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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Taylor transformed into her tiger form as something was bothering her in her dreams she was a little scared

Eric looked at her" sorry I had some business with ice I got promoted" he say while smiling" man he lives with a lot of girls" he laugh" anyways I made you this" he say handeling her a box
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor transformed into her tiger form as something was bothering her in her dreams she was a little scared
Eric looked at her" sorry I had some business with ice I got promoted" he say while smiling" man he lives with a lot of girls" he laugh" anyways I made you this" he say handeling her a box
Cinla giggled then playfully kisses erin on the cheek then takes the gift and pulls him in, then says" When he comes to do jobs for me some of the stuff get distracted it's kinda amusing to a point, by the way did you know he used to be manager at club a long time ago".
Eric just smiled when he got kissed as he got pulled in" oh I didn't know that I been working for him for a long time" he say as he was messing with his hair" hope you like it" he say he made it himself

Taylor tiger form wasn't like normal tigers she was a cub as she looked around seeing Alisa as she was cover with the blankets as she couldn't get out she didn't know how to transform back to her human self she didn't know how her abilities work just yet
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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor transformed into her tiger form as something was bothering her in her dreams she was a little scared
Eric looked at her" sorry I had some business with ice I got promoted" he say while smiling" man he lives with a lot of girls" he laugh" anyways I made you this" he say handeling her a box
Zeldafangirl said:
Eric just smiled when he got kissed as he got pulled in" oh I didn't know that I been working for him for a long time" he say as he was messing with his hair" hope you like it" he say he made it himself
Taylor tiger form wasn't like normal tigers she was a cub as she looked around seeing Alisa as she was cover with the blankets as she couldn't get out she didn't know how to transform back to her human self she didn't know how her abilities work just yet
Alisa Ann

Alisa rolled over and glanced at Taylor when she heard a kind of 'puff' noise Zodiac typically made when they transformed, and sure enough Taylor had. She looked even more adorable as she slept in her tiger cub form, she smiled at her and gently petted her on the head while she slept in an effort to calm her down. Soon enough though she woke up and started squirming under the blankets trying to get out which illicited a giggle from Alisa. She carefully moved the blanket off of her before picking her up. "Aww! Vy is even cuter like this!" She told her before hugging her tightly. "Is something wrong though? Vy should of changed back by now.." She asked, her happy expression soon turning worried.
Taylor looked at her as she shakes her head telling her she didn't know how to transform back as she yawned cutely and stretching as she just looked around everything was big in her eyes she was thirsty she had a big problem now how does she transforms back she couldn't control her abilities yet she didn't know how she got out of the grip of Alisa as she was trying to get out of the room as she was siting at the door

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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at her as she shakes her head telling her she didn't know how to transform back as she yawned cutely and stretching as she just looked around everything was big in her eyes she was thirsty she had a big problem now how does she transforms back she couldn't control her abilities yet she didn't know how she got out of the grip of Alisa as she was trying to get out of the room as she was siting at the door
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@Leo Radomir

Alisa Ann

Alisa arched a brow in confusion. Alisa wasn't the brightest crayon in the box by far, so visual cues eluded her. Maybe Ice could? He seemed smart. "Ahh..Ya isn't sure what vy means. Sorry..But! Ya can take vy to Ice and my can see if he understands vy." She told her before standing up and cradling her in her arms and absent mindedly scratching her stomach like one would do a pet. "Ice. My need help." She called out as she walked down the stairs before finding him and presenting him with Taylor.
Mitchs98 said:
@Leo Radomir
Alisa Ann

Alisa arched a brow in confusion. Alisa wasn't the brightest crayon in the box by far, so visual cues eluded her. Maybe Ice could? He seemed smart. "Ahh..Ya isn't sure what vy means. Sorry..But! Ya can take vy to Ice and my can see if he understands vy." She told her before standing up and cradling her in her arms and absent mindedly scratching her stomach like one would do a pet. "Ice. My need help." She called out as she walked down the stairs before finding him and presenting him with Taylor.
Ice look at taylor and sighs and then says" It's rare but this is what they called regression meaning they slowly return to a perfect or developed state, mental damage is the only thing i can think of right of the top of my head". " I know this sounds cold but if she doesn't accept her past, she'll be stuck like this, I know a guy at the old club i used to work as manager that had the same problem".
Taylor listen to him as she looked at him as she bite in him as she didn't know what was going but somehow she transform back she hid behind Alicia" sis clothes" she say as she sighed" sorry I bit you ice your you don't know anything what I been through how can I forgive myself" she say mad @Leo Radomir
@Leo Radomir[/URL]
Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded slowly at Ices' words. She barely understood anything except if something wasn't done she'd be stuck like this forever. Before she could say anything, however, Taylor bit Ice on the arm causing Alisa to gasp in shock. Soon enough she transformed back, squirmed out of her arms, and hid behind her. She sighed with relief, glad she was back to normal. "
Ya is glad vy is back to normal. Ya was worried about vy..especially after what Ice said." She told her. Now the only problem was getting clothes to Taylor without moving. She could carry her if she was comfortable with it, she guessed. "Do vy want ya to carry vy upstairs? Or do vy want Ice to bring vy clothes?" She asked her. Of course, there were other ways to do it, but that involved too much thinking.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa nodded slowly at Ices' words. She barely understood anything except if something wasn't done she'd be stuck like this forever. Before she could say anything, however, Taylor bit Ice on the arm causing Alisa to gasp in shock. Soon enough she transformed back, squirmed out of her arms, and hid behind her. She sighed with relief, glad she was back to normal. "
Ya is glad vy is back to normal. Ya was worried about vy..especially after what Ice said." She told her. Now the only problem was getting clothes to Taylor without moving. She could carry her if she was comfortable with it, she guessed. "Do vy want ya to carry vy upstairs? Or do vy want Ice to bring vy clothes?" She asked her. Of course, there were other ways to do it, but that involved too much thinking.
Ice sighed after he was bitten and the wound began to smoke and then not long after healed and then he says" Well looks like the regression has gone for now at least as forgive one's self, you'd be surprised what people say and do to forgive themselves for their sins, i know this all to well because i've been witness to how easy people can forget". Ice paused for a minute or so then says" it's best you go with her after all it's less awkward and so much more".

Ice wasn't angry just annoyed at taylors assumptions about him and then to starting that nonsense about how can i forgive yourself,' your still some what pure i've lost count of the amount of hunters i've killed over the years, and the most annoying this is it was self defense'. ' Ice went into the kitchen and began to wash the blood from the wound into the sink.
Taylor looked at her as she was really embarrassed that she was undressed" ya can carry me" she say as she looked at Alisa" i feel bad for bitting ice I didn't mean to I was angry I can't control my abilities just yet" she say once she was in the room as she got dressed as she thought she saw an hunter
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at her as she was really embarrassed that she was undressed" ya can carry me" she say as she looked at Alisa" i feel bad for bitting ice I didn't mean to I was angry I can't control my abilities just yet" she say once she was in the room as she got dressed as she thought she saw an hunter
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice sighed after he was bitten and the wound began to smoke and then not long after healed and then he says" Well looks like the regression has gone for now at least as forgive one's self, you'd be surprised what people say and do to forgive themselves for their sins, i know this all to well because i've been witness to how easy people can forget". Ice paused for a minute or so then says" it's best you go with her after all it's less awkward and so much more".
Ice wasn't angry just annoyed at taylors assumptions about him and then to starting that nonsense about how can i forgive yourself,' your still some what pure i've lost count of the amount of hunters i've killed over the years, and the most annoying this is it was self defense'. ' Ice went into the kitchen and began to wash the blood from the wound into the sink.

Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded to the both of them before scooping Taylor up and toting her upstairs to her room to collect her clothes. Ice was right, it was probably best she had to avoid anymore awkward moments. It was already awkward enough for the girl to be naked in front of them both anyway. She nodded as she spoke, "
It's fine, ya understands. Vy didn't do it on purpose after all. Ya is sure he isn't mad at vy." She told her. "Don't worry about it. Vy usually won't have to worry about transforming anyway." She added.
Taylor just looked at her as she felt tears down her face" but I hurt him like everyone I cared for my parents I can't control myself when I go in my tiger form I'll kill them the hunters what they did to me" she say scared
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just looked at her as she felt tears down her face" but I hurt him like everyone I cared for my parents I can't control myself when I go in my tiger form I'll kill them the hunters what they did to me" she say scared
Alisa Ann

Alisa sighed and knelt down to her level before bringing her into a hug shaking her head. "
It's okay Taylor..my will help vy with that. Don't worry. We're here for vy now, the hunters will never be able to bother vy again. " She told her. "Ya trusts vy not to hurt us." She added. She felt bad for her, but she knew that it wasn't her fault. She meant everything she said, she cared very much for Taylor. She wouldn't hesitate to help her with anything she needed, and this wasn't any exception.
Taylor just looked at her as she was shocked that she said that" you mean it that means a lot to me I been through a lot you guys make me happy like nothing happened to me" she say as she looked at her in her eyes" I better apologize to ice I feel bad I don't know if I'll hurt you or not my abilities is unexpected I know I have to forgive myself but how" she say sighing she was in alisas hug as she smiled as she just cried on her
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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just looked at her as she was shocked that she said that" you mean it that means a lot to me I been through a lot you guys make me happy like nothing happened to me" she say as she looked at her in her eyes" I better apologize to ice I feel bad I don't know if I'll hurt you or not my abilities is unexpected I know I have to forgive myself but how" she say sighing she was in alisas hug as she smiled as she just cried on her
@Leo Radomir

Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded, "Of course ya means it. Ya wouldn't of said it if ya didn't. Vy is very special to ya even if ya hasn't known vy for long." She assured her. She nodded again when she said she should apologize. "Da. If vy thinks vy should, though ya is sure Ice doesn't blame vy either." She told her. "And ya is sure vy won't hurt us. Ya trusts vy. Like ya said my will teach vy how to control self." She added.
Taylor looked at her as she smiled" how can you teach me self control" she say as she looked up whipping her tears as she looked at them" I can see a bit it's getting a little bit better" she say as she see words on books but didn't know what it said" yeah big sister going to teach me self control I don't want to hurt my family and ice" she say remembering what ice said that he didn't want to be called brother
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at her as she smiled" how can you teach me self control" she say as she looked up whipping her tears as she looked at them" I can see a bit it's getting a little bit better" she say as she see words on books but didn't know what it said" yeah big sister going to teach me self control I don't want to hurt my family and ice" she say remembering what ice said that he didn't want to be called brother
@Leo Radomir

Alisa Ann

Alisa shrugged. How was she going to teach her? She wasn't exactly the smartest person..at all. Guess Ice would teach her and she'd help him and they'd go from there. It was the only thing she could guess. She smiled and continued hugging Taylor as she spoke, she was probably one of the sweetest kids she'd ever met really. "
Ya isn't entirely sure yet. But, my will definetely do our best for vy. And ya is glad vy can see. When vy can see better ya will teach vy had to read if vy wants." She told her. "Come. Let's talk to Ice, see if he has any ideas." She added as she stood, picking her up as she did. With that she carried her back downstairs and into the kitchen where Ice was. "Ice. Taylor and ya have something to ask vy, don't my Taylor?" She told them.
Taylor saw ice in the kitchen as she looked at him" I sorry ice that I bite you I can't control myself when I in my tiger form can you help me learn how to control self please" she asked as she was in Alisa arms as she smiled looking around" hoe can ya teach me how to control self" she say looking at him
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor saw ice in the kitchen as she looked at him" I sorry ice that I bite you I can't control myself when I in my tiger form can you help me learn how to control self please" she asked as she was in Alisa arms as she smiled looking around" how can ya teach me how to control myself" she say looking at him
Ice thinks for a moment then says" I'm not angry about being bitten after all you were never trained to properly handle your powers, as for the training itself, well i think it would be an good idea to start with basic meditation and breathing techniques at first. Depending on how well you handle that say a year then we can move on to something else".
Taylor looked at him as she smiled at them looking around as she understands looking at ice" okay I understand it will help me a lot" she say as she looked at alicia" big sister is awesome thanks for understanding me you guys" she say" I'm happy here" she told them" I feel like I known you guys for a long time I feel like your my famili" she told them smiling
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice thinks for a moment then says" I'm not angry about being bitten after all you were never trained to properly handle your powers, as for the training itself, well i think it would be an good idea to start with basic meditation and breathing techniques at first. Depending on how well you handle that say a year then we can move on to something else".

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at him as she smiled at them looking around as she understands looking at ice" okay I understand it will help me a lot" she say as she looked at alicia" big sister is awesome thanks for understanding me you guys" she say" I'm happy here" she told them" I feel like I known you guys for a long time I feel like your my famili" she told them smiling
Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled as she listened to Ice and Taylor speak, happy Ice actually knew how to help her. She sure didn't, so it was a good thing he did. She smiled and hugged her, bringing Ice into said hug when she mentioned them being a family. "
Da. Ya guess vy is right. Ya feels the same way, to be honest." She told her. "Ya told vy Ice could help. Ya wish ya could of herself..but ya wasn't entirely sure how." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa smiled as she listened to Ice and Taylor speak, happy Ice actually knew how to help her. She sure didn't, so it was a good thing he did. She smiled and hugged her, bringing Ice into said hug when she mentioned them being a family. "
Da. Ya guess vy is right. Ya feels the same way, to be honest." She told her. "Ya told vy Ice could help. Ya wish ya could of herself..but ya wasn't entirely sure how." She added.
Ice laughed for a moment then says" the idea of being family can't say i hate it but the age gaps well you know", well if that's to be when i come home from work does that mean i get a kiss like couples do or are you going to slap or push me away because i'm to much man to handle". Ice playfully winks as he says this, then gently flicks tay's head and then grins widely and waits to see how they both react.
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Taylor just hold her head as she got flicked on her head" owie" she laughed as she looked at them as she smiled at what they say" ice I can see a little better now I can see what you guys look like and letters even though I don't know what they say Alicia said she teach me how to read" she told him smiling the doctor who fixed her eyes was giving her therapy the snake zodiac Taylor thought of her nice
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice laughed for a moment then says" the idea of being family can't say i hate it but the age gaps well you know", well if that's to be when i come home from work does that mean i get a kiss like couples do or are you going to slap or push me away because i'm to much man to handle". Ice playfully winks as he says this, then gently flicks tay's head and then grins widely and waits to see how they both react.

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just hold her head as she got flicked on her head" owie" she laughed as she looked at them as she smiled at what they say" ice I can see a little better now I can see what you guys look like and letters even though I don't know what they say Alicia said she teach me how to read" she told him smiling the doctor who fixed her eyes was giving her therapy the snake zodiac Taylor thought of her nice
Alisa Ann

Alisa frowned at Ices' words. She didn't exactly mean it that way, at all. Sighing she shook her head, "Vy knows ya didn't mean it like that Ice." She replied simply. She smiled as Taylor told Ice about her being able to see better. She was happy for her, and glad that Ice had taken her to get the surgery. The girl deserved a normal life, and getting her eyesight back was the beginning of it.

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