from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


"Not me?" I repeated, frowning a little. "Then who?" I know he'd said to stop psychoanalyzing, but it was a person bothering him, and I wanted to know who.

I didn't like this. When he stood, I stood with him, defensively but not moving away from my chair just yet. Laurence? Did they knew each other? They obviously weren't friends.

((He's just randomly made up, I think. No bio)) 
((Well, layla killed a nurse, which freaked out Nico, so him and Cyrus went and got drunk lol Then right now they're on a date and some old hated person from Cyrus' life is supposed to crash it))
(We just made it him up to keep me busy because my Charrie is useless without someone to rp with ))


I laughed.

"God. How low can you go?! You couldn't find a girl that loved you, so you got another guy!?" I smirked.


I carried a Styrofoam tray with a Styrofoam bowl of oatmeal and a Styrofoam cup of water. Everything is Styrofoam. Well except the plastic spoon. My feet were silent in their shoes, as I walked down the empty hallways. It was actually slightly eerie.

I laughed.

"God. How low can you go?! You couldn't find a girl that loved you, so you got another guy!?" I smirked.


I just sat, talking to Robbie. We both stank, and we were both covered in blood.
Nala, do you wanna make it rec time?


I opened the door, and retched my nose. That smell! I looked and saw Layla and her stuffed bunny covered and blood. Plus, you could practically see the stench waft off of them.

"Have you not showered yet?" I tried my best to remain calm as I held the tray in my hands.

I paced the food at the door.

"Either take the food now, or forever hold your hunger." I said, sternly. To her, I couldn't be sweet Katie, I had to be mean, glare at your 24/7 Katie.

"I'm giving you 10 seconds to tell me you want it." I held up 10 fingers, and started to count down.

(Is she in a straight jacket?)
(No, but I think we planned that she would soon be put in one.))


I looked at her, whimpering...

Should I take it or not..?! I looked at Robbie, not knowing what to do.
(Sorry, my alerts weren't working)

"Shut up, laurence. And yea, If it is any of your buislness, witch it is NOT, nico is my boyfriend, and yes, I am gay, got anything else to say before you leave?!"

"I gave her the tray. I'll be back in 20. By then you have to be prepared to bathe. No one will hurt you in it. I promise. You have to trust us, Layla. Or you'll go around smelling bad, and no one will talk to you and then you'll never be able to get outta this place." I told her, with a raise of my eyebrows. I then left her room, locking the door behind me in the proccess.

(G2G. going to the movies.! :) )

"IM NOT SHOWERING!!" I screamed after her. I didn't care if no one would talk to me.... I sighed, looking at the food.... Ewwww... 

I watched as he came closer.

"What you gonna do?! B**** slap me to death?!" I laughed.

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