuttered, she hadn't done this before, so it was a little strange for her. She went to speak again, but before she could one of the hunters spoke again, making her jump. "This isn't the time for chit chat!" He spat, loading his weapon

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