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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Kendell stode in front of her new friends as she was willing to die for them to protect them she was protecting them" get away from them i will not go with you" she say glaring at the hunters" you just want me because my sister is the tiger zodiac and i'm special i might not be a zodiac but i has powers" she say as she was glaring at them still @Geozaki

Taylor was in the car as she just smiled" can i get present now" she asked Ice as she smiled as she yawned a little bit she was hungry as her stomach growled a bit" ice are we going home" she asked while poking the boy" Alisa i had a lot of fun with you" she say happily

Erin went with them his boss wanted to talk to him about the business the girl was poking his cheek ice told him she was blind and had a op so he just smiled letting her poke him @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Accalia stood beside Kendell, she growled at the man who had spoken. Lilly also stepped forward to stand beside Kendell and Accalia, the three formed a sort of line. Lilly was still a little scared of Kendell, but not because she thought of her as an enemy, it was a different kind of fear, that she'd never had before and didn't understand. It's true, the three were surrounded by a circle of hunters, but that circle consisted of 6 people. The man who had been talking appeared to be the 'leader' of the group. Accalia stared at the man, if she were to attack, it's likely that everyone would aim for her in an attempt to neutralise any threat. If she could take enough out to scare the rest away then the two girls would be safe.

Accalia growled. "Mum, No!" Lilly pleaded, she understood what Accalia had said, and knew what she was about to do. But her plea did nothing, Accalia charged towards the man at full speed, bearing her teeth. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell just watch in fear she was exemined on as she sighed" LEAVE THEM ALONE" she yelled at them as she lift up her finger as she laughed lifting her finger spinning him" you will not hurt them or else leave me alone" she say throwing him to the ground as s he laughed a bit she may be young and weak but she knew how to fight some what she just punched the hunters" don't hurt my friends" she say as she passed out since she used her powers"sissy" she coughed up some blood @Geozaki
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Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell stode in front of her new friends as she was willing to die for them to protect them she was protecting them" get away from them i will not go with you" she say glaring at the hunters" you just want me because my sister is the tiger zodiac and i'm special i might not be a zodiac but i has powers" she say as she was glaring at them still @Geozaki
Taylor was in the car as she just smiled" can i get present now" she asked Ice as she smiled as she yawned a little bit she was hungry as her stomach growled a bit" ice are we going home" she asked while poking the boy" Alisa i had a lot of fun with you" she say happily

Erin went with them his boss wanted to talk to him about the business the girl was poking his cheek ice told him she was blind and had a op so he just smiled letting her poke him @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
@Leo Radomir

Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled and nodded. "
Da. Ya did to. We got vy lots of nice clothes too." She replied. She'd enjoyed shopping with Taylor, it was much more fun that shopping with Ice for sure. Mostly due to the fact it was him waiting outside of the shop while she bought things, or grocery shopping. She disliked grocery shopping. "We'll be sure to take vy shopping again when vy eyes are fully healed to. Ya is sure vy will like it even more then." She told her.
Accalia stopped as the man started spinning violently. He was then violently thrown to the ground. The other hunters seemed as if they were about to bolt but then, Kendell, who was responsible for the attack, passed out. The hunters readied their weapons again. Accalia charged for the nearest one taking them down with one attack. The others quickly fled. They were safe, at least for now. When Kendell had passed out Lilly rushed to her and caught her. Kendell coughed up some blood, not knowing what to do, Lilly wiped it up and looked down at Kendell helplessly. @Zeldafangirl
Taylor looked at her as she smiled" i hope i heal soon my doctor says i need therapy for it" she say as she smiled" Alisa i glad we went i had lots of fun" she told her smiling" i hope we can come back" she say as she looked outside as she smiled" are we going home Alisa" she asked @Mitchs98

Kendell felt like she was caught as she open her eyes a bit" i'm sorry i put you in danger i'm worthless i just want my sister back" she hiccup" i can go back where i came from if you don't want me" she say afraid of the hunters @Geozaki
"You're not worthless!" Lilly protested. Accalia sat next to the girls, Lilly glanced at her, then looked back down at Kendell. "We could help you find your sister if you like." Lilly offered. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell looked at her" really" she say as she sniffed" i don't know what it feels like to have a mommy all i know she died when she gave birth to me" she say to her as she looked at the woman and looked at lily as she poke her as she smiled
Lilly returned Kendell's smile. She didn't really know what to say. She felt sorry for Kendell. She had lost her sister, and didn't have a mum. Lilly knew that they weren't blood relations, but she'd always had Accalia and Ghost as her parents, and the rest of the pack had been her siblings and cousins and all. She looked at Kendell.
Kendell looked at her as she was playing as she threw some leaves at the her as she laughed" your it" she say as she ran as she looked at the lady she knew she still wasn't trusted she was still a kid" i don't know where to go i know the others hate me because i'm human" she whined a little" but i'm a diffrent human i don't have friends but i'm happy the way i am i'm trustworthy really i love being around people and animals and zodiacs" she say to her
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Zenith nodded as he listens then says" The foods fine not really one for fancy foods as a rule and yeah we do, i didn't really know my dad that well, mum says he died from some illness but i don't remember him ever having any issues like that, as for your question before well you seem like a over achiever to me, i used to live my life agreeing with so many mindless or over opinionated people and such but then i had an interesting journey and learned that's not who i'm". " But enough this depressing stuff oh i just remembered there's some vanilla icecream down stairs i'll be right back".

Zenith got up and heads down stairs after he's gone ion sighs and says"
yeah it's a good idea to leave the mum subject alone now i remember why he doesn't talk about it much , at the time when i first met him he was a completely different person i'd definitely say he's become softer since that day but for how long is the question". " i've been living with him for about six years now and just when i think i understand his inner nature he surprises me with something else".



Serenity Sohma


"I understand. I'm sorry to have touched on a sore subject." she said and smiled as Zenith got up and walked away for a bit to fetch his icecrem. She turned back to Ion and conversed with him for a while till Zenith returned but she was happy to spend time with others like her. Not really accepted but still looked at for some reason or another. It wasn't until the rain stopped that she took her leave but when she finally returned to her apartment she found the door was open, the lock had been cut open. Once she looked inside she saw her home destroyed. Her furniture was torn, her pictures smashed and everything was tossed everywhere as if someone were looking for something and went into a rage when the did not find it. She was stunned to say the least but what could she do? She lived alone and no one really cared about her enough to call it in or even bother to worry about her. She sighed and tried to salvage what she could and clean up what could not be fixed.

"The others don't hate you!" Lilly objected. "They're just a little scared of you, that's all. The only humans they meet around here are hunters." Lilly looked at Accalia for a moment as if she were listening to her, then she looked back at Kendell. "If you like, you could come with us to meet everyone." Lilly offered. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell looked at her" i don't know" she say as shse climb the tree again as she was very afraid if they will hurt her as her scars was showing a little bit" i don't know i'm scared they will hate me" she say climbing up the tree higher as she got afraid she looked down afraid of the height
"They won't hate you." Lilly promised, she hesitated, then spike slowly. "I'm not a wolf, and they don't hate me." Lilly found it very hard to admit that she wasn't a wolf, as she felt like she was one at heart. She knew of her 'ability' but that didn't make much of a difference as she couldn't control it, it just happened sometimes. "But we don't have to go if you don't want to." Lilly said.

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Kendell looked at her as she climb down from the tree" will you be like a sissy" she asked holding her hand as she was still kinda scared of the others as she smiled looking around" okay we can meet them" she say as she jumped in a puddle she like splashing" hehe" she say walking with her as she looked at the lady wolf she was still getting watched
Tommy steps off a bus entering the town with a back pack and suit case he was looking for the main zodiac resistance here hopefully he could find a zodiac that could help him but he doubted it if he couldnt find it by himself he would just take up in an old shrine this city must have one. He looks around the bus staition trying to find a familar face from the last zodiac meeting. Hopefully they got his message about himself arriving today
Yukki just walked in town as she smiled she been looking for her little sister but couldn't find her as she bumped into some boy" ag I'm sorry i didn't see you there have you seen a little girl around her brown hair like me with a pink bookbag by any chance kind sir" she say to him not wanting to reveal that she is a zodiac she couldn't trust him just yet she was worried about her little sister she is the tiger zodiac even though she don't like being treated like a predator @SenpaiGothic
"O-oh its ok im fine no, i just arrived too. Im tommy by the way, and if i see her ill make sure to try and find you. Umm do you have a phone?" He seems a bit nervous
Yukki just looked at him" nope i don't i'm kinda an orphan you see so i'm really protective of my little sister i'm Yukki" she say as she smiled looking at him" nice to meet you" she told him
Yukki looked at him" what you looking for tommy" she asked while smiling as she was happy to meet him" how old are you i think i'm 14 or 15" she told him
Lilly smiled. "Are you alright?" She asked Kendell. "They didn't hurt you or anything did they?" Lilly couldn't help but be worried, after all, she knew exactly how evil humans could be. But, she wasn't worried of Kendell, just worried for her. "It's a long walk to camp, are you feeling tired at all?" @Zeldafangirl
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Kendell looked at her" nope i'm okay" she say to her as she smiled" i'm a little tired but i will be okay" she say rubbing her eyes a little walking with her" vroom" she say playing a little she just yawned holding her hand" bad humans is scary" she say" i'm a good human" she say she just yawned looking around she just looked down she missed her sister @Geozaki (sorry i totally forgot to post thought i did post)
(Sorry for taking so long with the post but i finally have the inspiration to do a decent post and serenity angel and me talked and gave me permission to find her house)

Ion and Zenith show up to see it in a wreck, you wouldn't be able to tell because zenith hides his rage very well, but this was a the exact same thing that happened to his parents, when they opposed the main house and the house for the unaccepted was burgled and burned to the ground, after a few minutes of looking over the outside zenith got out his phone and says to ion" This is one of the reason i hate the main house, it's not normally like me but seeing her house like this doesn't sit right with me so i'll have the builders rebuild it".

Ion smiles and says" Aww aren't you a softie deep down well i better go in and tell her that you're going to get her house fixed up, i won't say why so you can keep your secret soft side to just us".

Zenith grabs ions head and headlocks him follows by a long nuggie and says" Don't call me softy it's annoying you bubbling gimp, and you'd better otherwise i'll kill you a few times over".

Ion somehow escapes after a few minutes of nuggieing then starts to walk towards the burgled house and rubbing his head gently, it was a particularly painful memory because of what happened to zeniths friends and little brothers and sister that fateful day.

Ice brought out two small necklaces boxes from the bag then places them on the table, then gently pushes them to the side and then turns back to the papers in front of him and then spreads them out so erin can look at his terms for his new contract to see if was happy about them. Ice smiles gently and says" It's nice to have another guy round the house truth be told it's pretty awkward sometimes, just recently tay chan accidently walked in on me in the bath". " then after i was trying to escape she bumped into me and was like eww and that i got accused of doing something i didn't do i swear sometimes i should wear a sign on my back saying danger clueless and clumsy women in the house bring nose plugs and other medical supplies".

@Zeldafangirl @SerenityAngel


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