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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse


Alisa Ann

Alisa sighed with relief as he started talking. She shook her head at his question. "
Net..vy doesn't. But..what happened to vy?" She asked as he started to stand. Though, of course, shortly after he had he fell into her boobs. To start with she blinked in confusion and disbelief at what had happened before looking down, her face slowly getting redder and redder as she stared in shock. She inhaled sharply trying to calm herself down, but ultimately that failed. Emitting a sudden scream she wrenched her eyes shut as she roughly shoved him off of her and into the ground, covering her chest soon after she did.

She stayed in said posistion for a few minutes before realizing she'd just shoved an already injured Ice to the ground. "
Ah! Sorry Ice! Ya was just..surprised. Um...Are vy okay?" She asked him worriedly.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann

Alisa sighed with relief as he started talking. She shook her head at his question. "
Net..vy doesn't. But..what happened to vy?" She asked as he started to stand. Though, of course, shortly after he had he fell into her boobs. To start with she blinked in confusion and disbelief at what had happened before looking down, her face slowly getting redder and redder as she stared in shock. She inhaled sharply trying to calm herself down, but ultimately that failed. Emitting a sudden scream she wrenched her eyes shut as she roughly shoved him off of her and into the ground, covering her chest soon after she did.

She stayed in said posistion for a few minutes before realizing she'd just shoved an already injured Ice to the ground. "
Ah! Sorry Ice! Ya was just..surprised. Um...Are vy okay?" She asked him worriedly.
Ice looks up and groans in pain from being shoved back down to the floor and weakly says" i'm in pain all over, there should be some pain killers in the kitchen to right of the fridge, i'll drag myself to the couch". With that ice crawls towards the couch after a couple minutes of looking pretty lame he gets their and then manages to pull him self up on to the couch, he rolls on his back the sweat getting worst from the pain in his body. After a minute or so then says" it's built up stress from all the work and bit of karma as well, i hate looking this weak in front of you".
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Taylor heard a scream as she walk down it was ice as she sat on the floor she was worried about him" icey will you be okay" she asked a little he still don't know about three bed she was smiling
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]
Ice looks up and groans in pain from being shoved back down to the floor and weakly says" i'm in pain all over, there should be some pain killers in the kitchen to right of the fridge, i'll drag myself to the couch". With that ice crawls towards the couch after a couple minutes of looking pretty lame he gets their and then manages to pull him self up on to the couch, he rolls on his back the sweat getting worst from the pain in his body. After a minute or so then says" it's built up stress from all the work and bit of karma as well, i hate looking this weak in front of you".

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor heard a scream as she walk down it was ice as she sat on the floor she was worried about him" icey will you be okay" she asked a little he still don't know about three bed she was smiling
Alisa Ann

Alisa would of helped him to the couch..but he seemed determined to help himself. She frowned slightly as she listened to Ice speak. She felt bad for him, she'd never seen him like this before. It made her wonder if that was the only thing wrong with him..she hoped it was but..she wasn't to sure. She shook her head, "
Net..don't worry about that. Ya is just worried about vy, vy just needs to rest and not worry about that." She told him. A minute or so later Taylor had walked down checking on Ice. "Da..he should be okay. Ya will go get the medcine now Ice." She told them.

With that she walked into the kitchen and looked around for the pain meds. Grabbing the bottle and a glass of water she walked back into the room and carefully handed them to Ice. "
Here vy go." She told him.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa would of helped him to the couch..but he seemed determined to help himself. She frowned slightly as she listened to Ice speak. She felt bad for him, she'd never seen him like this before. It made her wonder if that was the only thing wrong with him..she hoped it was but..she wasn't to sure. She shook her head, "
Net..don't worry about that. Ya is just worried about vy, vy just needs to rest and not worry about that." She told him. A minute or so later Taylor had walked down checking on Ice. "Da..he should be okay. Ya will go get the medcine now Ice." She told them.

With that she walked into the kitchen and looked around for the pain meds. Grabbing the bottle and a glass of water she walked back into the room and carefully handed them to Ice. "
Here vy go." She told him.
Ice took the water and tapped a couple of the bottle then down the tablets and smiles gently, then after a minute or so says half sarcastically" I haven't had an event like that in forever and now it comes to bite me well aint that fabulous". " I'm really lucky to have such a cute cat look after me, apart from from brother i never had or expected anyone to look after me not that i blame some of them i'm sometimes very moody and awkward and misunderstood".

Ice smirks then slowly starts to close his eyes and with in ten minutes or so he falls fast asleep, like he didn't have a care in the world.
"so wheres the last place you saw your sister yukki? Also I'm pretty sure if you don't know where the shrine is I could find it on my own but I really hope you can find your sister, families important so ill help all that I can." tommy smiles sweetly reassuring her that he really will try his best help her seeing that shes a nice person. @Zeldafangirl
Yukki just looked at him as she was scratching her head" well last time I saw her was in the forest I think she got chased by hunters even though she's human she gets chases" she say @SenpaiGothic
Taylor just looked around as she saw ice was sleeping as she sighed she wanted to see now" um will he be okay Alicia I'm worried" she say to her while she was hearing the tv

Eric saw the comatiom" hello I'm Eric I work for ice" she say to them as she smiled looking around @Mitchs98
Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled softly at Ice as he fell asleep. Once he was asleep she gently rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand checking to see if he had a fever. When he didn't she sighed. It couldn't be to serious if the only thing happenening was muscle pain. Directly after that she moved to sit down on the other couch before yawning and stretching. She glanced over to Taylor when she asked if he'd be fine and nodded. "Da. Ya is sure he will be fine. Just need rest is all. He'll be good as new when he wakes up." She replied. A little bit later Eric walked in introducing herself. "Nice to meet vy. Ya Alisa, that is Taylor. Though..ya thinks vy already met her." She told her.
Taylor was poking him a little" he a heavy sleeper" she giggle as she stood up as she smiled looked at alisa as she was being playful" I'm bored can I watch tv" she asked as she had a coloring book as she smiled Taylor just drew on ice face as she was pulling a prank on him she couldn't wait for him to see where his bed was she just snicker a little
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor was poking him a little" he a heavy sleeper" she giggle as she stood up as she smiled looked at alisa as she was being playful" I'm bored can I watch tv" she asked as she had a coloring book as she smiled Taylor just drew on ice face as she was pulling a prank on him she couldn't wait for him to see where his bed was she just snicker a little
@Leo Eclipse

Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded and grinned at Taylor as she started poking Ice. "
Da. He is. And of course vy can, what do vy want to watch?" She replied. She really was worried about Ice, but she was sure he was fine. She watched as Taylor started drawing on his face and giggled, "Vy missed a spot." She told her pointing at his forehead.
Taylor looked at her as she just smiled as she drew on her forehead as she was laughing she was finished drawing in his face she looked at the tv" I watch anything" she say as she smiled" he gonna be mad at us when he see his bed and his face" she giggled as she was drawing on paper of her new famili she was happy for @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at her as she just smiled as she drew on her forehead as she was laughing she was finished drawing in his face she looked at the tv" I watch anything" she say as she smiled" he gonna be mad at us when he see his bed and his face" she giggled as she was drawing on paper of her new famili she was happy for @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
@Leo Radomir

Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded at Taylor and flipped through the TV trying to find something she might like. True, she said anything, but that didn't nessacarily mean she'd like what she saw. Eventually she just decided to turn it to cartoons and leave it at that. She giggled and nodded when she said Ice would be mad. "
Da. Probably for a bit. But ya doubts he will stay mad at my for long." She told her. She looked at what she was drawing and tilted her head slightly trying to figure out what it was, then realized it was a picture of them. Well, she guessed that meant she was for sure happy being with them.
Mitchs98 said:
@Leo Radomir
Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded at Taylor and flipped through the TV trying to find something she might like. True, she said anything, but that didn't nessacarily mean she'd like what she saw. Eventually she just decided to turn it to cartoons and leave it at that. She giggled and nodded when she said Ice would be mad. "
Da. Probably for a bit. But ya doubts he will stay mad at my for long." She told her. She looked at what she was drawing and tilted her head slightly trying to figure out what it was, then realized it was a picture of them. Well, she guessed that meant she was for sure happy being with them.
Ice rolled began to wake up after sleeping for a few hours and hearing the tv, he slowly began to rise from the couch and yawned loudly forgetting where he is and then says in a half sleepy voice" How long was i out for after i collapsed from exhaustion, and why do you two smell like my room"?
Taylor looked at him as she giggled" nothing we weren't in your room" she say watching cartoons while drawing she was happy she giggled at her drawing in his face he hasn't notice yet she really liked it here she was happy as she looked at the picture as she was coloring the picture she drew as she giggled she finished as she ran to alisa" Alisa do you like it" she say giving her a cite look showing her the drawing she drew
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice rolled began to wake up after sleeping for a few hours and hearing the tv, he slowly began to rise from the couch and yawned loudly forgetting where he is and then says in a half sleepy voice" How long was i out for after i collapsed from exhaustion, and why do you two smell like my room"?

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at him as she giggled" nothing we weren't in your room" she say watching cartoons while drawing she was happy she giggled at her drawing in his face he hasn't notice yet she really liked it here she was happy as she looked at the picture as she was coloring the picture she drew as she giggled she finished as she ran to alisa" Alisa do you like it" she say giving her a cite look showing her the drawing she drew
Alisa Ann

Alisa turned to Ice when he woke up and shrugged. "
Net reason..and..Two hours ya think?" She replied before shrugging again. It seemed he hadn't noticed being drawn on yet..she couldn't wait until he did. Soon enough Taylor came over showing them the completed drawing of them. For a now partially blind girl she drew pretty good. She smiled at her and gently patted her on the head, "Da. It looks good. Vy can draw pretty well. Vy can probably draw even better when vy can see fully." She replied.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa turned to Ice when he woke up and shrugged. "
Net reason..and..Two hours ya think?" She replied before shrugging again. It seemed he hadn't noticed being drawn on yet..she couldn't wait until he did. Soon enough Taylor came over showing them the completed drawing of them. For a now partially blind girl she drew pretty good. She smiled at her and gently patted her on the head, "Da. It looks good. Vy can draw pretty well. Vy can probably draw even better when vy can see fully." She replied.
Ice touched his face and frowned and gave a look to say really, then says" So if i go up to my room nothing's going to be out of place"? Ice looked at the pic and smiles gently and says" Not bad drawing and should i find my stuff moved i'm going to get creative with my revenge when you least expect it". With that ice got up and headed towards his room something telling him the girls weren't being honest with him.
Taylor just smiled as she looked back at the tv as she laughed when ice touch his face" that was funny right" she say as she was enjoying her head getting patted on" hehe he be mad about his bed" she laughed hugging alica she was rubbing her eyes as she felt pain" Alicia my eyes hurts" she say rubbing her eyes as she was crying a but
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice touched his face and frowned and gave a look to say really, then says" So if i go up to my room nothing's going to be out of place"? Ice looked at the pic and smiles gently and says" Not bad drawing and should i find my stuff moved i'm going to get creative with my revenge when you least expect it". With that ice got up and headed towards his room something telling him the girls weren't being honest with him.

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just smiled as she looked back at the tv as she laughed when ice touch his face" that was funny right" she say as she was enjoying her head getting patted on" hehe he be mad about his bed" she laughed hugging alica
Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded, "
Da. Nothing will be missing. Ya promise." She told him giggling quietly to herself when he walked off. She nodded to Taylor at her question and what she said, pulling her up into her lap when she started hugging her and hugged her back. "Da, it was. And da, he probably will. Ya can't wait to see what he will do." She told her before laughing while imagining his reaction.
Taylor just smiled at her" I'm glad I had you" she say as she was yawning a little as she was on Alisa's lap she was blushing slightly she looked at the tv as she was dozzing off a little falling asleep on her lap she was tired her eyes was hurting a little bit she just hold onto alisa sleeping she had a long day she was super tired
Ice looks in his room and sees his bed missing, he doesn't say anything to let them know he's particularly annoyed, no revenge is a dish best served cold, and nothing more fun then getting an hose and turning the tank to cold so when he blasts her she'll get wet and she'll be cold for a little and ice will take a picture of her. Ice went back down and walks to the door and opens it then goes round the back to get his bed, humming gently like he'd been reborn again.
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just smiled at her" I'm glad I had you" she say as she was yawning a little as she was on Alisa's lap she was blushing slightly she looked at the tv as she was dozzing off a little falling asleep on her lap she was tired her eyes was hurting a little bit she just hold onto alisa sleeping she had a long day she was super tired
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice looks in his room and sees his bed missing, he doesn't say anything to let them know he's particularly annoyed, no revenge is a dish best served cold, and nothing more fun then getting an hose and turning the tank to cold so when he blasts her she'll get wet and she'll be cold for a little and ice will take a picture of her. Ice went back down and walks to the door and opens it then goes round the back to get his bed, humming gently like he'd been reborn again.

Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled at Taylor and continued hugging her. "
Ya is glad ya met vy too." She told her right before she fell asleep. She lightly kissed her forehead when she had and started humming softly. She wouldn't move her until she was sure she was asleep good, the last thing she wanted to do was wake the poor girl up after all. She giggled quietly as she watched Ice come back down and walk outside to presumably get his bed. She had no regrets about today at all, she was really glad she had met Taylor. She postively adored the girl..really it was like she was her real sister in such a short time.
Taylor heard alisa humming to her as she smiled as she was passed out she didn't even hear ice come down the stairs she adored Alisa like a big sister she never had she couldn't wait to see fully she liked ice but not fully she still was trying to trust him she cuddled holding onto Alisa @Mitchs98

Eric looked at them as he went back to cilia house his crush he made a necklace and a bracelet he knocked on the door waiting for an answer @Leo Radomir
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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor heard alisa humming to her as she smiled as she was passed out she didn't even hear ice come down the stairs she adored Alisa like a big sister she never had she couldn't wait to see fully she liked ice but not fully she still was trying to trust him she cuddled holding onto Alisa @Mitchs98
Eric looked at them as he went back to cilia house his crush he made a necklace and a bracelet he knocked on the door waiting for an answer @Leo Radomir
@Leo Radomir

Alisa Ann

Alisa glanced down to Taylor after a few minutes, smiling as the girl cuddled into her. It was clear she was fast asleep, and so she slowly stood up and posistioned her so she was carrying her like one might a smaller child before walking up the stairs to her room. She gently removed her arms from around her before placing her on her bed and covering her up. "
Good-night Taylor." She told her before climbing into her own bed and laying down. For now, she simply decided to relax incase Taylor needed her for whatever reason. She'd probably fall asleep soon though.
Mitchs98 said:
@Leo Radomir
Alisa Ann

Alisa glanced down to Taylor after a few minutes, smiling as the girl cuddled into her. It was clear she was fast asleep, and so she slowly stood up and posistioned her so she was carrying her like one might a smaller child before walking up the stairs to her room. She gently removed her arms from around her before placing her on her bed and covering her up. "
Good-night Taylor." She told her before climbing into her own bed and laying down. For now, she simply decided to relax incase Taylor needed her for whatever reason. She'd probably fall asleep soon though.
Ice dusts his pillow and mattress off then takes them back towards the house and sighs after a few minutes he gets back into the house and then takes his mattress and puts it back on his bed, and starts to look up numbers for places to order take away and then finds a jamerican and smiles and then dials them up and says" One large oxtail and plantain and dough please".

Cinla opens the door and blinks and teasingly says" took you long enough so what brings you to my neck of the woods".


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